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FLOWERBEARER // o, ascendants leader + gifts - Printable Version

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FLOWERBEARER // o, ascendants leader + gifts - Starrynight ! - 04-03-2018

//it's not an alliance request or anything he's just a friendly dork

As the temperatures on the plains continued to rise above freezing into a comfortable range, the flowers in the field south of the Starpool began to flourish, exposing their beautiful petals to the world as honeybees flitted about, doing their jobs to pollinate and make food for their hives. It was truly a sight to behold. While sitting in the field, staring off at the canopy in the distance, his neighbors popped into his mind. Snowbound, the Typhoon, and Tanglewood. The Typhoon and Snowbound seemed okay. He liked them. But Tanglewood... It seemed really aggressive. Their leader in particular. He didn't know anything about their members. He didn't doubt that they were friendly, though! Maybe their leader had been having a bad day at the time. It was then he thought, maybe he could bring him a gift? For a new introduction from the beginning.

Picking the flowers he thought were prettiest, Starrynight had built a bouquet, tied together with a purple ribbon bow that complemented the bluebells, daisies, and daffodils. He'd trekked all day across the territories, the bouquet gripped lightly in his mouth as he headed for the distant swamp. Eventually he'd arrived, standing respectfully on the border. His paws were getting a little muddy, but that didn't matter. "Excuse me!" he called out. "Can I speak to um..." What was his name again? Behkam? No... Oh! "Beck? Can I speak to Beck please?"


Re: FLOWERBEARER // o, ascendants leader + gifts - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 04-04-2018

He liked that smell!!! He didn’t know what it was but he liked it!!! Zimavich approached, trotting quite happily. The smells reminded him of.... home? No. That didn’t sound right.

The bear’s (still) underweight and messy self made his way over. Ivan’s head turned so that his good eye could focus on the cat and their boutique. A dull, purple orb was locked on the plants, taking in their colors, and for a small moment.... there was a little light in his eye.

He bent over, drooling and snorting and making other small noises. The cat was about the same size as his head, he noted. Ivan’s creamy fur was brown and black and green from algae and mud, there was dried yellow paint on one of his paws, he kind of smelled and the flies would not stop biting at his ears.

But, the polar bear smiled. Sort of. His teeth were yellow and his closed his eye as he attempted to seem friendly and cheerful.

”Beck....” Who was Beck again? He shrugged, looking back at where he came from. Oh well. ”Coming along.” He leaned in, uncomfortably close to him and gesturing to the flowers with his nose.
”Pretty. I like.” He glances at the visitor. Uh.... ”Name?”

Re: FLOWERBEARER // o, ascendants leader + gifts - beck. - 04-04-2018

    Coming along wasn't exactly the term he would use to explain why he sulked up, twitching, next to the algae-infested bear. More stumbling towards the border after attempting to repair a broken snare in vain. The trap didn't even snag anything; a complete waste, just like how he assumed this encounter would end. Sensitive nose wrinkling in response to being so close to the decaying elder, Beck offered an aloof snort and answered the question for the other leader, "That's just the 'Starryskies' guy or somethin', Zima. He's leader of the, uh, 'Cedants. " As if either of them would remember, memory loss or not. Concluding his information blurb with a giggly wheeze, the poltergeist flopped back onto his haunches, inching further from the polar bear as subtly as possible.

    Beck wasn't entirely fond of any leaders he had met during their gun little get-together, but only one-third was relatively tolerable. Surprising for a unicorn. Starrynight easily got on his nerves, but who didn't? He scratched behind his notched ear with hind claws in boredom, rudely eyeing the offered bouquet. Freckled features darkened with a scowl at the sight. The assortment of blossom were clearly from wherever the Ascendants had made their nest -- some type of meadow or grass plain by the looks of the flowers. Tanglewood hadn't been blessed with eye-catching flowers. Only milkweed, spatterdock, and orchids. Not to mention the occasional carnivorous, toxic, or thorny foliage. Maybe in return, he could present Starrynight with a bundle of stinging nettle and brambles. A wry grin briefly curving his ashen lips at the idea, he settled back into his suspicious glare, pointedly refusing accepting the bouquet. Wiping away chemical slobber from his chin with a shackled wrist, Beck straightened and rasped bluntly, "Whaddaya want? And no, before ya ask, I don't wanna be 'allies' without somethin' in it for us." The boy only assumed this would be an alliance request. Why else would the leader of a potential enemy amble to their border with a mouthful of flowers? Certainly not friendly intentions. It was probably a tactic to flatter them and win their trust to exploit resources. His lantern-like eyes narrowed as he met the seraph's vibrant gaze, awaiting an excuse for the surprise visit.

Re: FLOWERBEARER // o, ascendants leader + gifts - Morgan - 04-04-2018

Morgan approached the border in complete silence, having sensed an unfamiliar presence nearby. Curious and cautious, the samoyed eyed the newcomer and their gifts as Beck spoke. The flowers were quite beautiful, unlike any plants the dog had seen in Tanglewood.

Not understanding anything that was being said, Morgan assumed that the pair were friends. It whispered a word it had picked up, "Hi," and nodded to the visitor. It then took a step back to appear less threatening, watching things unfold and shooting glances at the flowers from behind its mask.

Re: FLOWERBEARER // o, ascendants leader + gifts - BASTILLEPAW - 04-08-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
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[ don't mind if i just... sneak in here]

Bastille wasn't exactly the type to ask for permission, per se. His usual practice was to simply do shit, and if it turned out to be a problem later, then he'd defend his actions then. And if not? Well, then apparently his impulsive behavior wasn't a problem to begin with. Either way, he was rarely concerned with potential consequences, and not one to stop and check himself before he went along with whatever plan he had next. Besides, what was the worse Starry would do to him? Demote him? He'd only be doing Bast a favor, so really, he had nothing to lose. (He highly doubted Starry would kick him out entirely -- the leader was much too kind, and Bast suspected Starry actually liked him for whatever reason.)

And so, when he noticed Starry's aura leaving the territory all alone, he didn't really stop to consider his options. Luna had recently disappeared, for one thing, and for another, Bastille at least vaguely knew that it wasn't quite time for another leaders' summit yet. There was no way in hell he was going to stand idly by and risk someone else he liked disappearing, and therefore he made up his mind relatively quickly. He was following.

The bengal caught up not too long after Starry arrived, stopping behind the Seraph's shoulder with a cursory glance over the others. He didn't know any foreigners, actually, and therefore had yet to meet any of these Tanglewood members. His ice blue stare locked at Beck, and he glowered as he corrected, "Starrynight." His ongoing headache was a bit stronger today, and beyond that, his missing mentor had him just a bit on edge the past few days. He was smart enough to hold his tongue on a foreign border, but come on. Starry may act like an excitable child most of the time, but he was still their leader and this ghostly twat could at least remember his name. He wanted to make a snide comment about how they had nothing to gain from allying with these assholes, but contained it. Just because their presumed leader was a jerk didn't mean they all were, and besides -- Starry probably wouldn't appreciate it, A, and could speak for himself, B.

Bast would just stay quiet and stare the other leader down instead, protective inclination telling him to shift in front of Starry but his better sense of judgment and grudging respect for his Seraph keeping him a step behind his shoulder instead. He could protect him just as well from here, anyway.

Re: FLOWERBEARER // o, ascendants leader + gifts - Starrynight ! - 04-08-2018

//me? forgetting about my own thread??? never

Starrynight sat patiently, feeling uncomfortable as the wet mud began to soak into his fur and get between his toes. But that was fine- he was just here to make a friendly gesture. It would be rude to voice complaints about someone's home! If Tanglewood had set their home here, then they obviously thought of it as such. It wasn't their fault if someone didn't like a little mud. Regardless, the Astral Seraph couldn't help but shift about, face twisted somewhat uncomfortably as he waited for his call to be answered. He hadn't been expecting Bastillepaw to follow him, but the familiar presence was comforting nonetheless. The mud pressing against him and the surrounding trees was making him feel a little claustrophobic, which was evident in the way he squirmed.

When a messy looking bear lumbered into view, the feline looked up, watching quietly as the creature twisted around to eye him. Even through the warm scent of the flowers, the polar bear's stench made his nose wrinkle a little bit. While the massive animal snuffed at the flowers and drooled at his paws, the leader bit the inside of his cheek as he awkwardly shifted away a small tad. He was being rude- but he couldn't help it. He nodded at the confirmation of Beck's arrival. Soon- okay. He could wait a little longer.

Starrynight tried to offer a heartfelt smile as the polar bear gave a broken compliment. Stars, his breath was rancid. "Tha-thank you," he mumbled around the flower stalks. "They're from the flower field in my home." He paused, having sworn he saw some movement from behind the bear's hulking form. "Oh, and my name's Starrynight. Pleasure to meet you."

It was then the disheveled, tiny brown cat skulked his way over beside his clanmate. Yeah, that was him! Beck! Starrynight opened his jaws, ready to nicely correct the Tanglewood commander on his name, when Bastille beat him to it. The Seraph wanted to chastise him on his rather aggressive tone, but thought against it. Not in front of the others. Magenta eyes flickered over to the next approacher, studying the mask with interest before Beck's less-than-friendly querie brought his attention back.

"Oh, no- nothing like that. I just thought it would be nice to bring some flowers! I don't think we really properly introduced ourselves when we met for the first time, so I thought this would be a nice way to do it." Starrynight set the flowers down at Beck's paws before leaning back. "There's some daisies, bluebells, and daffodils! They're from the flower field in our territory. Aren't they pretty?"


Re: FLOWERBEARER // o, ascendants leader + gifts - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 04-11-2018

Zimavich looked at Beck for a moment as if for some kind of confirmation, eyeing him dully, then swung his head back around to look at the flowers.

He looked at Starrynight, his good eye scoping him up and down. Did Beck tolerate him? Mmm..... Ivan blew a puff of hot air of his nose in the face of the Sepaph, as if to remind him that he was smaller and, in Ivan’s mind, weaker.

He swung around, moving to the flowers and laying down almost tiredly, setting his nose in their direction.

”Keep?” he asked the leader through mumbling lips.