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GIRL WITH ONE EYE / ooc prompt - Printable Version

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GIRL WITH ONE EYE / ooc prompt - Character Graveyard. - 08-19-2018

here's the remake uwu

Before he had come to the Typhoon, he could remember being attacked by one of the former villains from the old world. He supposed he was lucky that he had managed to escape with little and minor injuries- a small bruise near his mouth and scratches on his face. As for the small scar on his left eye, he had gotten that when he was a young child in the old world. It was odd that he still had that scar as he excepted it to go away since he was in a new body. In his previous body, a Maned wolf, he had gnawed one of his hind legs off after it had gotten stuck between two boulders because of animal instinct.

The Beta had been walking along the beach, a exhausted look in his red-eyes. He'd barely gotten any sleep the previous night and he ended up pulling an all-nighter while training. He would take a few steps forward, before falling face-forward into the sand and passing out on the spot. He really needed to sleep more often.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: GIRL WITH ONE EYE / ooc prompt - Luca - 08-19-2018

Luca often went a while without sleep as well, although he considered his reason a good one. Even if he didnt have to deal with the same nightmares that had been tormenting him for centuries, he had reasons for being awake when he was supposed to be sleeping. He was nocturnal by nature, with dulled senses during the day and a constant fatigue that followed him, but there was just so much more going on during the day. Most of his clanmates were diurnal, so he often tried to match his schedules with them despite the blow it delivered to his health. Recently he has been taking a lot of naps though, so he was doing a little better than usual. Still, his movement was slow as he made his way through the territory of the typhoon, trying to adjust to his old corrupted body. He hadn't been expecting to come across anyone, much less someone passed out. As soon as he caught sight of Kirishima he found his pace quickening, paws carrying him semi-urgently towards his crewmate. "Hey, this guy probably needs a medic," he called out halfheartedly once he grew close enough, reaching out a paw to give the feline a bit of a prod.

Re: GIRL WITH ONE EYE / ooc prompt - CLEO R. C. - 08-19-2018

"A terrible place to take a nap."

Cleo's observation was paired with a low scoff, dark red eyes rolling as she regarded Kirishima first and then, Luca. Seeing as the latter was actually conscious and could hold conversation, her gaze lingered on him for a few moments, absently studying his face before she finally released a sigh. "I'm sure he's fine," The bengal said, shrugging. If she was being honest, she didn't care if he needed a medic or not, her blind and halfway illogical rage towards the Typhoon still successfully managing to cloud her judgement. Eshe told her to be angry and so that was what she did, refusing to leave any room for sympathy or concern like she might have in the past.  "I'm sure Aita or Auntie Rose will come along regardless."


Re: GIRL WITH ONE EYE / ooc prompt - ROSEMARY - 08-19-2018

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
Rosemary has begun to think that she's developing a sixth sense when it comes to knowing when and where people need her assistance - possibly a magical adaptation with her strong clairvoyance abilities, she supposes. The ocelot steps quickly through the sand, her satchel clinging with random clanks from the tins within. "Well, anyone that passes out randomly could use a medical checkup - which reminds me, Cleo, do you need me to look over anything from your... capture?" she asks, her eyes drifting to look at Cleo with concern. She hates that she did nothing to help her two nieces, but, in all honesty, she thought she had her paws full with keeping the crew healed. She blamed Pincher and Caesar and Argus more than anything else; all three had far more combat experience than herself, and their job descriptions weren't confined to healing.

But she couldn't think about that now; Kirishima demands her attention. Sitting down beside the fallen pirate, next to Luca, she takes off her satchel and sets it aside for the moment.

Re: GIRL WITH ONE EYE / ooc prompt - Character Graveyard. - 08-22-2018

He could hear the voices of his crewmates, though he couldn't exactly remember who these voices belonged to, as he hadn't really interacted with the three on the scene. The young male would begin to stir awake as Rosemary settled down beside him and he would slowly open his ruby-colored eyes in a slow and tired manner. He would open his jaws and he let out a yawn, before noticing the others.

A look of embarrassment would cross over Kirishima's face, as he saw the Head Soothsayer with her herb-filled satchel by her paws. Whoops, he didn't want to concern anyone so awkwardly, he would speak. "Er- I'm not hurt or sick. Just sleep-deprived?" The Beta would lower his head and attempt to wipe away the sleep in his eyes and hide the black lines beneath his eyes.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: GIRL WITH ONE EYE / ooc prompt - Luca - 08-23-2018

Even as Cleo came forwards to tell Luca that Kirishima was fine, the hellhound couldn't find himself entirely convinced. After all, people didn't usually just collapse like that. The only time he'd seen people just fall over and pass out was after intense physical labour (like when he was forced to work in the church) or after he'd drugged them with something nasty. He hummed and turned to Cleo, offering her a noncommittal shrug. Honestly, he didn't really care that much. He only called for a medic out of whatever basic decency remained in his body.

His attitude didn't change as Rosemary appeared, although his posture did straighten a little. He offered her a soft smile before the semi-apathetic mask returned, leaving on the slightest quirk of his lips as he looked back down at the fatigued feline at his paws. He seemed to be stirring, and Luca watched with curiosity as he awoke. Sleep deprivation, that sure was a nasty one. He had to deal with it a lot when he eas younger, before he gave in and accepted the nightmares an inevitable. "Sleep deprivation is just as bad for you as sickness," he said, a hint of amusement lacing his soft words. "You should seek help for that, or something. Before ya kidneys fail."

Re: GIRL WITH ONE EYE / ooc prompt - ROSEMARY - 08-23-2018

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
She moved backwards slightly as his jaws parted for a wide yawn, instinctively giving him space to breath and not spread any germs in her vicinity. Glancing at Luca, she nodded in agreement, her shoulder brushing against his as she held her slightly shifted posture. "Sleep deprivation is quite serious. If you need, I can recommend a few herbal teas to help with insomnia," she said with a slight nod, her forked tail flicking behind her.

"Though I don't think you'd need to worry about your kidneys failing," she added, glancing at Luca with an amused gleam in her eyes.