Beasts of Beyond
Advancement - August 18th meeting - Printable Version

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Advancement - August 18th meeting - Morgan - 08-19-2018

Morgan stepped up onto the old statue with his head held high. The reception for the previous meeting was nowhere near as negative as he had expected; he hoped that this week would be no different. He dropped a small satchel in front of him, then waited for the crowd around him to grow. "Thank you all for coming."

The samoyed quickly scanned over the crowd, then raised his voice to speak. "Welcome to our meeting this week, Tanglers! I have lots of announcements to make, but not as many as last time. This shouldn't take too long, I hope." He smiled and closed his eyes, taking a quick breath to prepare himself. "First, I want to welcome our newcomers this week: Axle, Hector, and Kazumi."

"Next, I'd like to announce a promotion as well as some demotions. Ophelia is now a Chaser. Congratulations! Mirabella has stepped down from her Medic position, and I'll be demoting Delphinium and Talia. I also have not seen Anima or Malkyn in a while, so they would be demoted too - I think they may have actually left Tanglewood." He was not entirely certain, but he hadn't sensed them anywhere in territory in some time.

"I have three shout-outs next: one for Abathur, one for Delilah, and one for Leroy. Keep up the good work - we all appreciate it." He tried looking for them in the crowd to give them a grin of approval. "I have two more major announcements, so I'll start with..." He opened up the satchel and pulled out a long grey cloth, pulling it around his neck. "... These. Malphas - one of our Medics - worked very hard on these scarves during this week."

"For a long time now we've had titles that we gave out to Tanglers on occasion, but I thought it would be nice to give these awards a physical form. That's where these scarves and badges come in. The first time you earn a title, which we will now just be calling a 'badge'..." Morgan motioned toward the spindly scarf. "... I will give you a scarf like this one along with your first badge attached. Note how there is a badge on this scarf already." Indeed, a small star-shaped pin was attached to a corner of the garment. "These little badges don't just signify the awards you've received, but they're also useful to keep the scarf on properly without needing to tie it." He winked, then demonstrated by attaching one corner to another. He learned forward and opened up his bag wide enough to pull out four more scarves, each containing one badge.

"So, now it's time to award this first set of badges. The first one - the Gatorbait Badge - is for those Tanglers who have been particularly active and loyal to Tanglewood. This week I will be giving one each to Arrow and Stocking. Thank you so much for your contributions to our group." The canine pulled some small drops of water from his bracers and attached them to two scarves, then hovered them over to their recipients. Each scarf held one badge shaped like a grey skull.

"Next is the Host Badge, which is for those Tanglers who have always been on the prowl for newcomers and help welcome them to the group. I will be giving one to Aya... and one to Malphas. Thank you both, and Malphas - thank you for giving us these beautiful scarves." Sure, the scarves were not exactly of the highest quality, but Morgan had to appreciate the effort the feline put into them anyway. He used a the same method as before to float over the next two scarves, which each had a pink heart-shaped pin attached.

"Finally, the Good Noodle Badge. This badge is one given to Tanglers who have helped us time and time again by hosting or completing weekly tasks. I don't think this will come as a surprise to any of you, but I'll be giving this badge to my good Captain Vigenere." He unpinned his scarf and took it off, floating it to his boyfriend with the widest smile he'd given so far. He hoped his scent hadn't permeated the fabric too much since he had been wearing it for a while already, but figured the Captain wouldn't mind either way. Once that was done, he barked, "Congratulations to everyone who's received a badge. Make sure to bring your scarf to every meeting after this one in case you receive more badges in the future."

"Now, for my final announcement. As I'm sure you all have realized, making those badges and scarves was not easy. However, it was made a lot easier by machinery that Malphas and I had found in the Junkyard." He looked toward the Junkyard in the distance, his tail wagging in excitement. "As you know, I've been wanting Tanglewood to grow into a beautiful place. If it wasn't clear already, we'll all be taking on a new task every week or so to try improving our home. This week, I'll be bringing you to our Junkyard for the purpose of salvaging more tools and machines like the ones we used to make these items. Like I mentioned last week, I think using those things will be the key to improving Tanglewood permanently. Just follow me that way after this meeting, and we can get started."

"One last thing - I want to thank everyone who came to help me at the Shore last week. We'll be doing more work there soon enough, but for now I can proudly say that the beach is all cleaned up!" Morgan looked around the crowd one last time, then exclaimed, "That's all for this week. Let's keep doing our best, everyone!" He picked up his satchel and put it around his neck, then jumped down from the statue.

  • Welcome to our newcomers - Axle, Hector, and Kazumi!
  • Ophelia is now a Chaser.
  • Mirabella has stepped down from Medic; Anima, Delphinium, Malkyn, and Talia are all demoted or have left.
  • Shout-outs to Abathur, Delilah, and Leroy! Keep it up!
  • Titles are now represented by badges; grey scarves are given to Tanglers when they receive their first badge so that they can attach future badges to them as well. Check the guide for more information on badges.
  • Arrow and Stocking both receive the Gatorbait Badge. Congrats!
  • Aya and Malphas receive the Host Badge. Keep it up!
  • Vigenere receives the Good Noodle Badge. Thanks for your help!
  • The next chapter in our modernization is to scavenge for machines and tools in the Junkyard in this thread. Join in the event if you can - any help is appreciated!
  • The beach cleanup event here will remain active until the next meeting.

I'll be updating the guide with these changes as soon as possible.

Re: Advancement - August 18th meeting - arrow - 08-19-2018

[glow=#001200,2,300]☆ ARROW - TANGLEWOOD - TAGS ☆[/glow]
She had yet to get used to Morgan holding these meetings, though she had to give credit where credit was due, he did this pretty well. The guy had those leader qualities, that was for sure.

Her eyes widened in curiosity when the scarf was pulled out of the satchel and thrown around the fluffy canine's neck with the upmost grace, listening in on the announcement about the newly introduce fabrics. Badges, eh? Teenie tiny trophies, more like. That was cute. Of course, she hadn't expected to hear her name, head tilted to the side slightly as the hovering scarf caught her attention. Her pupils widened into large orbs of black ringed by the familiar green, small paws batting at it until it fell, where she promptly grabbed it up in her jaws. Grey skull, sexy.

"Vigenere's a very good noodle." Arrow snorted, somewhat muffled by the scarf in her mouth. She didn't say much after that, just listened to the rest of the announcements and mumbled out a small "Congrats, rest of ya."

Re: Advancement - August 18th meeting - ophelia. - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 65%; line-height:120%; text-align: justify;font-family: verdana;"]Arriving to the meeting as it was called into order, Ophelia would sit down nearby Arrow. Her gaze would then flick up to Morgan as he spoke, listening silently and carefully. At the mention of her own name, her ears pricked up a little bit more, face showing surprise. She was promoted? Already? Well... That was nice, and she figured it was deserved. She had been trying very hard to make sure everyone knew she was dedicated to Tanglewood and its members. It was clearly paying off.

She wore the smallest of smiles through the rest of the meeting, letting her pride get the better of her for a small moment in time. There was more cleaning ahead, it seemed, but she didn't mind. Last time had been surprisingly pleasant. After Morgan finished up with the meeting, she flicked her gaze over the few tanglers that got badges, giving a soft but firm, "Congratulations."

With that, she got up to go help out with the rest of the reformations.

Re: Advancement - August 18th meeting - HAMMOND - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]A meeting. Axle had never intentionally joined in on one of them, but as clusters of creatures began making their way towards the same location, the Heeler ended up ghosting them all the way. When he arrived, he stayed standing, so far back that the leader looked small and her voice even smaller. So many creatures around, his eyes could not follow all of them at once, could not make sure that they weren't going to do anything to harm his being here. Having to put good faith in utter strangers, the broad muzzle on Axle eventually tilted upwards as his name was called, followed by the 'promotions' and 'demotions' for the week. Names, they were just fuzzy names, and upon finding nothing directly relating to himself Axle's attention seemed to focus back to the crowd. Their backs were facing him, so entranced in the words of another that they didn't even seem to turn to one another to acknowledge their successes. The male wasn't sure he understood such absorption, but he couldn't scorn them for their devotion. "Hmph," came his near silent congratulations as the meeting concluded, quickly turning on his heels to escape the camp.

Re: Advancement - August 18th meeting - aya - 08-19-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]A badge! For being friendly! Aya's tail flicked, pleased. Vigenere was a very good noodle, she could agree with that. "Not just a good noodle, the best noodle." She chimed in in response to Arrow's comment. Catching the scarf, she admired her badge - a pink heart, very apt. Host... What a cool title, huh. "Thank you, Morgan, and congrats to everyone else who got promoted or... Uh... badge'd." With that, the tortoiseshell put on the scarf and followed after Ophelia to help out with scrapping. Was that a word? Maybe not. Still, Aya was no stranger to making up words; what kind of fictional scientist would she be otherwise?

tags | updated 19/8:

Re: Advancement - August 18th meeting - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 08-20-2018

Re: Advancement - August 18th meeting - madster - 08-20-2018

when morgan first approached him with the idea, he had said something like 'what is this, boy scouts?' but had done his leader's bidding anyways. he would still go leaps and bounds if it meant making his beloved leader happy... and it meant proving his worth. he was not going to fade into obscurity like so many. he wasn't like anmia, or malkyn, or talia. he was going to stay. as long as he could. he had a firm grasp on life now, and he was going to make his mark. even if people didn't want him to. he'd leave his presence on tanglewood for eons.

the reason he was so damn determined was the fact that he had stayed up all night working on those damn scarves, and he was terribly sleep-deprived. still, he padded to the meeting, already wearing a scarf. he was glad he got a title- after all that work, he thought he should have gotten a best tangler award, or at least a most dedicated to morgan. still, he'd take what he could get, and he felt a manic grin spread onto his face. "thank you, morgan," he said, voice trembling slightly. "and.. congrats, everybody else."