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i can't make you love me ✨ sunhaven visit - Printable Version

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i can't make you love me ✨ sunhaven visit - Mama - 08-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Gentle whispers carried by the wind, following the hurried steps of strangers baring word of what had come to pass, in many ways did snippets of news come to spread about the patchwork land, seeking the right ear in which to be murmured. Within the ear of the white toned serval had been uttered that of the opening of the observatory, a home once made into a make-shift prison for a time, and she had set about her work quickly, gathering the needed supplies for a visit.

It had taken some time for the things she sought to bring were not readily bore by her own stature, small now and left wanting with the lack of a fourth limb to bare her weight, she had taken it upon herself to gain the assistance of another, not wishing to bother her fellow ambassador Ja'sunna. As such the pair proved strange, the slight serval within tones of white and maroon walking with a slow grace before the lumbering shape of a bear, grizzled and covered in thick fur of shades of brown and black, bearing the weight of the cart easily. Cinched about his midsection with a leather band he pulled the cart with little trouble, within a mix of fresh and dried meats, both from sea and land, herbs and bandages they were able to spare, and a good number of blankets, pelts and other little things she had thought necessary.

Soft was the breath which parted pale lips, head turning to look upon her companion who drew to a stop within the shade of the tree line, waiting for her call to approach. Simpler was it for her to first, speak of her purpose and make sure nerves were soothed, for a bear lumbering up, even with the things he had brought, might be taken badly. And so Ishayu approached the observatory alone, taking a slow pace for she had no wish to intrude if not welcome, hoping the scent of Sunhaven upon her would be picked up for she had been a cougar last time she had been here, the same colouration and lack of a foreleg hopefully enough to make it clear she was the ambassador from their last visit.

“Hello? Is anyone around?”

Re: i can't make you love me ✨ sunhaven visit - ONISION. - 08-18-2018


[div style="background-color:#806A71;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]"Yeah, totally." Snickered the little Fireball as he limped his way over, his broken front right leg dangling in the cast he wore. Cold blue eyes seemed to glance over the Sunhavenn-er? What did we call them? Oh well.

Sitting down, the chocolate felidae dipped his head as he was taught, beginning his introduction slowly. "Yo, my name's Onision, a Fireball here. What's your name and business with the Ascendants?"


Re: i can't make you love me ✨ sunhaven visit - Mama - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]What was an injured child doing alone?

For a brief moment her lips pressed into a thin line, ears lowering to press against the back of her skull for such a notion was not looked upon kindly, but then had she not done the same, forced herself to move about though she had only recently lost a leg, touched by restless energy, wanting freedom she had been denied for so long. Slowly the anger and memories of those days faded, a faint smile curling about her lips, but a faint ghost. It was too clear it was for nothing more than show, edges tense as she took a deep breath, offering her own little nod in return of the greeting, not wishing to be deemed impolite.

“Greetings Onision, I am Ishayu, a Hearthkeeper of Sunhaven,” speaking with a gentle tone, or as gentle as her deep, rumbling voice might permit, edged with what some might deem a growl but was nothing more than apart of her voice, a soft hum rising behind it as she thought on how to word her next part. “I come baring supplies, herbs and food, but I have a few other things as well.” Her voice trailed off for she was unsure on how to approach this situation, unused to being within such a position when she had been nothing more than a follower for so much of her life, taking charge now, leading this sort of situation, it was terrifying.

Re: i can't make you love me ✨ sunhaven visit - Margaery - 08-19-2018

[color=#b59693]"Lupus paulo, you should be resting."

Margaery's voice was quiet, laced heavily with concern as she joined Ishayu and Onision on the border. She had heard about her son activating his curse while trapped within the Observatory, adding it easily to the list of things that should never had happened. If only she had fought back and refused her father... she could have been able to protect him from the gene his own grandfather had inevitably passed to him, keeping him and the rest of his siblings out of harm's way. His transformation did make her think (and worry) about how many others in her latest brood carried the curse though, the number uncertain until each of them made their first kill and either succumbed to the wolf inside of them or walked away feeling entirely normal. Being the mother to a bunch of supernatural children was not easy. Not at all.

But Margaery had no choice but to dismiss her thoughts, a gray-blue gaze focusing now upon Ishayu. [color=#b59693]"Welcome to the Ascendants, love," The girl would greet, nodding her head carefully, [color=#b59693]"My name is Margaery Mikaelson. Thank you for the gifts, they're very much appreciated." She paused for a moment, contemplating her next words before permitting one of her honeyed smiles to make a not-so-rare appearance. [color=#b59693]"How is Sunhaven? Do you need anything for your return home?"

Re: i can't make you love me ✨ sunhaven visit - Mama - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Hard is it to mistake the tone of a mother, one who bares so much upon a heart grown tender to the ones she deemed her own, children of blood or choice it seemed not to matter for each were cared for, given gentle compassion and heavy worry, seeking to keep them safe all while giving them the life they so deserve. Once there had been a time she had sought to have children her own, had called one other her son with the gentle, breathless wonder of a new mother, a choice they had made together, the first embrace after the words had left her one touched with tears. But she had lost that life, found herself searching for the child so forcefully stolen from her, the only she might have.

Though she had taken to it well it seemed the world was against her in many ways, her body not meant to bare children but still the want was there, feather light as it touched her heart, clear in eyes which grew soft as she watched the two. It was sweet to see the care in those words, though it seemed not her choice to allow the child to wonder but the energy of youth which had driven him out, something Ishayu herself knew well.

“Thank you Margaery, it is very lovely here,” gentle smile curled her lips and for a time she fell silent, wondering if there indeed was anything needed. Within just the past week their numbers had grown some, though thankfully not to a point they were overwhelmed by it, so for the moment all seemed well. “Sunhaven is going well, thank you for asking, we are slowly getting there. Your offer is very kind but we are alright for now, but if any need smith work done please feel free to come see me, I have a forge and enough materials to make a few things.” Though made largely off hand a touch of excitement bled through the offer, one she made readily for she had spent a great deal of time setting things up and this seemed a fine opportunity, a way to further the alliance already set between the two groups while permitting her the chance to work.

Re: i can't make you love me ✨ sunhaven visit - Luciferr - 08-20-2018

"Sunhaven ey? wheres that?" she'd never fuckin heard of sunhaven but then she hadn't been back long, fuck maybe she'd missed out on whatever new groups were about again - wouldn't be the first time she came home to find like what, 5 new groups all tryna jockey for position.

used to mostly be new targets but she wasn't in her old warbound family home these days - ascendants were more passive folk, or well so the motto would say - peace, love, hug a tree n all that shit, eh.

she inclined her head to the stranger n margaritta "ah guess I missed the memo - eternalwar, stranger, or eternal if ya prefer, an thanks for the gifts, could always use em" well fuck she never said she couldn't be polite, just wasn't her usual manner.


Re: i can't make you love me ✨ sunhaven visit - Zjarr - 08-20-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]The concept of smithing and forges only urged the canine to join the group of Clanmates that was gathered around something by the borders for whatever reason. As he approached, he detected an unfamiliar scent—one more powerful than a loner's. Hmm, someone named Ishayu that dwelled in...Sunhaven? Huh, that name was eerily similar to one he had heard in another world. Only a little different. Maybe they were the same thing under a different title; he didn't doubt it if many groups did similar things. Go to a completely new place, set themselves up, and all they'd change is a name. Regardless, it was polite to make an introduction.

"Thanks for the stuff. I'm Zjarr," the canine remarked as he paused upon reaching the group, nodding in the Sunhavener's direction. "Hmm, y'got a forge 'n' shit? That's cool...might have to visit, in that case," he added with a soft chuckle.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —

Re: i can't make you love me ✨ sunhaven visit - Mama - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Molten gold edged living shadow, a creature crafted from sharp edges given to a beauty she had never seen before.

There were no words within the wonder which widened maroon eyes, looking upon the figure of a creature whose existence should not have been yet had seemingly clawed its way back into the land of the living. It was not unease which forced her to shuffle back a step but rather something else, a flicker within the pit of her stomach she would put no name to, gaze trailing over Eternal, enjoying the sight and taking in all in, from the dark tone of skin stretched taunt to the spines of shimmering gold, the first of her kind Ishayu had come to pass.

“Oh, yes we are relatively new,” blinking a few times to break her reverie her tone rose in volume so Eternal might hear her better, once more shocked at how truly short a period it was since the group had been founded, her own time barely containing three weeks and yet here she stood, one within a position of power and expected to keep strong the bonds between her home and those deemed allies. “We are on a beach surrounded by mountains, it took us about a week to get here but our load slowed us some.” Coming so far in land from the sea locked town had been a hardship for their progress had been painstakingly slow with the constant need to repair a broken axle or a wheel that had come loose, but alone it was ground she could cross within three or so days, to one such as the spinosaurus it could take even less time.

Well this was another oddity. Metal seemed to have replaced where flesh and bone had failed, a soft hum breaking through purse lips though she offered nothing in regards to his appearance. If nothing else Ishayu prided herself on being a gentlewoman, never speaking of outward looks within light of trouble, expecting the same with her lack of limb and the colouration she bore though here it seemed less out of place.

“Greetings Zjarr,” odd was the name to her tongue, a struggle to get out for never had she heard one like it, wondering briefly if it was one given or claimed as hers had been. “Indeed, it is nothing special but it allows me to work.” A wistful tone touched these words and teeth gnawed upon her lower lip. It had been an act to try and reclaim her past, remembering the days when she had been nothing more than an apprentice, learning a craft she had come to love so dearly. Some days she thought of abandoning it, allowing the memories of a forge ringing with the sound of hammer upon metal and the laughter of smiths at work, happy to do their job, to take its place, but it was all too hard to give up what made her so happy.

Re: i can't make you love me ✨ sunhaven visit - BASTILLEPAW - 08-22-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Of course, Bastille knew vaguely of Sunhaven and their important details, given that they were allies and he had done his due diligence by asking Jeri about them before accepting said alliance, but he really didn't know much in terms of specifics. He knew sort of where they were located, but this visitor's note on their exact location was useful as he arrived, offering a nod in greeting. He offered a sideways grin at Zjarr's comment and added, [b]"Yeah? Maybe some of us will go visit sometime. Might as well actually see our ally's home. You're free to check out the Observatory if you want, ya'know."

A pause as he then regarded this femme in full, seeming to remember — belatedly — his manners. Bastille didn't really hold onto much of them (he was sure his late mother would be scandalized in how her teachings failed him), but sometimes he seemed to recall he was supposed to, you know, offer his name. He might leave out his full name and title every time, but whatever. Not essential information. [b]"I'm Bast, by the way. Nice to meet you."
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: i can't make you love me ✨ sunhaven visit - Mama - 08-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Though his teachings in the matter of manners may have been worn by time no such damage was present within her own, rigid though she seemed to have begun to slip, allowing her tone to become more casual as she grew comfortable. Maroon eyes focused upon the next to approach and a short hum escaped her, surprise within that simple sound. The idea of staying for a short time, getting a chance to wander the structure and see exactly how it was these people lived, a better way to strengthen her own personal knowledge and possibly make it easier next time she came about, tempting.

“Thank you Bast, but I am afraid I will need to leave soon,” pushing aside her own want she offered him a soft smile, sheepish for all too clear was her displeasure but she had a long trek before her, one she wished over with as quickly as possible. They had enough trouble on their doorstep it was necessary she was around as one of the few counted amongst the high positions. “I may take you up on the offer next time, and please, feel free to visit, I am sure Jericho will be welcoming of any of your members who wish to drop by."