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To Scavenge - junkyard event A - Printable Version

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To Scavenge - junkyard event A - Morgan - 08-19-2018

Not long after the meeting, Morgan entered the Junkyard with a small group behind him. He stopped in front of a huge pile of trash, sniffing at it in curiosity. "Alright - we're finally here. Today's task will be a very important one: we'll all be searching around for machinery and tools. Any kind will be useful; I'll be making one stack for machines, and another for tools."

He began by taking an old toaster and placing it on the ground near him, and then found a can opener and put it in a different spot. "If you need any help, ask me or any other Tanglers. I trust you all to find us some good stuff, for the good of Tanglewood."

Re: To Scavenge - junkyard event A - ophelia. - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Ophelia sadly wasn't very good at understanding technology, much more equipped for skills that she considered practical like hunting, but that didn't mean she wouldn't try to help. She was sure it wouldn't be too difficult to tell machinery from tool, even if the metal scraps pretty much looked the same to her.


Nodding after Morgan spoke, she would step forward to look through the scrap piles. It only took her a few seconds of rummaging to find something sufficiently shiny. She figured it was a tool, given that it had a handle on one end and... A flat but sharp edge of metal on the other. A screwdriver of some kind. Tool in her mouth, she padded over to the tool pile and dropped it in before turning tail to get back to work finding other scraps. This was certainly going to be a process, but she wasn't one to complain about much.

Re: To Scavenge - junkyard event A - aya - 08-19-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya dived right in, extremely pleased to be aiding in something scientific. Claws unsheathed, the tortoiseshell dug around in the mess, picking up and throwing into a whole new pile miscellaneous scraps. If anyone were to ask, Aya would say anything can be made useful with the right outlook, and that was something she believed in. So when she found what looked like the serrated blade broken off of something, she threw it into the tools pile and said over to them, "Be careful, that thing's sharp."

tags | updated 19/8:

Re: To Scavenge - junkyard event A - Hector Clark - 08-19-2018

Hm, Hector never did think he'd be tasked with rummaging around a junkyard for shitty pieces of garbage. Though he guessed Commander Morgan thought they might find something that helped. He supposed apparently they had found useful thing before here and well, there was a lot of shit, so there was a good possibility they could find something neat.

As the red jackal went through the garbage he finally managed to find something that brought a smile to his face. oddly he found to medium-sized speakers just sitting here, and they seemed to be in pretty decent condition too. Though they were most likely broken, they probably wouldn't be too hard to fix. Once Hector managed to move the speakers to the machine pile he cast a glance at Aya, seeing as she was the science girl after all. [b]"Hey Aya, don't suppose you could fix these things up huh? I'm sure they'd come in handy pretty often around here."[b] While of course he'd share, he really just wanted these things for himself, so he could blast his music whenever he wanted to and not have to use to somewhat uncomfortable headphones.

Re: To Scavenge - junkyard event A - toboggan - 08-20-2018

A teeny injury wasn’t going to slow him down in clan activity. As long as a fool didn’t get the bright idea to make contact with the mongrel’s foot, he’d be fine.

The next to show up to the junkyard, a place that was unknown to him, Leroy quickly shot a "’Ey, boss" at Morgan, subsequently wandering in a direction further away from the crowd already forming. Eyes scanning the environment, he was quick to spot an old briefcase, closed, obviously containing something odd due to some out of place lumps on the surface. The lock on the thing was surprisingly intact, forcing Leroy to find other methods. Via a rubber mallet conveniently placed beside him, the bonds on the thing were smashed off. What was inside was extensively surprising: a led pipe, some steel ingots, and what looked like an internal organ of some sort. This must have been the result of an old crime scene. Interesting.

Returning to the pile, the pipe was deposited in the tools pile, meanwhile the ingots were dropped in the middle of the collections. ”No idea where to put these”, he’d state in the direction of Morgan. The body part was left behind; if it was truly antique, then it would likely not be of use to Aya. That being said, it wouldn’t hurt to come back later and check once more.

Re: To Scavenge - junkyard event A - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-20-2018

Re: To Scavenge - junkyard event A - madster - 08-20-2018

the medic was morgan's little pet. not literally, of course, but wherever morgan went malphas was sure to follow. the horned medic was more determined than ever to make his mark on this clan, and if he aligned himself to his superior's plans then it would all go swimmingly. he just had to do whatever morgan told him to. so far, the samoyed clearly had something in mind for the clan- some kind of industrialization. malphas could get behind at. him and morgan were similar, clearly- both just wanted to make the clan better.

so, wordlessly, the tom went to work. he found a familiar blood-stained glass shard, remembering exactly where it was, and he felt a deep sadness spread through him. immediately, though, he threw it into a trash pile, lost among the others. good riddance. it was like a burden had been lifted through him. he grinned, already on a roll. turning to vigenere, malphas tilted his head. "huuuuh. it's a human tool that might be hard to use... but we shouldn't trash it, humans use it to pound shit into shit."

Re: To Scavenge - junkyard event A - HAMMOND - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]The big boss of his previous residence had been a mechanic, at least that was what he thought it had been called. Being ripped away from his mother at three months old and into that house, he remembered the first time his name was called. I wanted to name him Fluffy she had said in that angelic voice of hers as the mechanic revealed his name, but the Boss was a stubborn man, and so Axle had stuck. Where the story took him, the Heeler didn't know, but he did know that he had a natural liking for scrap and other such things... as crazy as it seemed, every piece of stray metal had its value. Quick and quiet to get to work, the tricoloured male began to walk along, honey coloured eyes quite quickly reigning in on what appeared to be surgical scissors. They'd probably lost their sanitary blades the minute they were dumped in these rusting lands, but Axle could still see use in them. Plucking them out from a pile of sheets, he'd then toss them towards the tool pile that had been building up. He'd work hard to find some better things than that.

Re: To Scavenge - junkyard event A - Morgan - 08-24-2018

(Similar to the beach post, feel free to keep posting or post retroactively if you'd like.)


Morgan was pleased with his fellow Tanglers' findings thus far, taking a look at the piles and admiring the objects they'd chosen. It seemed that most of the items were tools, but he didn't mind. Everything had its place in the plan - even items that couldn't be used conventionally by animals. Some NPCs seemed to find a few things as well, though they were mostly just duplicates of items the others had already found. "Thank you all for your help," the samoyed said to the group. "It's because of everyone's efforts today that we'll be able to rebuild Tanglewood."

Taking a personal look through the piles of trash, Morgan found some random scrap metal, which he threw into the area between the piles. He also located a pair of old saws, which each had two handles and appeared to require two users to work. He carefully floated them into the tool pile with some water, careful not to let the sharp objects fall onto anyone else.