Beasts of Beyond
EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES — MEETING 08.19 - Printable Version

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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently married. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher didn’t want to get up despite his tendency to be an early riser, quick to clutch the sunrise’s first rays with the opportunities that the day had to offer. It was something he enjoyed and found comfort in, being able to do things without struggling when procrastination decided to get the best of him. The male would become frustrated and irksome, snappy to the point that he was behind on his plans that also affected the Typhoon. He had to this. He had to do that. There was an entire schedule that he would set up to make sure everything would go according to plan but something he didn’t expect was suddenly feeling his immune system collapse into itself, his chest heaving as he felt coughs erupt from his throat as he stumbled out of his bed. As he did so, intense shivers began to roll down his spine, marching the feeling of nausea down his entire body as Pincher let out a croaky groan. He slowly pressed himself against the bed’s carved frame, his tattooed shoulder pressing softly against the wood to steady himself. ”What the fuck is wrong with me…?” He rumbled softly, eyelids fluttering as he felt a sickness that was a rarity to him.

His health was usually decent despite all the smoking and drinking he had on the daily (although now that he was immortal, it didn't really matter). He exercised and made sure to at least eat decently despite his lack of appetite ever since returning from the watery grave that was the bottom of the sea. Did he even have to eat? Not really, he was technically just a soul clinging to a corpse body that he had decided to retain or well was forced into. Just the memory that he was not technically alive caused the sickness he felt inside him to worsen and he raised a shaking paw to the side of his head, the tips of his claws digging into them as he felt his body temperature peak to a heated zone that it made his vision blur. He blinked for a few seconds before finally stepping away and scrambling to his desk to check the papers that were filled with scribbled notes on the meeting. Was he even able to retain everything? He swallowed dryly before glancing over towards the window to notice the sun had risen and it was time for him to do the daily meeting. Well fuck. His dry tongue drew over his lips before the male forced himself out into the broad sunshine with his ears pinned against his skull as he stalked towards the cave that would lead to the meeting. Part of him didn't want to go into the dome because just the sight of the sea caused something disgusting to rise in his throat as if something wanted to crawl out of his body. But Pincher had duties and he quickly makes the motion to signal the conch sound to blare into the air, a signal that many knew as being the meeting alarm.

His upper lip curled as he felt his tongue salivate a nasty green liquid, the corners of his lips traced with it once he entered through the aquarium tunnel, his gaze briefly fluttering towards the sharks that edged the glass before entering the dome, slightly stumbling as he felt another powerful wave of nausea shake through him. Biting down onto his lip, the cinder gray male crawled onto the throne with his half-lidded glazed oceanic blue gaze locked onto the ground. He heard the footsteps of his crew arrive and his left ink black ear twitched before he drawled out a meek "Meeting time, fuckers..." He forced his aching head to rise up, gaze fluttering around as he began. "We got some new faces among our crew that everyone best be friendly with unless you want to get flayed. Welcome Nisha, Beck, Aineias, Freyr, Miamihorror, Sango, and Marigold. Desperado has decided to return to us as well, welcome back. H-Hope you get settled in well." Pincher gave a lazy nod before letting out a small sneeze escape his aching lungs, slightly shaking shoulder blades pressing against each other in support.

Fuck, he hated looking weak in any sort of situations especially in front of his crew. He needed to be strong and a good representation of what a captain should be but the temptation to just hurl was itching at the back of his throat as he inhaled a shaky breath before continuing. "Everyone has been doing incredibly well b-but there's been some lack of contribution in some of my high positions. Cronas and Keona both recieve a warning. Beatrice and Roxanne had decided to s-step down so I thank them for everything they had contributed to us while they worked." Pincher was hardly paying attention to what he was saying as his mind tried to stick to what he had read in his meeting papers, thoughts glazed with the desire to just curl up and sleep. "Shoutouts to Goldie, Rosemary, Fischer, Aita, Kirishima, Caesar, Vandal, Papercutter, Captainpaw, and Cleo. Keep it up guys." What was next? Promotions? Right, right. He glanced over towards the cups that were filled with the bitter green kava tea and he pushed the cups forward while rumbling "I've decided to promote Bakugou, Lucifer, Snare to Privateers due to their outstanding contribution and focus. I-I have also decided to promote Sylvina and Marcellus to Strikers for they have shown dedication in being around." Pincher waited for the promoted to be given moments of praise as well as time for them to take their drinks before moving onto the rest of the meeting. He was doing well enough even though he felt another march of shivers dance down his spine as he straightened his drained form.

"For this week, Rosemary is giving out weekly tasks for anyone that is i-interested or is ready to quit being a lazy fuck, you do you. The sparring competition between the Typhoon and Rosebloods is still happening but I will be starting to pair up members today..." The breath of Pincher hitched as a coughing fit briefly took over him, his burning temperature not lowering but feeling as if he was being boiled alive, slowly simmering in the fever that was wrapped around him. "Goldie is s-still holding the kite event for anyone that wants to make one and also I would like t-to make an announcement that we will begin to have monthly bonfires on the first day of the month now for joiners to make their charm bracelets starting next month." He had been meaning to change that for a while and believed it was more useful for members that needed to know more of the ropes of being a crewmate in the Typhoon. He believed he had gone over everything as relief flickered in his empty aching chest as he closed his eyes briefly, his glowing tattoos flickering weakly before he opened them up, glazed optics narrowing as he rasped "M-Meeting is over w-with..." Usually he would offer questions and comments to be thrown at him but he needed to hide his embarrassing weakened figure as the male sulked away, long tail dragging softly against the ground as he wanted to just head back to his bed and try to ignore the pain that was overtaking him. Except it wasn't a simple fever trying to take over him.

Welcome joiners + returning members, glad that you decided to join us and I hope you like it here! <3
[member=2029]NISHA[/member] / [member=67]beck.[/member] / [member=1893]AINEIAS[/member] / [member=1875]FREYR O.[/member] / [member=1427]MIAMIHORROR[/member] / [member=1919]SANGO[/member] / [member=2021]mantisheart[/member]  / [member=1732]DESPERADO[/member]
Warning goes to [member=885]cronas[/member] & [member=265]Keona.[/member]
Roxanne and Beatrice have decided to step down but thank you for all the contribution you have put out!
Shoutouts to [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] / [member=1130]rosemary roux[/member] / [member=1371]FISCHER.[/member] / [member=1504]Aita[/member] / [member=1530]Kirishima[/member] / [member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] / [member=1498]VANDAL R.[/member] / [member=83]Papercutter[/member] / [member=1599]CAPTAINJACK ![/member] / [member=1667]Cleo[/member] R. C. , keep it up guys!
[member=1637]bakugou[/member] / [member=232]LUCIFER GRIMM.[/member] / [member=1796]snare[/member] are promoted to Privateers! Congratulations!!
[member=1489]MARCELLUS[/member] / [member=1434]SYLVINA[/member] are promoted to Strikers! Congratulations!!
Starting September, the monthly bonfire will begin in the first day and will be used for joiners to make their charm bracelets and have any of their questions answered about the typhoon!
Despite school starting for some, everyone has been super awesome in contributing and remaining active and I just wanna say thank you so much for everyhing!! You guys are the best!! <3


[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; margin-top: -8px; padding-right: 8px; font-family: verdana;"][size=8pt]( thank you so much! )

For someone who was rarely a fan of social interaction she quite enjoyed attending the meetings that her father held for the Typhoon. It was comforting to see her crewmates gathered — seeing the majority provided the young minnow with a sense of comfort and pride knowing she was apart of something so strong.

The Bengal would take her spot towards the front of her crewmates, viridescent optics focused on Pincher. She managed to only turn around and tell some other NPC kiddo to shut up once, which was a record for all the meetings she haf attended. Sylvina was all ears for her father’s words and most definitely wasn’t going to strain for the sake of some other kit yapping about their day.

The first thing she’s notice was the state that their Captain was in. The way he sauntered to his throne as well as the meekness in his voice; it all led to Sylvina wondering if he had caught some sort of cold. She’d make a mental note to inquire about it to her father later on. For now, she’d listen intently as he spoke of group matters before perking her rather large ears as he announced her name.

A Striker? That was ... amazing! With a rare smile playing at her lips, Sylvina couldn’t help but picture herself in the future, befoming a member of the Grim Rays and defending the island as best she could. Life was coming together quite well so far.

Re: EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES — MEETING 08.19 - snare - 08-20-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon striker argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]His name!  His name!  And now he was an actual high position!  Snare would be the next Typhooner to excitedly run up to the scene, looking at Pincher even as he stumbled off the scene.  His pale eyes flashed with brief concern for the leader before he finally processed his new position.  He was important, and was recognized as such!  ”Thank you!”  The puppy would yip happily, his tail wagging like crazy.  ”And congratulations to everybody else!”

(im super tired so this can’t be longer but thank you and congrats!!!!)

Re: EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES — MEETING 08.19 - no more - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]With time each had begun to grow into their own unique individual, bonded by the blood shared in common and yet separated by paths which deviated from one another, widening the distance between each sister. Here it seemed no different for Aita was not one to enjoy crowds, rather the press of bodes about her, the murmur of sound filling her head and leaving it to buzz as thought static had become lodged within and refused to budge, none of it offered comfort. Yet it seemed remiss of her to miss a second meeting in a row and so forced herself to come to this, doing her best to ignore the low chatter before the voices died.

All too clear was the state Pincher was within, lethargic as though sick and his vocal range had dipped to a point she had never heard, soft in a way she thought it incapable. Brief was the worry which rose before she put aside a mental note to check on him, maybe see if some cold remedies might help for the days had grown a tad colder, though not to the degree the world beyond the island surely was by this point. For a time she focused entirely upon that before names were called, two in particular catching her attention.

Though Aita was pleased to hear her own, she had been doing her best as the number of their team dwindled with time, a swell of joy rose in her chest when Cleo was called, a shoutout but still something to be happy about. And then there was Sylvina. A gulf had grown there, something she sought to patch up but seemed unable to do so, and it was with hesitance she moved closer to her dark sister, leaning in to gently bump her shoulder with her head. “Congrats Syl.”

Re: EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES — MEETING 08.19 - Grey - 08-20-2018

He remembers hearing that an owner will often come to resemble their dog. The two bond so well that their lives become intertwined, two figments bound together through the face, a mystified aura of togetherness. There is no particular reason as to why an uncanny resemblance will begin to occur but some hypothesize that it is through the adoption of mannerisms, similar perceptions and perhaps even appetites. Normally, such an idea doesn't linger in Bakugou's mind but it seems that, at this very moment, the memories are awoken. The strings of these time fragments are drawn to him through hefty pulls against his will, scraping them along his neurons and bringing him intensely aware of them. He doesn't question why though for he has already made the connection. The state of a leader often reflected the state of a Clan. Many would try convince him that it was the bulk of the Clan who made the foundation but Bakugou believes that it is through the captain that The Typhoon persists.

Sickness often spread in unusual ways. Though others may not physically catch onto the exterior sufferings of the captain, the ragdoll was still immensely cautious of coming anywhere near Pincher when he notices the faltering strength of the male's voice. There's a sense of dissonance that ponders the air, slinking like a coral snake. He's not worried about contamination. His body heat is often too high for him to become ill, but he is suddenly worried about the stability of The Typhoon. Although he knows to put trust in their second-in-command, Pincher always seemed to be looked upon a pedestal, the face of the pirates. The further the meeting goes on, the more intense Bakugou's discomfort. He's beginning to hate this gnawing feeling. He feels tireless and irritated from the lack of comments or murmurs around him of anyone. No one seems to want to address the state that their captain is in. He feels his blood begin to boil in frustration and his paws begin to fiddle dangerously, unsheathed and almost burning to his own skin.

Once again, he doesn't manage to muster any sympathy for the ones demoted or receiving warnings. Those who he hasn't met or come to know have little impact on Bakugou's life. He sees no point in wasting his time moping over those who don't exist within his cognitive reality. At Kirishima's shout out, his ears noticeable perk when he scans the crowd for his friend, unable to see him and clenching his teeth. He's glad his friend has been acknowledged and begins to realise just how far he's managed to get without him, adding yet another thing for the male to silently stress about in the background. Bakugou may not seem like it, but he does in fact care a lot. It is the very fact that he gets angry that shows he cares too much. His dreams are big and ambitious, his perception of the world must coincide with what he believes to be perfect. It was for those reasons that he felt so unhappy, so threatened when it seemed as if he could lose something at any moment. To lose was to fail and to fail may mean that he will never be able to try again. He was, in fact, a child of fear. He works hard because he has both too much and too little to lose.

When his name is called out to be promoted to privateer, he doesn't feel particularly happy. He is glad to be climbing the ranks, glad that his contributions have been worth it but his thoughts still remain with Pincher's current health. The words which struggled to squeeze past the captain's vocals were beginning to hammer down on him. He doesn't need to see his reflection to know how his fur has begun bristling, a strange aggression sitting at the tips of his hairs. And at the end of the meeting, he couldn't contain himself. He was possessed by a desire to act. "None of you are going to fuckin' address the fact that Pincher sounds like a dyin' fish?" the ragdoll roars, louder than he originally thought he'd sound. He doesn't let it stop him. "No 'get well soon' or 'don't push yourself'?" He tosses a glare to Pincher. The captain was certainly not excused from Bakugou's vexation when he snaps at him as well: "Go to fuckin' bed, mush-brain." He hates it when others one-up him in dedication - dedication being that Pincher even dared to host a meeting in that state.

Re: EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES — MEETING 08.19 - no more - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]“Don' ya tink fer one fuckin second I don' care,” there is no heat within words spoken through lips curled into a snarl, rather it is a chill beneath each syllable, spoken within a hush partly scraping past the cage of clenched teeth. It is hard to speak words of care when the one to whom she attempted to give them held little for her, who seemed so prepared to push her aside and ignore her until she held a use, replaced with no thought to what turmoil would touch one so young. Cold was the heat which curled within her stomach, an anger she held no experience within and vague was her terror towards such a feeling, yet to stop it seemed an idiotic move, stifling it surely only to lead to something worse later down the line.

There is an urge within her, a wanton desire to express each emotion she has left bottled deep within her, admit every thought which twisted about her skull, scraped nails along its interior until it seemed branded into each line of thought. But what words are there for one so young, who held so basic a structure of thought even she could make no sense of the things which cast doubt over a heart grown wary, seeking to understand yet coming up empty handed each time. Buried is each shred of pain, every moment she had been scorned – or at least what she had deemed as such for what good is the mind of a child beyond crafting tales – buried beneath pride.

Within her chest she can feel it, the thrum of each beat of a heart grown too fast, a beat which seemed to race, the paw which rose shaking slightly. Why had she spoken, allowed her anger to get to her within this place where all might see her, let the words of someone she held no care for provoke a response. Because she was angry, tired, and so, so scared. She was a little girl clinging to the only parent she had, a man who seemed half a stranger, made of cigar smoke and false smiles, uttering promises of something more, yet giving only fragments for it was all he could offer, diverging from his work only briefly. Pincher did his best with what he could, something with her knew that, sought to clutch at the thought and hold it tight, but it was sand between the fingers, slipping away all too quickly.

“O cors' I care,” I just don't have the words to say how much. Silence. Her voice trailed into silence and there were tears within a dark gaze as it was turned over her shoulder, touching upon Bakugou, seeing only him, yet the set to the mouth, the curl of lips to expose teeth in what might only be deemed a snarl of anger, it spoke a different story. She cared, nothing might ever change the fact she felt love for the man she called Captain and father, but to extend that to this moment, when she felt so alone, adrift in a world uncaring to her, it was hard to admit she felt anything at all when it seemed only fleeting moments, touches when her heart grew soft.

Would this feeling fade, her heart grow into stone towards him, until she was alone, too stubborn to swallow her pride?

Shuddering breath was drawn through her teeth, exhaled in a bitter laugh. “Ain ma fault he is a fuckin moron who ain' gonna listen.” It did not matter how many things she or any of the team told him, warnings of things to come if he didn't rest, he could keep going as he was prone to do, a man made for action not the ideal. There was nothing within Pincher which spoke of one willing to wait, allow his body time to heal, all too evident by his actions now, taking charge where another might take his place. It was the type of person he was and she could not fault him such for she was the same.


Caesar wasn’t an early riser by any means but he definitely didn’t sleep - didn’t feel he needed to honestly. Which was his own damn fault whenever his body decided to shut down on him and just pass the fuck out when its had enough, but he didn’t care.

Caesar followed everybody else at Pincher’s call, his invisible eyebrows raising at the state in which the Captain was in. Last night he looked his rough in front of the clan was right before he died. Why the Captain even bothered leading in such a state, he didn’t know anymore.

Caesar heard the announcements of course, but as per usual, the demon said nothing.

//mobile + congrats to those promoted/got a shoutout!

Re: EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES — MEETING 08.19 - Luciferr - 08-20-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
Lucifer was trouled by the state of their captain and the worried glint in that silverine eye spoke volumes about what he thought on that - Pincher should be resting even immortals got sick and he didn't like to think of any other deadly ways that could play out especially not with Pinch and kids both here and on the way.

but the dragon stayed quiet - content to maybe corner and ask pincher about it later, in front of less witnesses - as it was he inclined his head "Thank you and congratulations my friends"



[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt;"]Nisha was there in a quiet albeit tired tracking post for now.

Re: EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES — MEETING 08.19 - CLEO R. C. - 08-20-2018

As she was summoned to another meeting - her second, to be precise - Cleo could not help but notice the rough state her father appeared to be in. She looked upon him with the want to feel some semblance of worry, but would frown as the only emotion that surged to meet her was anger. Her rage had been insatiable as of late, a burning fire that ignited within her veins and prevented her from even entertaining the thought of forgiveness. The only one seemingly safe from her wrath was Aita, her sister entirely not at fault given the fact that they had suffered through that situation together. Eshe refused to permit bygones to be bygones and molded Cleo into the enraged child she was today because of it, not ceasing in her efforts to permanently corrupt the undersized bengal completely without her knowing.

She refused to say a word because of all of this, a metaphorical brow merely rising as she took a seat besides Aita. Cleo knew that she had received a shoutout but dared not thank her father for recognizing her more frequent appearances. It was nice to be noticed but the damage had already been done.