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◜ too dumb to die — joining ◞ - Printable Version

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◜ too dumb to die — joining ◞ - sinisterkid - 04-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; font-size: 7.5pt;text-align: justify;line-height:115%;font:verdana;"]◜ t a g s. ◞[/glow]  dying was not fun. having your soul forced back into an obliterated body was also, as one would expect, not fun. his cranium pounded and his chest ached, the recently - closed bullet wound in his temple still oozed a small stream of blood that seeped deep crimson, matting the golden fur that wasn't already completely coated in the same fluid. each of the rapidly - sealing fractures in his skull sent electric pain down the length of his spine, bubbling in his marrow, harsh vibrations in the dips of his bones. his hoodie was pulled up but slipping down the back of his head, the faux brown fuzz around the hood licking at the edges of his jaw. the bottom was tucked over his muzzle still, concealing the dark red coat of his front. he needed to clean up, of course -- but right now, he needed to get somewhere safe-ish. it didn't need to happen again, and unfortunately, even the slightest hint of danger seemed to find him. sinister grunted deeply, fighting the urge to mess with his temple wound and spread the mess farther down his body. regardless, his form shifted, weight pushing from limb to limb," mphff -- mmmn mpphff. " the boy mumbled, jacket concealing his lips enough to obscure his voice. he shifted once more, then lifted a paw, jerking the bottom edge down and tucking it up against his neck,"shit, sorry. name's sinisterpaw, i'm joining." the angel spoke, voice clear and just slightly tinged with southern drawl.

/mobile + kind of rushed, but here he be

Re: ◜ too dumb to die — joining ◞ - georgie - 04-03-2018

[color=#d4af37]Sinister? You don’t seem that bad! Oh but you look bad, honey, what happened?” Georgie, lured by the sharp tang of blood in the air followed by a joiner’s cry, stepped close with worry pooling in her eyes as she looked him over. The serval puffed her cheeks out and let the air stream from her lips so they could slowly deflate - a casual tic for when she was deep in thought. He seemed rather calm for an injured boy. I’m joining instead of Heavens, I’ve been assaulted, send help. “[color=#d4af37]You must be very brave.” She stated in a voice thick with admiration “[color=#d4af37]We’d better get you looked at.” She didn’t seem to be able to stop staring at the blood.

[color=#d4af37]Oh! Welcome to the Typhoon! Welcome home.

Re: ◜ too dumb to die — joining ◞ - ARGUS - 04-03-2018

Argus was well accustomed to dying over and over. It was the trick of her immortality- that it really wasn't immortality. It was just a knack for waking back up. Each killing blow delivered on any body of the wolf's possession split her fur with inky fractures, where once black blood would flow into the open soil as a body was freshly possessed. Death was common to her, it was a friend- inviting and welcoming but nothing she ever really wanted. Someone that could not stay fully & leave just as quickly as it came.

Argus was very conscious of her own scars for this reason. She liked to show them off when she was feeling a little too powerful, liked to pretend this home was her first one, and that she could earn their respect with the flash of second-hand warning signals under her fur. But she was quickly reminded when they were pointed out when one got a little too curious and started asking how she got them, to which the answer was to quickly cover them up.

The scent of blood was an ichor that brought the large canid over. Wings folding around her back as she landed next to Gorgie, nose twitching every few moments as she looked the other over for the injury and... the one on the side of his head was definitely fatal. "Probably best to clean you up, I'm pretty sure we've got a voodoo hut in camp if you don't mind following me?" Argus only offered to help because she knew how little some people wanted people to pay attention to their wounds. Ruby eyes flickering over the other for any more injuries. "Bet yes, welcome home. I am argus. Someone who knows what they're doing with medicine since we don't per say have a stand in a healer for the time being."

Re: ◜ too dumb to die — joining ◞ - galexiux - 04-04-2018

  Bee, unlike the others, was no where near okay to the idea of dying. But... she was constantly very close. All it took was one attack for her entire heart and soul to be taken and dragged away from her. It was a terrible life, but hey. That's how she's lived her whole life. Bee tiredly followed behind the others. She had nothing better to do and had joined their little walking squad. She honestly didn't trust either of them. Georgie seemed a little bloodthirsty and Argus seemed to know too much. None of them talked, to be honest. And if others came?.... oh well.

  Bee sighed as her nose picked up the scent of blood. Who was bleeding? And why? The cat tilted her head at the sight of Sinister. What a strange name to go by. Who named their kid Sinister? Did he pick it himself? Why? The girl huffed and rolled her eyes at both of her clanmates offering to bring him to a hut. A hut! He could bleed out by then. The girl huffed and sat down, digging through her messenger bag. Various medicines, gazes, and other medical supplies lined her bag. She was a very sick creature, and thus needed a metric shit ton of supplies to keep her moving.

  Wait, Bee hummed, taking a roll of gaze into her mouth. She approached Sinister, turning to her neighbors. We should wrap him up a bit here. Even if just a little bit. She reached up, trying to apply and wrap the bullet wound (bullet wound??) in the white fabric. It was quickly stained crimson red. She blinked, taking a few steps back. She then hummed, turning up to meet the other's eyes. But besides that, they're right. You need professional help. She offered a friendly smile, I'm Bee by the way.
