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BAD ROMANCE && weekly tasks [8/19-25] - Printable Version

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BAD ROMANCE && weekly tasks [8/19-25] - miss ririchiyo - 08-19-2018

coma baby
Persephone walked forward, cracking her neck slightly as she sat down. Her voice raised to a high pitch as she announced the weekly tasks.
"Alright guys, Weekly Tasks are in! Come and get them!"
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Re: BAD ROMANCE && weekly tasks [8/19-25] - buckingham barnes - 08-20-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Buckingham was the first one to pad over, making his way with gentle, soft paws. The maine coon's light blue gaze landed on Persephone, who Bucky has only interacted with through their guild meeting. Bucky wasn't entirely sure what the female was like, and it made him wonder what kind of tasks she'd think of. Noticing he was the first one to arrive, the male kept his attention solely on her, and not on anyone else who may pad in after him. "I'll take a task," He meowed, his ear flicking as he waited for her to assign him a task.

Re: BAD ROMANCE && weekly tasks [8/19-25] - miss ririchiyo - 08-20-2018

coma baby
Bucky had earned the goddesses affectons already, just from the way he spoke, to the way he looked, to how he behaved. She knew it wasn't right to judge a book by their cover, but she did often. Oops.
"Alrighty Bucky! Why don't you host some sort of competition? Like a ring fight, or a paw wrestling match.. Or a marathon? Anything, as long it's a competition."
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Re: BAD ROMANCE && weekly tasks [8/19-25] - axiom - 08-20-2018

© lexasperated
"Give me one," the tigress asked, though her tone made her sentence sound more like an order than anything else.

[ quick post ]

Re: BAD ROMANCE && weekly tasks [8/19-25] - miss ririchiyo - 08-20-2018

coma baby
"Well hey there! How about.. You give someone a piercing, or.. You get one yourself! If that doesn't work, how about you host an event that correlates with a talent you have?"

//if neither of these work, please tell me!
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Re: BAD ROMANCE && weekly tasks [8/19-25] - Ilijas - 08-20-2018

ilijas arthur valentine
reckless wanderer | noble stag
Ilijas, quite frankly, didn't know what a weekly task was. He supposed that this whole 'living in a group' thing had far more complexities than he originally had been made aware of which was fine... just confusing. At least it wasn't difficult to figure out that he could get one if he just asked.

[color=gray]"Yeah, I'll take a task," He'd confirm as he padded towards Persephone, a sideways glance being shot in Quantum's direction. Giving someone a piercing? That was a little... wild. He hoped his was a bit more down to earth.
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]

Re: BAD ROMANCE && weekly tasks [8/19-25] - jericho - 08-20-2018

Jericho doesn't recall the last time he's done a weekly task.  Never in Sunhaven, anyways — he's been too busy lately just being leader to even consider picking up something extra to get done.  He's not sure what's changed between this week and the last; to be honest, he doesn't think that anything's really changed at all.  But this time when he hears the Sunbearer's voice his ears lift and his curiosity piques and after a moment's contemplative pause the ginger-furred Helion finds himself making his way over.  The boardwalk is warmed by the sun beneath his paws, each step gentle despite his lopsided three-legged gait.  He nevertheless comes to hover nearby just after Ilijas, lowering himself to sit to more comfortably distribute his weight.  Jericho thinks that it'd be nice to have something to do out of the ordinary, or outside of what he has to do.  A much-needed change of pace.  "Ah, I'll take one," the feline, his pelt bathed in the sun's golden rays, speaks up politely.  He's not sure what sort of task Persephone might assign him, but he decides silently that he'll try his best regardless.

Re: BAD ROMANCE && weekly tasks [8/19-25] - miss ririchiyo - 08-20-2018

coma baby
Persephone perked up at the sight of Ilijas, a smile lighting up her features. This dude was pretty mellow, maybe she should take it easy with him.
"How about you hold a picnic or something? You could go to some of the new stands and buy something from each one of them." She offered, tilting her head to the side.

Then, the sight of a handsome orange and white feline walked over, and Persephone smiled towards him, despite knowing that he couldn't see such things. "Hiya, Jericho. How about you hold an herb hunt? Basically, you have a member be blindfolded, sniff an herb, and then you hide that exact herb somewhere. The clanmember has to find it with only their sense of smell." She woofed, sitting up straight. Maybe this could give everyone a perspective on what it's like being blind?

//please tell me if you want yours changed!
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Re: BAD ROMANCE && weekly tasks [8/19-25] - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-21-2018

Persephone, although Gordon didn’t know her by name, definitely seemed like a much better change in pace when compared to Quantum, when she gave out Weekly Tasks. Quantum was huge (although that wasn’t new, due to Gordon’s small size) and intimidating; Persephone, on the other hand, was not.

Still, that didn’t mean Gordon wasn’t cautiously approaching the other female. ”C-can I have one?” She squeaked out, blinking up at Persephone.

i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: BAD ROMANCE && weekly tasks [8/19-25] - PIERCE - 08-21-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Last week's weekly task had been fun- Pierce was still a little worried that Jericho didn't actually like the crown he'd made for him, but he cast the concerns aside, reminding himself that if someone had made something for him he would be happy with it, and since Jeri was a pretty nice guy, he probably wasn't upset with it. Besides, that wasn't something to worry about now- that'd been almost a week ago. Approaching shortly after Gordon, Pierce offered the young canine in charge of the tasks a warm smile, his tail curling around his back leg as he waited for an opening to utter, "May I get one, too?" The sun was warm upon his dappled coat as he stood before the little girl, patiently awaiting his task. Hopefully, it wouldn't be anything too crazy, but he kind of doubted it.
