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lonesome love — meeting 8/19 - Printable Version

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lonesome love — meeting 8/19 - jericho - 08-19-2018

The last two meetings he's hosted have taken place at night, but today he wakes, goes to check on his plants, and returns to town thinking that now is a perfect time.  The sun has risen in the east a quarter way through the sky — it's still cool, just as it is in the evening, but he relishes in the daylight's warmth on his pelt.  He's always been a morning soul, rising with the sun and falling with the moon like clockwork.  Jericho isn't sure how many others in the little seatown enjoy getting up before noon as he does; a change of pace just sounds nice.  The little ginger tabby leaps up onto the fountain's lip with his usual struggle, pawpads scraping against the coarse concrete until all three feet rest solidly upon the rock and he allows himself to settle into a seated position.  As always, he pauses before to gather himself, exhaling as he goes through his mental checklist that he settled on long before he woke to this sunrise.  He straightens and smooths down his white chest fur, gathering himself, and then blind honey eyes turn forth expectantly.  With a deep inhale to soothe his nerves the tabby raises his voice and calls, “Ah, Sunhaven!  G-Gather for a meeting over here!

There’s still a touch of hesitance (especially when he has to make himself louder — he worries that he’s being bothersome or too loud or not loud enough) but he still manages to make his voice ring out through the mostly-quiet boardwalk that surrounds the town square.  He falls into silence as he awaits the arrival of his clanmates, allowing a few moments until he hears the shuffle of pawsteps grow and then cease.  Only then does he clear his throat tentatively and begin.

Uh, so I want to start again by welcoming everyone who’s joined recently!”  His voice is closer to his normal speaking volume, but slightly raised yet due to his typical soft-spokenness and so that those in the back might still hear him.  “I-I’m excited to hear that Cloud, Inu, Beverly, and Sanyi have all decided to join us!  I, uh, hope I got everyone, but if I didn’t I’m sorry.  If we haven’t met I’m J-Jericho, the leader here.  Ah, if you need anything just let me or anyone else know, I’m sure we’re all willing to help.

He hesitates again, smiling with shy warmth into the crowd in hopes that those named manage to catch it, because his unseeing gaze cannot distinguish between the array of scents and voices among the gathered group.  The feline shuffles his paws a bit and continues on, “I-I know Pele has their reasons for not being around recently, but they’ve missed their weekly tasks, so if anyone else wants to pick those up just say so and feel free!”  The tom feels rather bad for calling out the Hearthkeeper like that, but the tasks need to get done.  “Also, we’ve got a couple... um, a couple guild meetings up!  The art one should b-be coming soon, but for now you can check out the warfare guild and medicine guild meetings.”  Jericho allows a few heartbeats of silence, shifting his weight and idly rubbing the bandages on his foreleg with a paw.  “I, ah, also just wanted to mention that we have a couple more member shops opening now!  I-I’d encourage you all to go give them some business; er, there’s Monroe's fish market, Persephone's fruit stand, and Ilijas's photography studio.  Or you can still open up sh-shops if your own, of course.

Those announcement are among the less important, yet they’re still things he’s wanted to point out.  Hopefully if the shops really take off they can begin trading with other groups, something that the flower-loving feline himself is rather excited at the prospect of.  He exhales a held breath now and amber eyes peer unseeingly into the crowd once more, flickering blindly even as he speaks, “Um, a-as for promotions, Gordon, Pierce, and Ilijas can become Hearthkeepers and Ishayu can step up to Dawnguard.  Small shoutouts to Buckingham and Persephone, too.  Thank you all for your work — I-I mean and, ah, congrats!”  The male smiles sheepishly at the promotions — he knows how people tend to look forward to them, and he really does owe his clanmates for Sunhaven’s recent activity spike.  Jericho knows that he hasn’t been the one contributing to it, after all.  “Ah, lastly, I think, I-I wanted feedback about our upcoming founding day festival and just... um, everything in general, I suppose.  I want to hear everyone’s voice so, uh, if you have anything to say be sure to let me know here.

Goodness, done already? Jericho mills over his mental notes one last time and nods hurriedly to himself in confirmation.  This has been a short one (a relief for the ginger tabby), but then again this week has been a slow one until recently.  He doesn’t mind.  “Alright, ah... th-that’s all for this week, I think.  Thank you all for listening!  If you guys have, er, questions or suggestions or anything, I’m always around to listen.

OOC:  Hey everyone!! Sorry this is a day late, I've been absurdly busy this week.  The next meeting will still be on time on 8/25!  I actually had to write this one on mobile so excuse the mistakes and general shittiness
- Big ol' welcome to everyone who joined this week, including Cloud, Inu, Beverly, and Sanyi!  Sorry to anyone who I missed, but we're happy to have all of y'all!  Let me know if you need anything or have any questions!!
- Pele has given me an inactivity notice but has missed the deadline for their weekly tasks.  If anyone else would like to host them through the 26th, just post below to claim the spot and please have them up asap! <3
- Guild meetings are up!  Check out the warfare guild and medicine guild meetings!  Unfortunately the Art Guild one got deleted by the site, but another will be coming your way soon.  If you haven't joined a guild yet, each meeting links back to the guide where you can do so!
- There's lots of new member shops that have been added as well!  Check out Monroe's fish market, Persephone's fruit stand, and Ilijas's photography studio!
- Gordon, Pierece, and Ilijas. are invited to step up to Hearthkeepers amd Mama Ishayu is promoted to Dawnguard.  Congrats and good work!  Shoutouts to Buckingham and Persephone, I've seen you guys around too!
- We're having an OOC discussion about what y'all would like to see in our upcoming festival and also Sunhaven as a whole, so if you'd have time I'd love to hear everyone's input! Check it out here!

Re: lonesome love — meeting 8/19 - miss ririchiyo - 08-19-2018

coma baby
Persephone was there soon enough to hear her name, waving her paw in greeting. "Thanks for the shoutout and congrats to those promoted! I'll get the tasks done!"

tags :: updated 8/18:

Re: lonesome love — meeting 8/19 - SAMUEL M. - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]Samuel has yet to attend a meeting such as this, but it seems he could have slept to his regular hour rather than awaking to the call and chatter of a meeting outside his door so early in the dawn. This is the usual, he's sure - Jericho looks like he's just dying to get down from his pedestal, blind face nervous, jaw wavering with his words as though shouting is just out of his vocal range. Samuel, though not the pitying kind, almost feels sorry for him. It's a genuine thing that wakes in his chest - as though, with practice, he could help elevate the leader to better suit his position. Perhaps Jericho deserves this from him. However alarming this twinge feels, he has yet to make up his mind.

He offers no congratulations, no word of acknowledgement to the content of the meeting. The opportunity to seize the week's tasks and make his clanmates run about on a whim, that interests him - but he supposes that there are better things to do with his time than order them around.

Re: lonesome love — meeting 8/19 - PIERCE - 08-20-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
This was going to be Pierce's, what, second meeting in Sunhaven? Yeah, that sounded right. Two weeks, he had been here, but already he felt like he belonged. Maybe it was because he hadn’t tried forcing himself into the clan, like in Snowbound, or maybe it was because this place was far more similar to his first home, but something about it just felt comfortable, like he really could be happy to stay in his little home with Clementine and help keep the group running. That was how one was supposed to feel when they joined a new clan, though, he guessed.

Pierce had just been heading out to check for strangers at the border - or possibly in the territory - when he heard Jericho's call. Had he left any earlier, he would have been too far to hear the other's faint voice, but he had, luckily, just been within hearing-range of the other’s voice. Steps faltering, the serval turned in the direction of the fountain, a smile crossing freckled features at he realization that the voice was Jericho’s, and that it was calling for a meeting. Quickly, he approached, melting into the gathering group of his clanmates and finding a seat near the edge of them all just as the orange tabby began. He couldn’t help the slight wavering of his smile as he noted Jeri’s hesitance, feeling his tail twitch with mild discontentment. The Helion seemed nervous, or at least uncomfortable, and Pierce couldn’t help the slight upset that churned in his stomach at that realization. He was friends with Jeri - kind of -, and he didn’t like seeing him like that, but he pursed his lips and listened quietly.

The effeminate Sunhavener was rather pleased to hear all the names of his new clanmates, smile returning to brighten up charming features. Sunhaven was growing, and fast, and he couldn’t help but be happy about it. It was a lovely place, filled with great people- they even had a good leader, one who managed to balance compassion and friendliness with authority. It wasn’t a commanding authority, no, not one earned through tough words or violent actions, but  earned through his own respect for his clanmates, something that grew into a mutual respect and sort of understanding. He went on to mention weekly tasks, which apparently had fallen through with Pele, so Pierce opened his mouth to speak, but Persephone managed to beat him to it. Besides, that spared him from having to decide whether or not to call the leader “Mister Jeri”. He still wasn’t sure if just “Jeri” was too lax of a name to call the other tom, but he knew that “Jericho” felt a little too stiff, considering he and Jericho were at least acquaintances.

Next was mention of guild meetings - neither of which currently happening applied to him -, and then member-owned shops, which sounded interesting! There was a small pause in Jericho’s announcements, and Pierce shifted his weight, large honey visionaries fixed on the three-legged feline before them all. He was quick to continue on to promotions, however, and Pierce felt his heartbeat quicken, a wide smile stretching across his maw as his name tumbled past Jeri’s lips. You’d think, after he’d already been through so many promotions in his home clan, the excitement would wear off, but having his hard work recognized was always gratifying, no matter what, and now he had more responsibilities to take care of, more expectations to live up to. Keeping busy was one of the only thigs that distracted him from- well, everything else.

He didn’t shout out thanks or congratulations yet, however, sitting quietly until Jeri completed his announcements. "Oh, thanks so much for the promotion!" he called, his tail waving enthusiastically behind him. "And good job to everybody else." He had no ill-will toward anyone that had been promoted, or anyone in the clan, for that matter, so he was happy to hear that they, too, were getting to move on up the ranks.



Re: lonesome love — meeting 8/19 - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-20-2018

Gordon was honestly excited for her first meeting here, despite her normal nervousness with crowds. Sunhaven wasn’t nearly as busy as The Ascendants was, although there still was a bit of a crowd. Gordon waddled over at Jericho’s call, sitting down towards the back of the group as she listened to the announcements.

It seems like Sunhaven worked the same way as The Ascendants in terms of announcements. Jericho started out introducing the newcomers to the group, before going onto the shops and the Guild Meetings - which was different from The Ascendants, of course - but those could be seen as a replacement to the announcement about getting your pendant.

Next were promotions and Gordon’s ears pricked at the mention of her name. Oh - she was promoted? Already? She thought to herself, blinking. ”Oh, th-thanks, Jericho!”[b] Gordon squeaked out. [b]”And-and congrats to the others too!”

//Congrats to everyone who got a shoutout/promotion !!
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: lonesome love — meeting 8/19 - Mama - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]There seemed an odd disconnect with time, her mind struggling to comprehend the fact it had been a week since last this had happened for each day had been touched with something, given a focus she allowed her mind to catch on completely until it could hold no more. With no strict schedule to follow she had grown lax in keeping up with the flow of time it seemed, allowing some nights to pass her without much sleep but she had grown accustomed to such, working with only a few hours enough to get her through until she could escape for a nap late in the day. Though the pace was still slow, if quickening as each day seemed to bring with it another who sought shelter or assistance, this place offered her more than a mere existence, struggling to get by on merge things, but a true life, one she found enjoyment within.

For a time she thought to ignore the call, enjoying the warmth of her bed, blankets pulled high around her shoulders, but such thoughts lingered for only so long. Pale lips parted with a gentle sigh and she lifted herself, struggling for a time with the soft surface, climbing down from it and taking a few seconds to rub the sleep from her eyes. It had become harder to rise each morning, the various all nighters she had been pulling to be useful taking a toll upon her, but it was something she seemed unwilling to stop, seeking to make something of herself rather than be little more than dead weight.

Progress proved slow, steps dragging some as she made her way through the home she had made for herself, some part of the meeting already passing before Ishayu was amongst those gathered, annoyance clear within the tense frown upon her maw. Later she would ask another about what she missed, focusing in on the last portion. As it turned towards shops she thought briefly of her forge, ready to go but not quick stocked, and wondered if she might set aside sometime to gather ore and metal so she could set her own up. It was a possibility for another day.

And then her name was called. Her features slackened and for a time she wondered at what to say, briefly wondering if it might be best to turn down the kind offer, but had this not been what she wanted, to become something, offer everything she had to help Sunhaven thrive? “Thank you Jericho, I shall do my best,” tentative was the smile curling about her lips though her voice shook a small bit, worried now for it meant more duties, worsening a schedule she really should try to fix. “Congratulations.” Though largely a general call her gaze found Pierce as he too lifted his voice, a familiar face though they had yet to get to know one another all that much. He seemed happy, an expression of unbridled joy, her heart light as she watched him, a gentle note of laughter rising from her. It was nice to see so many happy, experience the joy they felt for it seemed a wonderful thing to be here when a group was new to form, allowed a chance to help it upon its feet. Everything was new and so exciting, something Ishayu was quickly coming to love.

Re: lonesome love — meeting 8/19 - buckingham barnes - 08-20-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
The next one to make his way over happened to be Buckingham, slipping his way over shortly after Mama Ishayu. This was the second meeting Buckingham is attending since joining Sunhaven. He still wasn't expecting to hear his name called, as it hasn't been that long since he joined. The former assassin made his way over to the crowd, sitting himself down as his tail wrapped around his paws. He looked up towards the leader, ears pricking up as Jericho began to speak. He listened closely to the blind Helion, listening as the male announced introduction of newcomers, guild meetings, member's shops and finally, promotions. Bucky felt surprised when he heard his own name, even if it was a shout-out. Even though that's not a promotion, a shout-out is still good- that means Jericho has noticed he's been around lately. "Thank you for the shout-out and congratulations to the promoted!" He called out, with a flick of his ear.

[ rushed at end sorry!! ]

Re: lonesome love — meeting 8/19 - Ilijas - 08-20-2018

ilijas arthur valentine
reckless wanderer | noble stag
Woah, woah, woah... Did he just hear his name? Weird. Weird. Getting promoted certainly hadn't been on the agenda, not when there were pictures to take and Beverly to bond with but he supposed he wasn't complaining. He'd never been put into a position of power before and vaguely wondered if he was responsible enough to do what Jericho expected of him. There wasn't any harm in trying, he guessed, but this would definitely be an interesting transition. At least his photography studio was mentioned though! He was going a bit stir-crazy sitting idly by waiting for customers... maybe this was what he needed to get his little shop operational. 

[color=gray]"Hey, thanks man," Ilijas would call out loudly, hoping that his words were even halfway appropriate. He still wasn't entirely used to this clan living thing, even if it was all oddly familiar to him. Oh well, he wasn't one to look too deeply into things that had already been said or done. If he did say something vaguely inappropriate for the situation, he'd just try to do better next time- no biggie. [color=gray]"And congrats everyone else. Y'all deserve it."
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]

Re: lonesome love — meeting 8/19 - axiom - 08-23-2018

© lexasperated
The tigress walked over, her mind preoccupied with a few plans for alliances and trainings - not enough people seemed interested in seriously taking up self-defense, and that bothered her. She thought, perhaps, she just needed to give them a good enough incentive for them to take part. Absentmindedly sitting down, she listened to the announcements and nodded with acknowledgement to them.

[ oof I thought I replied to this ]