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SHARP KNIFE - open; rosebloods - Printable Version

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SHARP KNIFE - open; rosebloods - rhosmari - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Everything had to happen within the span of a few days and when she had just happened to join the group that was being plagued with issues. It wasn't like she was not all for helping where she could and to improve upon their issues to make things a bit better but she was for lack of better words, tired. It was not a real physical tiredness that clung to her limbs but more so a mental one from what she could only think of would be to what was happening right now. The haze was still clear over her memories and she understood that to be a possible reason for her coming to these different and strange lands. Clearing her throat a bit she glanced at the manticore that had come with her on their journey to the Pitt. Frankly she didn't know anything about this other group and she didn't care to learn anything about them either. They'd stolen from them and that was the problem that needed to be resolved. Even so she was wary of the situation and wouldn't be jumping head long into the situation without thought and proper action. Reinforced claws dug into the ground as she made her way after the much larger group mate, orange red eyes narrowed in discontent at the whole situation really.

All she wanted to do was take a couple of days maybe even a few to rest up and gather her bearings. Then she could go and search for him like she had planned on doing from the get go. But it seemed problems had to be handled first and accordingly. What a waste of time this was. Sighing lightly the woman slipped her way around a few of the thinning trees and she narrowed her gaze as the sun's heat began to get into her thick pelt. "Of course they would live in a desert." Her voice was a neutral scoff and she rolled her gaze as she paused upon the ground that had shifted from thick growth to ever changing sands. It was sad really and she knew she wasn't surprised by such a thing when they came and stole their food. What? Did they have a lack of their own and decided it was best to steal from someone else? It was highly likely but that also made them look weak and desperate. One had to play their cards right in this harsh world and she was starting form a interesting picture of this one. Regardless the scent that invaded her nostrils was just like the one at the scene and so she settled down there, eyes narrowed against heated wind that blew the sands into a dust devil that drifted by.

[member=1814]PEYTRIVIING P.[/member]

Re: SHARP KNIFE - open; rosebloods - COSMIIX - 08-19-2018

The large jaguar had caught the scent of a different clan, he was unsure to who it was but the big cat would let his tail sweep over the sands as he made his way over. He wasn't exactly staying in the Pitt yet, he still took that small territory he had found a while ago as a temporary home for himself and frankly he hadn't adjusted to the imbeciles here and didn't make any plans on moving in just yet. His thoughts trailed away from the thought of moving into the clan permanently and onto the small family that he once possessed. Him, Blueridge, and Sephora. He missed them dearly yet he didn't reveal any of his emotions to anyone on the first day nor did he seem to have any intention of mentioning them in the future. It hurt remembering his separation from his lover yet his ears angled as he came into view of the vistors, he realized there was a manticore and next to them was. . . No. It was Blueridge. His once emotionless expression seemed to lighten up a bit though he seemed hesitant at first especially since he didn't know how to approach the other quite yet. You see, Kunta and Blueridge weren't the most affectionate but they did love each other. Blueridge was a soldier and Kunta had the mindset of a warrior quite similar to Blue. His large paws crushed the sand underneath him as he finally drew near with both curved ears angled forward, the God would twitch his whiskers briefly only to speak "Name," His gaze was concentrated onto the manticore, he knew Blueridge too well to even bother asking for her identity "And business."

He just hoped he wouldn't get snapped at by whatever his "clanmates" had done, he had only just gotten here. Kunta didn't want to already snarl and possibly verbally insult Blueridge's new clanmate. His gaze briefly melted as it locked onto his girlfriend "Blueridge," He hadn't seen her in so long and all he wanted to do was hold her in his arms to never let go, he wanted for their relationship to grow. His back ached but that wasn't the only thing that ached, no, he could feel his heart aching as he held in his breath hoping she wouldn't try killing him even if it didn't bother him at all. He had been smacked around by this woman several times in his life.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #17181e; font-size: 12px;"] KUNTA BEKOE GHANA

Re: SHARP KNIFE - open; rosebloods - PEYTRIVING P. - 08-19-2018

now that the guard was here, paws burnt from the desert sands heat and pelt hot from the suns rays, peytriviing realized they could have flown here. they kept forgetting they had a perfectly capable pair of wings set on their back, and now that they were at the pitt for the second time, they cursed under their breath for not thinking of it before. an exhausted sigh left their lips as they tailed blueridge, who seemed just as annoyed as they were.

"i was here not too long ago. yes-man is a pretty efficient leader." they answered her with the hope that they would appear just as quickly as he had last time. though today it appeared a different force of nature would approach them. peytri stiffened at the male's tone, reminding themselves they were a guard now. they were also representing prestige.

"peytriviing mortem. we're here because there's been... a break in." they paused, glancing at blueridge before continuing. "one of your folks broke into the mansion and stole food. we want to know the meaning and motive behind this, just to be clear it wasn't some sort of mistake on your part." the manticore sat down beside blue and took a deep breath, curling their scorpion's tail. "they also incapacitated two of our members just to even get inside. luckily there was no true damage, but its not tolerable on our part, obviously."

Re: SHARP KNIFE - open; rosebloods - GRIMNYTE - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:timesnewroman; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]"That would be my doing."

Dante had been the one to swing the sword, but Esklav had given him the let-go from the beginning. So, essentially, he was responsible for what had occurred, and fully willing to take the responsibility. "I gave out the command. Forgive me for not introducing myself as soon as I came ― I am Esklav, one of Yes Man's seconds." the leopon dipped his head politely, flashing them one of his unusual smiles. For a moment, Esklav allowed himself to inspect the appearance of an unknown member; was he friendly with these strangers? No matter. "I'm sincerely sorry that you feel personally wounded on account of our ventures. However, it is not in our nature to care. We take no enemies or allies, and we do what we like. Scorn us, if you will, but it will make no difference." he found it amusing that they were even being confronted about the situation. They stole. How would working it out make any difference? The meeting was rather pointless, really. "Excuse my ignorance, but who are you all again?"

Re: SHARP KNIFE - open; rosebloods - Cosmic - 08-19-2018

The hooded feline Infinitium approached on hesitant paws, knife in her jaws as a kind of reassurance that she could hold her own should these 'Rosebloods' want to fight. Light green-gray eyes would give each newcomer a once-over as she sat next to Esklav. A metaphorical eyebrow was raised when she listened in on the conversation. Someone snook in and stole food? Well, that wasn't entirely uncommon for Pittians to do. It was something they were known for.

Hope would have said something, but all that needed to be brought up had been said, so she sat back quietly. "Hope Kennedy." She introduced herself, putting her knife on the ground and securing it beneath a paw protectively. She would be there as a guard, although her posture was somewhat relaxed and calm, despite the much larger creatures before her.

Re: SHARP KNIFE - open; rosebloods - rhosmari - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]What had she been expecting here? Well, a face that was a stranger to her, someone she could easily terminate if there was a possible cause for it. Someone she didn't have any care or feeling for. After all such a visit like this demanded a neutral point and position in case things got dicey. She was not above killing, there was no reason to be and she had killed her share of high political figures and grunts in her line of work. Hunted them down like they were the mere animals that they chose to wore. It was a pastime of her to begin such hunts and use her own way of trapping and ambushing to get the job done. Her most heated fight had come from a tiger that had been a leader of a group who was supposedly bloodthirsty and cruel but she hadn't lasted long and even though she had wounded her a creature of smaller size such as herself had come out on top. Had torn her throat to shreds and had left as a victor that day.

But it seemed that this would not be the same as that moment. No, no, it wasn't going to be the same because this was not a stranger whom she had no connections to. It was someone whom she knew well and who had claimed her heart. Through all of these many lives and through all of the brutality of a former life that still stained her very soul and personality. Her pupils seemed to contract and become slivers in a sea of orange red as he approached and there was no change in her facial expression nor her rigid posture. She needed to remember her training, the soldier that she was could bottle up her emotions and toss them away into an endless sea. But it was overflowing and breaking past the cap, even Pey's words about the leader did nothing to quell the chaos that had started to take form and lift up inside of her. The moment her name dropped from those dark lips her body launched forward like a coiled spring, spraying up dirt behind her as she aimed to latch claws into the male's chest and climb her way up along his neck to press her head up against his own. In this moment she was Chaos and she had found what could control and quell her. Her jaws parted on a heated breath as she attempted to bury her head against his cheek before she lifted a paw to attempt to smack him on the top of his head. "Where have you been!? I've been worried sick and you are living in a desert! You know you'll burn up alive here and for fuck's sake.... Kunta I've been so worried...." Her gaze slowly trailed away from the male as she her voice softened at the end.

Then she realized that she was making a scene and a minor cringe lifted across her face before she gave Pey an apologetic look and unhooked herself from Kunta if she had managed to climb on him at all. Dropping to the floor she felt that need to press herself up against him just for that familiarity, for that security but she slowly dragged herself away to get of their land, after all they might see this as some sort of attack and she didn't have the energy to deal with simpletons. The situation had been given anyway and she slowly sat down, lifting a paw to lightly brush the feather necklace that was around her throat. After all this time she still wore it and she breathed out a shaky breath to calm herself a little bit. "Yes, it's true what they say. Someone, a fool really, decided it was okay to steal food from us instead of actually being useful and finding their own. So we need to figure out why and come to an agreement where this won't happen again." Her gaze then flicked to the supposed second of this place and she cocked her head to the side a bit before she snorted a bit. "Sad life to live with no friends. We'd like the food back that you stole, unless you are that desperate and can't find your own. Wait,..", Her eyes cut toward the dark male whom she loved and she narrowed her eyes a bit. "Are your intentions to stay with them, Kunta?" More was filing in but she was pretty much done with having a conversation until this boss of their's showed up. If they had no regard to know them then she had no regard to remember who they were.

Re: SHARP KNIFE - open; rosebloods - GRIMNYTE - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:timesnewroman; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Esklav took in the show of familiarity curiously enough. This member had friends outside of The Pitt? Odd. Odd indeed. He did not whole-heartedly approve of this, due to the risk of telling exclusively inside information, but he masked this by answering the female's question easily. Even if she had neglected to answer his own. "No. May I suggest upping your security instead?" what they stole The Pitt now owned. Why would they give it back? True, it made them look desperate, but did they truly care about the fragility of appearances? The Pitt had little to prove to outsiders; after all, they had no company to keep and impress, unless you counted their fragile deal with Sunhaven.

"I see no reason as to why we have to agree that it won't happen again. It will, possibly, depending on the member and what job they are given. This meeting is fruitless. Perhaps it's time to leave?"

He was perfectly polite, but clearly wanted this to be over with. It reared nothing for the strangers to be here, for either side. The Pitt would not halt their activities just because another found distaste in it, and to assume so showed blatant stupidity and optimism.

Re: SHARP KNIFE - open; rosebloods - PEYTRIVING P. - 08-19-2018

the sudden outburst from blueridge was a brow-raiser, but peytriviing made no comment on it. it wasn't really their business to, and they figured it might have just been long lost friends. it was cute, though the reason of them reuniting was probably not for the best terms. the manticore sighed as their gaze went to esklav, and the fur along their neck bristled as he came forward to the accusation. apathetic, not even giving a reason to. just for... for the hell of it? they hadn't even done anything to them.

while the guard wouldn't whine about his lost deer leg here, or anything surrounding the lost meals, they would glower at esklav with a curled lip. "careful who you turn your back on, then. i hope you don't regret this in the future." they took a step back and look to blueridge and kunta once more, their posture easing. it was time to go home. they couldn't fulfill prestige's wishes on returning the food, but they would work damned hard enough to double it this week for sure. definitely speak with jiyu on more frequent patrolling and lookouts.

"sorry, but you're going to have to say your goodbye's." they murmured to the woman, not exactly wanting to break up the happy friendship but... they didn't feel right leaving the rosebloods with just one guard. they paid no mind to the others that had shown up, but were sure to keep note of esklav's words before leaving.

Re: SHARP KNIFE - open; rosebloods - melantha - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]Talking is not in Melantha's job description. The Pitt weaponizes her size and strength; her muscle, but not the tongue. Which is why she approaches behind Esklav in the first place. Strong arms are a more...secret rank. They operate in the background. Watching. Protecting. Listening. Preserving the safety of those most valuable to the Pitt is her primary responsibility. It is probably a good thing, for the young puma is more comfortable in her combat abilities than she is speaking with strangers. Trust does not come easily, and she finds it off-putting to have to interact with those who do not interest her.

Like most inhabitants of the desert, communication is a not a skill which comes easily. People are more likely to stab you and steal your breakfast than they are to make small talk about the weather. So one would assume that Melantha fits right in. But that is not entirely true.

Although nowhere close to being a beacon of good morals, the tawny huntress exists somewhere in the grey area. She is more practical. More reasonable. A middle of the road, kind of person. Which is why she cannot resist the urge to speak up when things begin to grow tense between Esklav and the Rosebloods. "I do not understand why we cannot make an arrangement," says the creature as she steps closer, chiseled muscles rippling beneath her sleek pelt. Pallid olive eyes glance between the warpriest and that Peytriviing fellow. "We need food. They have food. Is it not more logical to apologize, and arrange an exchange of assets?" Melantha is surprised by her own words. Since when was she so political? Perhaps she had some experience that she cannot remember? Amnesia is strange that way: she cannot remember specific events but knowledge remains even when the memory attached no longer exists.

"We still cannot return the food," she says, expression neutral and her tone businesslike. "I would be more than willing to punish the one who did it, however." Sure, Esklav told the hybrid to steal, but Dante deserves a good ass-whooping. It's payback for all the sexist comments. And for thinking he's better than her. And for just being a little bitch. Mel recognizes the challenges of feeding a large clan when they reside in a place with little food. And yes, she understands that the Pitt is a neutral, war-orientated group but can they really risk the opportunity of losing a potential source of food over their pride?

Having said all that she needed to say, Melantha lowers her head somewhat. "Of course, that decision is not up to me." Maybe it should be. A lot of her clanmates have proven that they are far too dense to make decisions that benefit the whole, sometimes. Then again, this is a group of criminals and slave masters, so what does she expect? Mel does not care much about ethics or whatever--she just wants to make sure they can get through  the difficult seasons without worrying about starving to death.

Re: SHARP KNIFE - open; rosebloods - COSMIIX - 08-19-2018

Hearing the manticore speak made the jaguar flick his ear doing his best not to get distracted by his emotions but simply spoke in a monotonous voice though his gaze sharpened "I see. Well, I cannot provide you an explanation and would appreciate one for myself. I've only recently arrived here," His attention turned over to Esklav with his gaze narrowing quite a bit though he didn't seem to utter another word simply listening to what the other said. Hm, he was unsure of how to counter this. He watched Esklav through the corner of his eye though his gaze remained forward and tilted slightly upward though another clanmate had approached introducing themselves to the duo. He was about to speak once more but he was caught off guard feeling something - no, someone pounce and latch their claws onto his chest and he was about ready to defend himself until he realized who it was. He felt her head press to his before she buried her head into his cheek, he took the moment to return the affectionate gesture yet it didn't seem to last all that long before he felt her smack the top of his cranium "Still the same as before and the very same woman I fell in love with," This bit was murmured to her rather quietly though she had already hopped away from him starting to speak to those there, the jaguar would twitch his whiskers listening to the words exchanged between Esklav and Blueridge before the attention was on him once more. He supposed that he'd probably have to prove himself to the group and well, Kunta felt as if he didn't need to do such a thing. Ever. Besides, he had recently joined the place and had no connections whatsoever aside from that one dog he met. He knew no one and Blueridge was his everything. So the decision wasn't all that hard to form or let alone make within his cranium, he would stand near Blueridge in an attempt to wrap his tail around hers even for just a moment only to find a faint smile on his maw though it lasted only a little there before it vanished as he answered "It would be very uncharacteristic of me to pick them over you, Blueridge."

His gaze moved to the direction of Melantha nodding slowly in agreement only to say with an amused snort escaping him "She seems much brighter than the rest of you," He mused with a lash of his tail though he didn't seem to want to stick around anymore especially since he would likely have a new place with Blueridge, he was certain that if he had decided to stay he probably would have left a few days later anyways.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #17181e; font-size: 12px;"] KUNTA BEKOE GHANA