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HIT AND RUN | o, joining - Printable Version

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HIT AND RUN | o, joining - CROSSFADE - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt;"]The snow leopard's rather isolated life had led to prolonged moments of boredom. Her species was begged to live in solitary by their instincts and families, and though she may have disliked her own blood at the end their lessons still stuck with her mind until now. 'Animals that relied on others were no better then prey animals'. Big brave predators like leopards and bears were there to cull those weak herds and create tension within their ranks, tigers were better than lions, dogs were weak, so many things that had been indoctrinated into her thought, Nisha didn't think she had to listen to most of it when deciding to walk along the railroad to her destination. Strange scents be dammed, the grey furred creature continued on her merry path, lips licking in anticipation of the best... or worst. "I hate to act like a Barbie and have everyone do everything for me, but I'd appreciate it if someone could just mosey on over for me for just a second!" the female called out casually, paws uncomfortably balancing on the cold railway beams as she awaited some company.

She seemed to make a game out of the steel digging into her fleshy pawpads, showing off her genus' balancing skills whilst trying to avoid the more practical path. Her tail was raised past her cranium, motionless in comparison to her wavering form. Another step forwards was taken, then another. This lasted for a while before eventually Nisha gave up, stepping off lazily whilst orange eyes rolled at her own little game. "Ugh, can't believe I'm stooping to a fuckin' kids game," she grumbled to herself, head raising to try and catch a better whiff of the surroundings. Nope, nothing but sea, piss and desperation, to be honest that sounded like quite a nice home. Claws sinking into the dirt as she came to a standstill, Nish's voice would lose its original playfulness as boredom and impatience overcame her. "Name's Nisha and I'm here to join! At least the trees will enjoy my greetings if ya'll won't come out,". Though her tone may've hardened with time, a tiny little smirk still settled on the big cat's face. Packs may've been a poor cat's way out, but surely it'd quell her loneliness for a bit.

Re: HIT AND RUN | o, joining - adomania - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Loneliness was one hell of a drug, one that Des knew from a personal standpoint. It followed him like a plague wherever he went, whether in literal terms or technical. He had grown up surrounded by it, an orphan with nothing to his name but the fur on his hide and the scars that already marred his body when he was nothing more than a pup trying to find his way around. The groups he joined after that did very little to quench the need for socialization, for they were often nothing more than sorry reminders of his place in life. He had been abused one too many times, until the loneliness stayed with him even among pleasant company. There was no one left for him to trust, no one to open up to. Not even Gabriel had gotten past the first wall barring everyone out of his personal life, let alone anyone else trying to get past the fifty others.

As far as he saw it, he was a lost cause, and the loneliness suited him. He hated it, despised being alone for more than a few seconds as his thoughts started to cascade around him... but he deserved everything coming to him.

It was getting late in the evening, enough so that Des was starting his late patrols around the main island. There was a cigarette pressed tightly in his jaws, whole body tense as if something was about to jump out of the sea and kill him. It wasn't an un-based assumption; that was how he had died just a few days before, but that was less of his concern than everything else was. Hell, he'd gladly take death again, if only to stop feeling everything he thought he had buried underneath miles of fake personality.

It was why he was one of the first ones to spot Nisha, and, more importantly, the first to hear her. The canine's black gaze only seemed to darken as it landed on the feline, and for a split second he wondered if anyone would miss her if her throat got ripped out and her body got thrown into the ocean. He wouldn't. But he didn't act upon those thoughts, whether out of necessity or successfully curbing his instincts he did not know. Still, his gaze was anything but friendly at more than just her attitude, and the glare seemed permanently etched onto his features as he approached.

Any other day, before he had been murdered, he might have entertained her. It would have been much easier to do so when nothing got to him and the numbing ache could be disguised underneath his charming personality and easy going smile. There was always a quip on the end of his tongue, a smile tugging at his lips... now there was nothing but a constant hunger that threatened to eat him if he didn't eat someone first.

"There's a bell for a reason. No need to shout," he gritted out from between a clenched jaw, cigarette slowly fading into nothing and casting his already gaunt features in eerie shadows that did very little to compliment his otherwise roguishly handsome features. He looked about as dead as he felt like, but cared little to change that.

"The trees have no say in this matter," he then addressed her other statement, huffing as he took another drag of the stick and then let it drop into the sea beside them, smoke billowing out in a steady flow before he chose to respond again. "What are you standing there for, then? Welcome to the Typhoon and whatnot," and that was the end of this conversation. He turned around, eager to return to his patrol and away from any semblance of conversation with anyone.

He wondered where the old Des went, the one who would engage in pleasant conversation before someone else approached, who would offer her whatever help he had on hand. He was left behind somewhere, and as much as he tried to will him back... it seemed he wasn't eager to return.

Re: HIT AND RUN | o, joining - Luca - 08-20-2018

If one lived long enough, they were sure to experience loneliness at one point or another. Luca had grown up surrounded by children just like him, but that didn't stop the feeling of isolation that seeped through his fur like icy water. Even when he was forced to sleep in those cramped rooms, shoulder-to-shoulder, he felt like he was going to be suffocated by it. It was only when he had befriended his two companions that the feeling slowly began to fade. As long as he was with them he felt safe, loved. The warmth in their smiles and laughter comforted him and melted away the ice that constantly sat in the bottom of his stomach, but there was none of that now. They had been separated once again, so until they found each other (as they inevitably did in the end) there would be no muffled snickering as they laughed at each other's inside jokes, no comforting brushes of their pelts against his. He was alone again, surrounded by faces that he couldn't quite bring himself to trust yet.

As the sun sank lower in the sky, Luca's energy returned to him. The familiar buzz of restlessness had returned to his paws so it was only natural that he'd head out to wear himself down a little. Besides, he had always hated being alone in the dark. Around this time he always made a point to seek someone out- a companion that he could tail until the sun rose again and the threat of the darkness closing in on him was long gone. He had made it about half way through his usual evening route before he finally came across the gate. He could spot the unfamiliar figures of Desperado and Nisha easily against the horizon, and decided to make his way over and join them. If he was going to bother people, he may as well do it in a productive way.

He grew close in time to hear his crewmate's words, blinking and closing the remaining distance between him and the duo. He hadn't caught what Nisha had said to prompt such a response, but he was at least somewhat sure that it was probably unwarranted. "Hey now, y'don't need to be such a stick in the mud," he said as he approached, chewing idly on some strawberry bubblegum. The older members were often pretty grumpy, it made Luca was glad that he was turned immortal before his brain could grow all tired and decrepit. His eyes fell to follow the cigarette as Desperado dropped it, but the damage to the environment didn't seem to bother the demon all that much, because soon he forgot it in favour of taking in Nisha's appearance. "Heya," he greeted, punctuating his sentence with a shiny pink bubble. "I'm Luca."

Re: HIT AND RUN | o, joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-20-2018

Caesar occasionally felt a prickle of loneliness, though that was usually when he was thinking about his siblings and their Home Dimension. It was a feeling that knawed at your bones, but the Officer pushed that feeling away as much as he could. Told himself he didn’t need anybody.

Caesar arrived after Luca, having been alerted by the sound of somebody yelling. He didn’t really know what the person was saying since he had been so far away but they were obviously joining, if Luca’s words were anything to go by. ”Yeah welcome and whatever.” Caesar said. ”Officer Caesar Cipher’s the name.”


Re: HIT AND RUN | o, joining - CROSSFADE - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt;"]There's a bell for a reason, no need to shout. It was the voice of the hybrid that brought her rather unamused spirits to rise, even if Des did not seem so happy to be there. Her confident little smile grew coy as her eyes fluttered over the other's form, rather studious of the little features. Scars, jewelry, expressionless eyes... if it was of any intrigue to Nisha past just feline curiosity, she was sure to keep it to herself. Such decency was not normally kept under a lock and key, but the pirate's words were as heavy as his movements, the snow leopard couldn't help but feel that further conversation with the male would just be depressing. Shame. In the distance she spotted others who bore less weight, but they weren't close enough for the greyscale being to blank the other quite yet. "I'd be surprised if bells gained the sentience to say my name and business for me, no point dragging this out when there's prey to kill sugar,". Prey like the one walking away from her. She knew better than to lunge after a clanmate, but even if she was relieved that he wasn't going to make the air cumbersome it was still a bother that someone, as Luca had said, was being a stick in the mud.

"How charming," she cooed quietly, expression gaining overconfidence again once the two others were able to approach. A sun-coloured gaze flickered away from Desperado and onto Luca, quite quickly noting how it appeared to be another canine-like creature in this 'pack'. Mutts stuck together like the knees of a celibate, she knew this all too well and didn't know why she was still alarmed by it, it was irksome. One was fine, but two... maybe even more... the big cat fretted just thinking about the possibility that this place could be overrun with toilet drinkers. Rolling her neck slowly, old scarring revealing itself between strands of grey and black, Nisha's tail lashed slowly. "Nice to meet you I suppose, you too... Caesar,". Some relief came when an 'Officer' approached the scene, an Officer who happened to be a wild cat too. Niceties were getting on her nerves, censoring herself for this audience felt morally wrong. "So what do we do around here other than ring bells and raise hell?".

Re: HIT AND RUN | o, joining - Luciferr - 08-20-2018

"depends on the person - theres a tavern if your more inclined to get horrendously drunk or potentially swindled of whatever goods you've got in your possession over a game of poker I' sure" not that the god bothered with such things - busy as he was flying patrol routes around the broad borders or simply serving as something oof a taxi for those he allowed passage - most days his job seemed to be part time therapist in a way, that or someone to natter problems too and expect no judgement.

he'd lived too long to make such snap assessments, his opinions of people were built up not summed up over a singular encounter.

he gave the snow leopard a long assessing look "Lucifer Grimm, Privateer - welcome" he rumbled idle gaze tracking to ceasar - surprised he hadn't annoyed anyone yet - To his erstwhile adoptive brother, a hellhound now, novel and then to Des, recently returned before back to the newest, Nisha.


Re: HIT AND RUN | o, joining - bubblegum - 08-20-2018