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howdy~ - Printable Version

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howdy~ - ricci. - 08-19-2018

hi everyone, i'm ricci Smile i found this site through FF and i was pretty excited since it reminded me of the old wcrpg!! a few of you might remember me (though i doubt it) from FF as ricci, selkie, bombi, fiolee, karezi, etc (i've had a lot of names). i'm  a little rusty when it comes to rping as i haven't really done it in the past two years...but i'm happy to start back again ~

anyway, a few facts about me-

i'm 16, and i love anime. as you can see im obsessed with Tomoe from kamisama hajimemashita.
usually when i rp'd, it would be with animals but occasionally i'd try humans, too.

ok enough rambling hsghaha,,, i can't wait to start rping with yall :0

Re: howdy~ - raz - 08-19-2018

welcome!! i don't remember you sadly, but it's a pleasure to meet you! i'm raz!

Re: howdy~ - toboggan - 08-20-2018

yo, welcome to the site! i, too, have been around since the old wcrpg days (2014!). i also switched names a lot, went by names such as gnome child, fire !, burrito/incognitoburrito, bolide, and, of course, toboggan!

i was active in traditional thunderclan, as well as extended clans like windclan, blizzardclan, bloodclan, and sunclan. i may remember you from one of your characters if you operated in any of those clans??

anyways, welcome to the site! can’t wait to see your roleplaying in action Smile

Re: howdy~ - axiom - 08-20-2018

welcome to bob!! like the rest of the peeps in this thread, I too am a ff refugee lol

Re: howdy~ - Cheeters - 08-20-2018

HENLO ricci, welcome to BoB!! I hope you like it here and if you ever wanna plot/talk/or have any questions, feel free to pm me!! C:

Re: howdy~ - OMEGA - 08-21-2018

hey, welcome to the site! i'm pyro, i was known as vexxy on ff but i'm a bit more of a recent site hopper lol.
hope you enjoy your stay c:

Re: howdy~ - nefarius - 08-23-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]oh crud another ff oldie! hello!!

i can't wait to start roleplaying with you too - as everyone else has already said prior, it's great to see you here and i hope to see more of you around the site :^)

Re: howdy~ - tikki - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-transform: lowercase;text-align:justify"]eyyy welcome, welcome
another oldie here, back on wcrpg since 2012, lol. Mostly have gone by tikki, but also vinylscratch, silverfudge, and tick_tock for a bit, I believe ( there might have been more, but I'm mostly known as tikki on there, especially in the 2013-14 days from playing leaders and doing fancyposts, I think? Not sure tbh )

if you want to rp at all with animals, let me know ~

Re: howdy~ - rushy - 08-30-2018

hey!! i'm rushy! i don't know if i remember you, but you definitely sound familiar! i'm also a wcrpg/ff veteran, and i've been around since about 2011/2012 though i was most active in phantomclan/the civil, sunclan, the elite, the tribe of many storms and bloodclan so i'd probably remember you if you happened to have any characters in those groups :'>

anyways! it's nice to meet you, and i hope to roleplay with you sometime! hmu if you ever wanna plot :>