Beasts of Beyond
plots with bodysuit cat boy? - Printable Version

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plots with bodysuit cat boy? - miss ririchiyo - 08-19-2018

18 Y/O

throw those plots at me

i'm up for anything

romance, flirts, fights, drama, angst, injuries, idc.

just no death. please.

Re: plots with bodysuit cat boy? - tezuka - 08-24-2018

rialto wants to like, pull adrien's ears just once . Just Once he wants to know if they're Real. ok thats a white lie. he just wants to feel them.

(i also have to bring this up) rialto's probably just used to seeing weirder things than cat boys in skintight suits so Normally he wouldn't comment on chat's decisions but also can anyone stop him from like, trying to pinch a bit of the suit to see if it snaps back?? well, unfortunately....

rialto has a soft spot for heroes, which means he might have an unconscious preference for speaking to adrien because he doesn't think that good people really exist so any small notion of goodness is rather surprising to him! and just a bit endearing, though he doesn't have a lot of expectations for these 'good people' to stay that way b/c truly this bitch of an earth breaks us All.

it'll be fun to see how his interactions with adrien and chat contrast!! and maybe there could be them learning from one another about interesting things like Morality and the works. he wouldn't be softening his words around adrien but chat would probably be more able to throw some of rialto's Spicy banter right back sdfj Fun Times in san creado!!

Re: plots with bodysuit cat boy? - miss ririchiyo - 08-24-2018

Abso-fucking-lutely!!! Chat is the more sassy, confident personality out of the two, so he could definitely clap back. He's also the more flirty one.

Meanwhile, Adrien is the more quiet, to-himself personality who thinks more of reality than imagination. He's also hella clumsy.

Re: plots with bodysuit cat boy? - tezuka - 08-28-2018

OH YES they're both my children and im weepin. they're both really endearing id love for rialto to get the opportunity to speak with both of them at some point!! rialto'll act like a bully and YET catch him petting chat as a panther RLY SOFTLY