Beasts of Beyond
lets go sunning ;; benny gecko - Printable Version

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lets go sunning ;; benny gecko - ; albion - 08-19-2018

Re: lets go sunning ;; benny gecko - ; albion - 08-19-2018

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed feugiat sapien. Proin rhoncus vestibulum eros, ac pharetra massa eleifend vel. Donec ac iaculis lorem. "Aenean eget justo eget risus gravida pretium sed non augue," sed sem tortor, rhoncus vel interdum nec, consequat vitae mauris. Sed nec nisi nec libero semper finibus et sed nulla. Donec a vehicula odio, in malesuada ligula. Proin et magna nec nunc sollicitudin elementum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In a ligula eget magna dapibus euismod vitae sed tortor. Donec ac semper neque. In eleifend justo purus, eu iaculis ante efficitur a. Ut placerat ultrices lacus ut aliquam.

Re: lets go sunning ;; benny gecko - ; albion - 08-29-2018

What is your full name?
          - benjamin lee gecko

How did your parents decide on your name?
          -his mother was religious and named him benjamin. his father's best friend was named lee, and he passed before benny was born

How tall are you?
        -human au height is 5'9. animal rp is 20 in. at shoulder

What color is your hair?
          -human au hair is pure black. animal rp is marbled black and white pattern

What color are your eyes?
          -light blue

How much do you weigh?
          -human au about 145lbs. animal rp 18lbs

What is your birthday (month, date, and year)?
          -human au november 1st 1993. animal rp november 1st 2014

What is your father’s name?
          -aaron "bingo" gecko

What is your mother’s name?
          -charity jackson-gecko

What are your grandparents’ names?
          -paternal; cole gecko. peggy mitchel-gecko
          -maternal; roy jackson. maria robbins-jackson

Do you have any siblings? What are their names, birthdates, and birth order?
          -only child

Where were you born?
          -las vegas, nevada

Where were your parents born?
          -reno, nevada

Where were your grandparents’ born?
          -sacramento, california

Where do you live now?
          -the pitt

Do you have any distinguishing marks on your body (a mole, a birthmark, a missing finger, a tattoo, etc.)?

What religion are you, and why?
          grew up in a tribe that followed maria, the mother of jesus, and does continue to believe in her as a separate entity of god

Do you have any pets?
          -none that survived this long

What is your favorite color?
          -navy blue

What is your favorite place to vacation and why?
          -tropical island areas

What is your favorite book?
          -the godfather series

Who is your favorite actor?
          -michael keaton

Who is an actor you can’t stand?
          -arnold schwarzenegger

What is your favorite movie?

Which movies do you absolutely hate?
          -a princess bride

What is your favorite TV show?
          -the 60's batman show

What is your favorite food(s)?
          -eats like a starved lion

What is your favorite restaurant?
          -howard johnsons

How often do you exercise? What are your exercise goals?
          -exercises frequently

Do you believe it’s okay to tell a lie and under what circumstances?
          -yes, for any circumstance to the persons discretion

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Have you ever been arrested and why?
          -human au yes multiple times as a teenager for disrupting the public and graffiti

Who would you lay down your life for?
          -his best friend swank

Who would you really like to tell off?
          -his father for being too close minded and greedy

What are your spending habits?
          -only make investments

Do you enjoy hot weather, or do you prefer colder temperatures?
          -happier in hotter weather

If you could describe yourself in one sentence, what would you say?
          -its either me or you

What do you think is the meaning of life?
          -to serve yourself to the best of your ability and achieve contempt for yourself