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A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - Printable Version

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A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - Morgan - 08-19-2018

The fact that the Typhoon lived across the sea from Tanglewood was of no issue to Morgan. He began his trek early in the morning, hopping into the sea from the beach near his cave. With a few quick breaths he propelled himself forward, blasting himself across the water's surface at a high speed.

Tanglewood and the Typhoon had had a relatively spotless past despite their apparent status as enemies. Though the samoyed had previously felt a burning hatred in his heart whenever he thought of the pirates, that feeling had long since waned. It had already been almost half a year since the original raid in which one of his allies was revealed to have been murdered - a wound that had been healed by time. On top of everything, he had heard whispers of Beck wanting to become allies with the Typhoon just before he disappeared. Out of some sense of duty, he thought it would be a good idea to at least fulfill that last request, and the hot summer morning was as good a time as any.

Before long, Morgan arrived on the sandy shore of the Barracuda Bay, a small wave crashing from behind him as he landed. Conveniently enough, he could already sense several presences nearby. He approached the lot of them and barked out to nobody in particular, "I'm looking for the Captain. I'm General Morgan of Tanglewood." His voice was muffled slightly by his mask, but he was loud enough that he would hopefully not have to repeat himself. Truth be told, he didn't have a clue about where he'd find their leader, so asking around would be the next best thing. He hoped for a peaceful greeting, but did not at all expect one given the two groups' current relationship.


Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - raz - 08-19-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The hound was first to bound over, her tail wagging as she spotted the other dog. "Hello! My name is Elia! If you're looking for Pincher he should be here soon!" She greeted the dog warmly, before shooting off at lightspeed, "I've never been to Tanglewood, what's it like? How did you get here? You smell awful, are you sick? Do you want me to get a medic?" Her questions was extremely fast, the pharaoh hound wanting to learn as much about Tanglewood and this Morgan as she could in about 5 seconds flat.

Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - bubblegum - 08-19-2018

Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - Morgan - 08-19-2018

Morgan nodded at the mention of the Captain's upcoming arrival. "It's nice to meet you, Elia. Tanglewood is a place of change. We're rebuilding it now into a proper city. It was once a quiet swampland." He had to think of how to respond to the comment on his smell. Seeing as he lived almost entirely on a beach, he was expecting his salty sea smell to be more familiar than unusual to the pirate. "If you really think I smell bad, you'd hate to smell anyone who actually lives in the swamp." Although he was not a fan of being bombarded with questions, he definitely preferred it to being attacked. At the very least he got confirmation that the Captain would be there eventually.

Goldenluxury's approach was a bit closer to what the samoyed expected, even if the hostility was relatively minor. "I'm just here with a peaceful request. You'll hear more about it when the Captain gets here."

Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - ROSEMARY - 08-19-2018

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
The ocelot walked over to join the two younger women and the Tanglewoods leader, somewhat wary - strangers usually set her on edge, but hearing of the intent for an alliance request makes her a little more friendly. Though that meant little, considering her usual air of apathetic aloofness. "Goldie and I are both assistant deputies here," she states, simplifying their ranks simply for ease of communication. She doubted the other groups had the clear-cut divisions of the Typhoon, and she didn't want to bother explaining what 'head soothsayer' and 'dealer' meant.

"What changes are you making to Tanglewood? Last I heard of your group, you guys wanted to stay isolated," Rosemary questioned, not one to hold her tongue when she felt curious about something.

Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - Luciferr - 08-20-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"Indeed" the great dragon echoed Rosemary's words in agreement, eyes gazing down at the icy canine with curiosity - last he'd known the lot of them weren't friendly to anyone that wasn't them hm,

as it was he shifted to stand half protectively shadowing the group, making sure to keep Goldie in his sights, concerned as he was for the injured roux before his gaze went back to the canine - inclining his head "Lucifer Grimm, Privateer here - Pincher should be here soon enough"


Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - Morgan - 08-20-2018

By this point Morgan wondered if the Typhoon really was as warbound as its reputation suggested, given how peacefully he had been greeted despite being an enemy. He greeted Rosemary with a nod, and began to talk about the changes. "We're taking back our land," he explained, looking at nobody in particular. "Tanglewood is being rebuilt. Improved. We'll be taking down old buildings, making new ones, cleaning things up... It'll no longer be a wreck of a town in the middle of a swamp by the time we're done with i-"

The samoyed cut himself off as he sensed the presence of the approaching dragon. "You," he half-whispered, turning to stare at the newcomer. "Lucifer... the one from Fenrisulfr's wall." There was no doubt about it; their auras were remarkably similar, and he looked quite a lot like the image carved into an inner wall of the Tangler beast's home. As lukewarm as the pirates' welcome party had been thus far, Morgan's spirits were immediately raised by the almost familiar face. "I'm Morgan, a comrade of Fenrisulfr's and leader of Tanglewood. It's nice to meet you." He stepped closer, the slightest hint of a smile forming beneath his icy mask.

Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - bubblegum - 08-20-2018

Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - PINCHER - 08-21-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently married. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Tanglewood had always been somewhat of a thorn on his side. Or well, had been in the beginning until time began to slowly reveal that the two warbound clans didn't exactly crave each other's pain. It had seemed to him that perhaps it was because Pincher didn't exactly crave anything from the swamp living group, believing that radioactivity was too much of a risk for his crewmates' health and he had only raided once due to his desire to avoid possible dangers that may blossom or may carry back home. It wasn't very much a hard decision to him to just claim them as a simple target for anyone to gang up on, for the more ambitious rowdy pirates that enjoyed the ability to cause trouble for others. His main target at the moment was the fucking star group that had decided to keep his children and then get a damn lockdown on them, forcing Pincher to stand down and avoid causing trouble. It had frustrated him and had pushed a dark poisonous seed inside his chest for they had now made it personal and Pincher was going to make them pay. He didn't know how exactly but tearing them to shreds sounded very tempting to him as the male was glaring down at paperwork, his electric tired blue gaze narrowed with concentration as he softly coughed.

Then he began to hear commotion, muffled and growing more prominent as voices chimed in. He wasn't able to really recognize who it was until his ears strained to the point he managed to pick up Goldie's voice, most prominent due to his connection with her. Wondering who she was speaking with, the male slowly shifted out from behind his sleek desk and stalked out of the submarine, softly muttering a curse word under his breath as he sniffed, glad that he had managed to pick up the Tanglewood scent despite his rather stuffy nose. The sick male forced himself to straighten his form as the ash gray jaguar headed over towards the direction where Morgan was as well as his crewmates surrounding him. His muscles tensed with slight suspicion but he didn't think that the leader would single handly come to fight everyone on the volcanic island. "The hell are you here for, Morgan?" croaked Pincher, a slight grimacing scowl tracing his sharp facial features as he didn't sound all too great. His voice was deep as always but there was a warbling touch within his inquiry as the male went to halt beside the others, long tail twitching slowly behind him in slight suspicion.

Re: A Buried Hatchet - Tanglewood alliance request - MARCELLUS - 08-21-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Tanglewood was one place he didn't exactly want to go back to for the sake of his possible life. He had abandoned them long ago and to see them at the border made him instantly grow paranoid and a bit fearful. What if they had come to The Typhoon by tracking his scent and were on their way to make him come back? No, he couldn't be so paranoid. He couldn't show he was afraid for the sake of Amora and Nikolai, he wouldn't. The king cheetah had been hiding steadily in bushes nearby, eyes narrowed as they darted between each figure at the gate. He wasn't sure if he should make an appearance or if he should remain hidden, but he would eventually end the battle with himself and begin to stride forwards to stand beside Pincher, eye observing Morgan. Morgan was someone he hadn't met while he had his stay in Tanglewood though that didn't stop him from being a bit scared or paranoid. The king cheetah kept a monotone look on his face to try and not give away his true sense of fear, demeanor a complete change from before his recent panic attack back on the beach a day ago.

He wasn't going to show this guy any weakness. He listened as the Commander addressed the others. A peaceful request? Slowly Marcellus' nerves began to calm themselves as his facial expression softened and he patiently waited for the Commander to give out his proposition to the group.