Beasts of Beyond
MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - Printable Version

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After a few days of letting everyone settle and get their shit back together post-lockdown, Bastille figured that now was as good a time as ever to get the actual meeting underway. There wasn't that much new shit to go over, thankfully, so he wasn't dreading it too much; there may be some qualms with his methods, but whatever. Bast had never claimed to actually be good at his job, thanks.

[b]"Meeting time," he called idly, but didn't bother to take his usual place. He frankly just didn't feel like it. "First things first, obviously we're free now, and we had a few returners and newcomers during the lockdown. Welcome back to Moon, Margy, Roman, Etty, and Nero. Welcome to Anima, Hyoma, Mercy, Isidore, Padme, Vendetta, and Feliks. You all will be sorted into buddy groups, so look out for that. Speaking of, I expect actual buddy group tasks to start up now that we're out of lockdown. Good job to those of you who did your shit during it."

A pause. "I'm going to talk to Tangle this week about the state of our alliance with Becky bitch gone, but otherwise I'm looking for someone to take over running the ambassador program. We need new ambassadors, likely, particularly with the newer groups forming, so let me know if you're interested in running it.

"As far as promotions this week... There are none. The majority of our ranked members are either slowing down or have stepped down in the past week or so, so I'm doing a complete overhaul of the ranks. Everyone is demoted for the time being. Before anyone loses their shit on me, resume normal levels of helpfulness and show me the reason I promoted you in the first place again and you'll return back to your normal rank. For the time being, however, I think we need to shake the stagnant state off."

Bastille didn't seem particularly bothered by collectively demoting everyone, and added, [b]"That means I need to step my shit up, too, so expect to see a lot more energy from me moving forward as well. Now, who wants to exemplify helpful behavior and host weekly tasks this week?"
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - Cosmic - 08-19-2018

I didn't blame Bast for demoting everyone, but at the same time, some people should have been able to keep their ranks. Some had stayed around and remained helpful. But it truthfully wasn't up to me. I just kinda nodded my head and went along with everything.

Volunteers? Uh... I could probably try doing that. Hm... "Hey Bast," I piped up, "I can try to do weekly tasks."

Re: MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - MirrorEdge - 08-19-2018

Something the Fireball had not been expecting to hear this week was the fact everybody was demoted, and claws immediately made their way to her necklace, a hint of anger, and something more... like she didn't want to give up her rank. Not because she was greedy for power, no, it was an accomplishment for her. For her, it was like winning fights, and it was something that she lived for.

Because without accomplishments, what was she?

"I don't think it's fair everybody lost their ranks." She finally spoke, teleporting to the front, and giving Bast that unnatural smile, one that never reached her eyes, and chirped, "Fight me! If I win, you'll give me my rank back, or even everybody's if I beat you good, right? Right." Thea's true nature had begun to show, that battle-hungry side that wanted nothing more than to win, to be strong enough so that she was never hurt. And this whole demoting thing? Yeah, Thea wasn't too pleased with that. Deep down, though a part of her cared about the others, a large part of her, a part a good chunk of her life depended on, didn't give a shit whether the people who actually cared and looked out for her got their ranks back. It was just how Thea's mind worked, as illogical and stupid as it might seem to others. Was it a bit warped, maybe a bit selfish she'd put herself first instead of the people she'd grown to admire? A bit, yeah. Without waiting for an answer, she'd aim to slam a paw in Bast's face, mostly to judge how fast his reaction was.
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[size=9pt]The first meeting since the lockdown, and there's mass demotions. Moon is surprised, for a moment, until he remembers just who Bast is and what the fuck he does. The guy is kind of crazy. The lion sits, frowning as he listens to the final parts of the announcement, golden gaze as cynical as it is humorous. This is sort of funny, but it's also sort of dumb. He sees Thea make her move, and a laugh bursts from his black lipped maw. He  lets her finish her spiel before interrupting. "Hey, she's right." says Moon as he stands and limps over, still all but towering over the felines. "And-- did I hear, everyone's demoted? That means you can't keep your Asstrail Surf title anymore, yeah?" He casts Bast a look, porcelain fangs showing in a grin before he faces the crowd. "So this is a Democracy. Those who vote to hand our corrupt Ex-Leader over to Animal Control, say I."

Re: MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - Cosmic - 08-19-2018

Fucking hell, no fights allowed in a meeting! God, even the healer was getting involved? What the fuck. I would throw his ass to the wolves if he got attacked. I shook my head, ears pinned to my skull as I watched and listened. Yeah, sure, I agreed with them that it was unfair, but jesus fuck- was a civil war necessary?

"THEA!" I roared, standing immediately as she attempted to attack the Astral Seraph. "Stand down!" I would shift into my small dragon form, swiftly running towards the Fireball and aiming to pin her down, trying to throw a hard slap with a clawed, scaley paw to throw her off balance if nothing else. This was just me being gentle.

"Just what we needed- a Civil War." I muttered under my breath, and lashed my tail.


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Bastille hadn't really expected anyone to be thrilled, and frankly? He couldn't even be surprised that Thea was the one to be the most vocal about it. He arched a brow at her idly as she protested, and found himself grinning despite her anger. She wanted to fight him for her rank back? It sounded just about exactly like what he would expect her to say, and it seemed that his random decision not to climb up to his supposed spot had provided Thea with the ease of being able to actually act out on her request. Bast took a neat step back, ducking out of her way, and he was a jackass but he couldn't help it: he laughed, amused in the face of her ambition.

[b]"I might spar you for the hell of it, but I'm not giving you a deal," he said with a shrug, unapologetic. He didn't feel particularly bad when he'd already clarified that if they really wanted their ranks back that bad, they just had to show it. He rolled his eyes at Moon's declaration and drawled, pointedly, "Yeah, whatever, I'm demoted too— Player, what the fuck—" He jerked back in surprise as she charged the Fireball, before snapping, "Hey, no in-fighting, get off of her." Evidently he didn't really regard Thea as much of a threat to his well-being, because he saw no point in treating her like a real one.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - MirrorEdge - 08-19-2018

Her grin grew wider, if possible, at Playerone's intervention, and quickly teleported out of Playerone's grasp before the blow hit, tempted to try and provoke the dragon more, and reappeared above the dragon's head, aiming to slam her full weight against Playerone's forehead in an attempt to snap her head back, whether it worked or not she'd appear in front of Bast again, and would do her best to stomp his paw. Yes, she was petty enough to try and stomp his paw at the fact he wouldn't take her seriously, like some spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum.

"Well, that's fine either way! I just wanted to fight." She chirped, tilting her head, pale blue eyes filled with excitement, the kind not seen since before the lockdown. "But if you're demoted, too, who's gonna be leader? Or is it up for grabs?"
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[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
"So apparently we're all in-fighting now? How mature." Onision's voice seemed to speak up louder than he intended to, as the brown felidae limped forward, his encased leg being held up with what little muscle he actually had. He was preparing to go to the Star Pool for his meteorite stone, but he had to attend this meeting after all.

Well, seeing as he was a Fireball now, his rank shouldn't be going any lower, right? He had to work his way up to Observer with help from his mentor, Bastille. But, he didn't think that everyone would be demoted. It seemed like shit really was going to go down the drain from here. Especially with Moonmade and Thea speaking out against Bast.

"If my opinion means anything, I think it's a good idea, Bast. It allows everyone to earn their ranks back, and show who really is active enough to deserve such ranks." Oni meowed, scratching at the scabbing chunk missing from his left ear. He gave both Moonmade and Thea a nasty glare, cold blue eyes focusing on the two he just didn't seem to like.

Re: MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - Margaery - 08-19-2018

Margaery was entirely unbothered by the fact that everyone had been demoted, lips merely pursed as she joined the forming group heeding to Bast's call. She was a bit shocked to see the fighting, a metaphorical brow arching as she settled down besides Oni, silently nodding in agreement with his words. [color=#b59693]"He's right," The chocolate point casually extended, a gray gaze lingering on Crowdcontrol and Thea, unimpressed, [color=#b59693]"And the fact that you two are fighting over something so trivial is admittedly appalling." She didn't have anything else to say on the matter, looking more tired than anything else as she rested a head upon her paws. After years of climbing social ladder after social ladder, maybe it was finally time for a well needed break. [color=#b59693]"I can look after the ambassador system though, that seems intriguing."

Re: MAKE ME THE BAD GUY CHUN-LIN | MEETING 8.19 - Cosmic - 08-19-2018

Unbelievable. They thought I was fighting with her? She straight up attacked their leader and they are willing to just let it slide? My respect was dwindling so fast for this place.

I wasn't really all that surprised when Thea disappeared, only to reappear above me. Just shaking my head, I would move to the side, hoping she would just land head first onto the ground. Teach her some fucking respect.

"You think this is fighting?" My voice had a heavy air of annoyance to it, but I was mostly sarcastic. "She attacked Bastilleprisioner, and you're going to just sit there and let her do it? Wow."

Whether or not Thea landed as I had intended, I would turn to start leaving the meeting. There was no point in being there.

"Not my problem anymore. See ya." A dismissive wave of my paw as I shifted back and I'd be off.