Beasts of Beyond
MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE [o, ghostly visit] - Printable Version

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MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE [o, ghostly visit] - Owlie - 04-03-2018

Anakin hadn’t quite decided what to do with himself yet. He had the ability to pass between this world and the.... he didn’t quite know what to call it. It was kind of where he and the other Force Ghosts resided when they were not here. A sort of.... other world.

Whatever. Pocket Demension.
Anakin thought this area was pretty, at least. A waning gibbous moon hung above, giving little light to the world. Anakin let himself be seen, his body radiating blue light and batheing everything near him. The lion’s figure moved, standing at the edge of the star pool.

The Chosen One. Anakin looked down, noting the absence of his own reflection, just blue light. He snorted, shutting his eyes for a moment.
Born of Virgin Birth. Suppose to bring Balance to the Force. Anakin chuckled, stepping onto the water and walking across it.

Re: MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE [o, ghostly visit] - BASTILLEPAW - 04-04-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
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Bastille had started to go on night patrols recently. It wasn't like he was getting a whole lot of sleep anyway, with the constant cycle of headaches and restlessness, the ringing of his souls vying for control. He had tired of exploring the Observatory and had taken to walking the borders and territory at night, hoping the additional exercise might actually make a difference. (It didn't.)

He was out that night when he noticed the foreign aura, and after a moment Bast headed idly in its direction. As he drew closer, the rippling along the edges of the aura and the faint light that was shining from the stranger clued him in on the fact that this was a spirit of some form. Bast didn't seem concerned, but rather simply stood by and watched for a moment before drawling idly, "What brings you to Ascendants territory?"

Re: MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE [o, ghostly visit] - Character Graveyard. - 04-05-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna preferred to patrol during the day and she attempted to sleep during the night, despite her nightmares. So she just went on late-night strolls- mainly to The Canopy and the Trickling Falls. Both were beautiful sights and Luna enjoyed the scenery.

This time, she had decided to visit the Pebble Coast and it seemed a ghostly figure, along with Bastillepaw were near. So she decided to approach the both of them. "Lunafreya." The female said, nodding her head in greeting to Anakin.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE [o, ghostly visit] - Roy Mustang - 04-06-2018

Roy couldn't keep his eyes closed, not with all of these thoughts and recent experiences running wild through his head. It was a lot to take in- it's not everyday someone gets involved in a freak accident involving alchemy that not changes your species and location. He was still trying to wrap his head around all of this, he couldn't possibly keep his eyes shut and he knew he didn't want to stare at the ceiling of his new, private chambers. So the male decided to take a small, quick walk- he assumed this could get those thoughts off of his mind for a bit, but not permanently. Without a doubt, he knew a simple walk wasn't going to make his thoughts and concerns vanish like they were never a problem. They'll always be there, at the back of his head.

The sumatran tiger cautiously made his way through the territory, rather close to the starpool. Meaning he was in the middle of the territory, from what he can remember. He had planned padding past the starpool without a problem, but something grabbed his attention. It wasn't his two clanmates speaking up and talking, instead a glowing figure that was in the starpool. He could see the blue light, the tiger's eyes narrowing with suspicion as his paws padded in the direction of the strange blue light. When he finally made it over, his green eyes landed onto the lion in the water, who seemed to be glowing. Unlike his two clanmates, Roy felt suspicion- he didn't trust strangers and certainly did not have that friendly atmosphere as others appeared to have. Mustang could only wonder how someone like this lion managed to get so far into the Ascendants territory, and so unnoticed as well. Perhaps the border for Ascendants hasn't been patrolled lately, it wasn't good if it was this easy for someone to sneak past the border and seemingly decide to take a swim in the starpool. "Why does anyone not seem concerned that he is glowing blue?" The confident male questioned, raising an invisible eyebrow as his tail slowly swished behind him. He didn't bother to introduce himself like his clanmate Lunafreya did, he did not know who this lion was, meaning there is no kind of trust there for them. "And how did he manage to get this far in while going unnoticed?" He questioned, with a small frown- assuming that Anakin was just discovered in their territory, and probably not earlier.