Beasts of Beyond
HERE WE GO AGAIN [&] prompt - Printable Version

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HERE WE GO AGAIN [&] prompt - EXODUS-- - 08-19-2018

♦ -- Typhooners are unorthodox. They are not like her or any of her family. Aliens, they are, within her eyes. They speak of freign tongue and they don't look like any prey she's ever seen. They are wreathed in color and live and horns and spikes and wings and hooves.

And their eyes glimmer with an intelligence and awareness that she does not like.

Exodus has lived around them long enough to grow used to their presence; and the youth believes she knows what they are capable of. She has seen arcs of inhumanely hot white fire. Bright, and controlled into unnatural crackling arcs. She has seen these creatures pull forth the very essence of water from the shores; controlling undulating liquid with ease. She's seen fire; animal-made, spring forth from another's paws.

And something unknown, something ugly roils within her. She is infinitely jealous of what they are capable of. Of what they have.

Jealousy is not an unknown feeling, but it is unwelcome nonetheless.

But she does not fear them. As pampered as she was, shielded from the worst and covered by Lucifer's powerful wings. She's only been allowed to live, unharmed thus far because of their protection.

And it is because of this that she, Exodus, believes within her tiny little heart, that she and her siblings are untouchable.


It isn't the ever burning curiosity that leads her to infiltrate one of the huts amongst barracuda's bay. Not this time.

A certain numbness fills her chest-- the type of numb that makes foolish creatures brave and uncaring of the consequences. This crazy, irrational boldness settles deep within her chest, tugs at her heart and tries on her little body for size, grabbing hold of her limbs until it decides that it is the right fit.

It urges her on.


The hut has a door, but it is pathetically flimsy against Exo's determination, and she swings it open with ease. A couple of battering rams that shake the door's loose frame like an earth trembling before an earthquake, and it's open.

She steels herself, not because of what she's about to do, but because of the wonders that lay ahead of her. Claws sink comfortingly into the grainy sand below, nostrils flexing to inhale the strange and musky air, gluttonously soaking in the scents. A satisfied purr rumbles past her lips, spilling from between ivory teeth and cracked, roughened lips. The Typhooners are careless in the management of their nests. It's a wonder how they've managed to last so long.

Slinking inside the hut with the subtlety of a cat on the prowl and as pleased as cream, Exodus allows her gaze to roam over the unfamiliar nest. She has never been inside a hut before, and this new, unexplored territory delivers a buzz to her veins. To her, every undiscovered area is just unconquered dominion; her's for the taking.

The hut is sparsely decorated, but each object interests her nonetheless. The child noses at a rumpled blanket crumpled upon the dusty floor. She sneezes ungracefully.
There is more; a few choice, homey items that she ghosts over. A pot full of plants, which she takes the liberty to chew upon. A desk and a stool, which she mounts with ease, bunching the muscles in her legs and leaping upon the seat with silent enthusiasm. Her claws barely make a sound against the mahogany coating.

Feral eyes rest upon a trinket of intriguing origin. A necklace adorned with beads and sparkling gems that grab her attention from the get gom she carefully chews it, teeth cracking against the ornament before she decides it is far more essential as a trophy than a biting post.

Exodus secures it in her jaws, turns carefully and makes her way towards the door.

She registers a shadow looming by the open entry, casting a shadow against the floor where light sleeps.

They pause, standing and staring each other down. The Typhooner's gaze more wary than the other. Tense.

Exodus is not afraid. She does not falter or nervously fidget her body, nor does she drop her prize. The necklace is hers, and she displays that, lip curled as she makes a dash outside-- speeding under the beast legs and making her way out into the fresh air outside.

Re: HERE WE GO AGAIN [&] prompt - MARCELLUS - 08-19-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
If it was one thing, Marcel was no thief, or at least not yet. Being a pirate meant being able to steal treasures from other groups and of course he would do that, but he wouldn't steal from his own group as he didn't want to be the one to promote distrust among them. If he wanted something so badly he would buy it, not steal it. He would make sure to respect the owner of it well and leave it alone if they weren't interested in parting with it, not sneak into their home while they were away. While he didn't have a strong sense of morals he sure as hell wouldn't want to steal, especially from the wrong person at the wrong time. He wasn't that strong and frankly his limp didn't help him at at. He was weak, vulnerable, and only time and learning how to cope with his limp would help him out here. Messing with the wrong person would eventually take it's toll and probably get him beat up to a bloody pulp which he would love very much to avoid if possible. He already had a broken limp so he didn't need every other bone in his body to be just as broken.

Marcellus had been lying down in his hammock, soaking up the sunlight into his pelt and relaxing as he sunbathed and enjoyed a nice little drink of coconut water on the side. Even though he was sick that didn't mean he couldn't treat himself and thus so he was. The king cheetah flicked his ears at the sound of sand moving softly, his eyes opening to reveal the moving figure of Exodus. Frankly he wasn't too scared of the Utahraptor yet due to her being a child, but he also remembered the time her and her sibling tried to pull a fast one and injure him. He really did not want to imagine them as adults going around biting everyone. The thought gave him a small shiver as he got out of his hammock and his paws hit the ground, watching Exodus walk down the bay. Curiosity took over him and he began to follow the small bird-like dinosaur, being as quiet as he could possibly manage and suppressing his coughs to not give away his position. Upon watching Exodus going inside a shack, one that was obviously in use, the male quickly hid beside it.

The king cheetah waited for the baby Utahraptor to come out, watching her make her way out with a necklace in her jaws and ever so quickly it clicked for the king cheetah that she had just stole something from someone in the Typhoon. Marcellus got to his full height on his paws and moved in front of Exodus to look down at her. He knew that she wouldn't understand him but he would try anyways, the grim expression on his face giving away just as much as he needed to be given away. "Now that's not very nice. It's not yours." He'd coo, tone a bit amused but at the same time reprimanding.

Re: HERE WE GO AGAIN [&] prompt - Luciferr - 08-20-2018

"It was jet-black. A shade of black so deep, your eye just kind of slides off it.
And it shimmered when you looked at it"
"if need be I can repay the trinket" a voice rumbled behind the king cheetah, as a familiar set of bright mercury and crippling crimson glowed from the shadows as Lucifer moved forwards with an incline of his horned head - eyes tracking from Marcellus to Exodus, gaze soft despite it.

call him soft if you like but he does find it hard to take things from them, the raptors are his children in a way ever since he protected them from egs to hatchlings - and okay, maybe the 'puppy eyes' version on the raptors would also have a factor.

but children by blood or not, Lucifer had never been able to say no to his children - or at lesat found it incredibly difficult, perhaps in part because of his own upbringing, stolen as he'd been - he didn't wish a whit f unhappiness on children's young lives.

he sighed through his teeth though, bending down to nose the raptor "You'll have to give that back" before shooting a look at Marcellus, glad he'd not jumped straight to an attack like ceaser often had done with the feral raptors "I'm sure I can find one for you instead" the dragon rumbled down - for sure his hoard likely had a few things he'd collected over the years.

he did offer Marcellus a nod though "my apologies, they've no idea on certain boundaries"

/lucifer just can't not spoil his kids oof.
