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MY AGE HAS NEVER MADE ME WISE // LOST - Roy Mustang - 04-03-2018

The male slowly opened his green eyes, the back of his head throbbing with pain. As he opened his eyes, he noticed tall grass waving through the wind- it sounded quiet, and peaceful. But it sounded too quiet, which concerned Roy Mustang. It all happened too quickly- one moment he had been with Riza Hawkeye and the Elric brothers, the next there was a flashing red light and his body was being torn apart. He heard their screams, especially Hawkeye's sudden cries, and then it went all quiet. Too quiet, and he woke up in this strange, unfamiliar land. Where am I? He thought as he forced himself to get up, glancing down at his paws for a moment. The moment his green eyes landed on his paws, he drew his breath back into a choke- as if he wasn't expecting to see paws in place of his hands. Before he knew it, he was quickly up on his paws, whirling around to examine his new body. He could feel his heart beating in his chest, he was a sumatran tiger- whatever that transmutation circle did, it sent him to an unknown land and changed his species entirely.

The male began to quickly examine the territory he was currently standing in, looking out the distance to see a dome in the distance. An observatory, that's what it must be. That must mean there are people here, unless it's abandoned. He found himself cautiously padding towards it, unknowingly through the territory of the Ascendants. He wasn't sure what kind of help he would find, and if he ran across any humans if they would be in any help at all, but what he certainly wasn't expecting to come across was a group of animals.

Re: MY AGE HAS NEVER MADE ME WISE // LOST - Starrynight ! - 04-03-2018


There had been a big influx of newcomers recently. As more members turned their expectant, watchful eyes to him, he could begin to feel the pressure on his shoulders. Starrynight tried to keep everything as lighthearted as possible, but he would admit the responsibility was getting to him a little. A sigh escaped his jaws as he strolled through the gently waving grasses of the plains. It was such a peaceful place here. He doubted he'd ever tire of it.

The Astral Seraph stopped in his tracks when an unfamiliar scent hit his nose, causing it to twitch. Ears perking, he lifted his head high to see a shape moving through a tall patch of grass further off in the distance. Was it a newcomer? He'd never seen anyone like that before. Breaking into a trot, Starrynight hurried to catch up to them. "Hello!" he called out cheerfully as he approached. He slowed to a halt once he was in front of the tiger. "My name's Starrynight! These are me and my friends' lands. Are you here to join?"


Re: MY AGE HAS NEVER MADE ME WISE // LOST - ghostpact - 04-03-2018

this young boy is a problem you should call it in ! - tags
Immortal was lazily talking a walk, just for himself, and not an actual patrol. So the only way he even knew there was someone at their border was when Starry's bright voice reached him and he quickly zoned back into reality. Bounding across the field, he nearly tumbled over himself when he stopped beside the leader, right in front of the tiger. He tried to look nonchalant and act like he didn't just nearly fall on his face. "'Sup. I'm one of Starman's friends. I overheard. Immortalhd, call me HD, whatever."

Re: MY AGE HAS NEVER MADE ME WISE // LOST - Character Graveyard. - 04-03-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Another unfamiliar person. Possibly a joiner or a visitor. The snowy-white feline found herself approaching Starrynight, HD and the stranger, a small smile plastered on her maw as she attempted to appear welcoming. "Lunafreya." Came her soft reply.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: MY AGE HAS NEVER MADE ME WISE // LOST - Roy Mustang - 04-04-2018

Roy wasn't used to peace. His life hasn't been peaceful, it was his choice really. Before ending up here, Roy had been a 'state alchemist', a colonel in his country's military. He had reached that rank at a rather young age, and has seen hell through the civil war his country went through. The war had been living hell, starting with a soldier murdering an innocent, little Ishbal girl and then it turned into a war zone, explosions left and right and state alchemists being used as weapons. He happened to be one of those state alchemists- he had been known as the flame alchemist. During the civil war, the smell of burning and decaying bodies had became too familiar to him. Thankfully, the horrid war came to an end as all wars do, and he planned to make things right with Ishbal when he became Fuhrer- it had been his goal. But now, can that even be his goal anymore? With his current state? Can he possibly find some way to become human again, and rise up the ranks to bring peace to his nation?

The Sumatran tiger's ears instantly pricked up at the cheerful, happy voice, his head instantly snapping towards it. And what he saw was a domestic feline with purple and white fur, and antlers on their head. The male blinked a few times at what he was seeing- this couldn't be normal. Not only that, but they were talking- rather cheerfully might he add. Before he could even process what to say- two other colleagues of the first guy showed up, introducing themselves as if this was the normal thing to do. Green eyes narrowing, his ears flattened to his skull as he began to think. He was thinking of what to say, what to do- what he hadn't been expecting to see was a bunch of animals. And he wasn't expecting them to ask him if he was here to join them. "Now now, let's not get ahead of ourselves here," He spoke up as his tail slowly swished behind him, "You wish for me to join? I don't even know who any of you truly are." He heard themselves introduce themselves, but that didn't suddenly mean he was buddies with them. They are still strangers in his eyes, and he's not about to put himself into a situation he knows nothing about. That is simply foolish.

"I am not about to join a group so quickly and carelessly. Tell me why you would want me to join, convince me," Roy said with a calculating tone, paws digging into the ground as he did so. "Roy Mustang, by the way."


BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
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Bastille arrived soon after the others, though he didn't seem to be in any hurry. He never really was. Sure, if he happened to be around he'd come greet a newcomer (he seemed to have been around for all of them so far, really), but it wasn't like he was rushing over to get there first or parrot out information that had already been provided. Instead he settled beside HD, eyeing the newcomer with vague intrigue.

At the stranger - Roy's - assertion that they convince him, Bastille snorted. "What, you expect us to give you a sales pitch and beg you to join?" he asked dryly, arching a brow, "Maybe you should tell us why we'd want you to join. It's not like we know who you are, either, or that you'd be a reliable member." And it wasn't like they needed this guy, so it would be no loss if he and his cocky self fucked right off. Bast didn't say that, though -- mostly for Starry's sake.

Re: MY AGE HAS NEVER MADE ME WISE // LOST - Daunte - 04-04-2018

The ashes fell like snow
Daunte — Male — The Ascendants — Observer — Very Difficult
The massive crystalline scaled dragon had noticed his clanmates moving towards a location, and while his own sense of smell wasn't particularly strong he assumed it meant someone had arrived. Whether they were a joiner, a threat, or something else entirely Daunte had to admit that he was intrigued. The winged beast rose high into the air until he spotted the location of his new allies and moments later he was gliding in the direction of the other creatures who he had personally vowed to defend to the death in an effort to give himself purpose.

The flaps of his scaled wings sent intense gusts of wind down on the area nearby the small gathering of individuals before finally the draconic creature landed with a rumbling ground shaking thud. The large reptillian made his way closer on foot now, having landed slightly away from the group to avoid causing any issues for the smaller ones who seemed to be there. His thoughts were racing with what could possibly be going on with the tiger that had shown up. While everything still appeared to amicable, it was also apparent that there was still a clear divide between the Ascendants and the newcomer.

Daunte arrived to hear Roy asking to be persuaded to join the group. Truthfully his argument was rather solid and the male held himself with a certain undeniable confidence. The dragon already liked the newcomer, although it appeared that convincing the large feline would be the hurdle to keeping him within the Ascendants. The more members the group had though the better it would be. It meant they would be stronger and have one more member to protect their way of life, and also a potential new friend to share the weight of the world with. Surely Starrynight and the others were aware of that fact, but regardless Daunte decided it was best if he stepped in after Bastillepaw's rather spiky response.

"Beg him to join wouldn't be the right way approach it but you'd be a fool not to recognize his usefulness to us," the dragon spoke, voice rumbling from deep within his chest as he gazed upon Bastille. The dragon's purple-gold eyes swiveled to focus on the tiger who appeared to be the star of the show in the current moment. "There are few places you'll find here that have our peaceful way of life and would fight to the death to defend it. Here you won't have to sleep with both eyes open in fear of enemies or your own allies betraying you," the towering dragon explained, looking down at the Sumatran feline with interest.

Then the dragon lowered his head slightly so that he was closer to the former alchemist. "More importantly if you don't stand with us then one day you might very well stand against us, and the stars rain down divine wrath. Daunte Nakriin, by the way," the crystalline winged beast subtly implied, showing the tiger that the group was no pushovers despite leading a peaceful existence. Daunte would very much prefer to stand with the confident male, but it was clear that he was equally prepared to do the opposite if Mustang eventually decided to side with one of the other groups that was a thread to their way of life. Hopefully the argument would be an easy decision for someone who the dragon recognized as seeming quite intelligent.

Re: MY AGE HAS NEVER MADE ME WISE // LOST - Roy Mustang - 04-05-2018

Roy Mustang's gaze would slowly shift onto Bastillepaw, smirking slightly at the male's snort. They don't seem to enjoy Roy's confident, yet cautious attitude. In his mind, Roy believed he had a fair argument. Bastillepaw's three groupmates walked up to him assuming he was here to join, as well as introducing themselves. They didn't even consider to think that Mustang was actually lost and wasn't sure what he was padding into. Roy didn't want Bastillepaw to fall onto his knees and particularly beg him to join. "Keep in mind I did not ask you to beg. Begging and convincing are far different, the former asking and the latter persuading. I wanted you to persuade me, with information about your group and what I'd possibly being getting myself into- not you, falling onto your knees begging me to join." He said with narrowing eyes, tail swishing suspiciously behind him. And then, his question was thrown right back him- which he should have expected with a reaction like Bastillepaw's. It was true, the Ascendants didn't know who Roy Mustang truly was either- they don't know of his human past, his involvement with the Amestrian military, his flame alchemy. If anything, his attitude should prove he'd be a rather reliable to the Ascendants if he joined their ranks. It might seem quite cocky, but he's confident and quite calculating. It would be foolish to shove his concerns to the side and assume he wishes for them to beg at his feet. Thankfully, someone else noticed Bastillepaw's comments and decided to step in before another word could leave Roy's mouth.

Roy's green eyes widened with quite some surprise at what he saw next, a large dragon. Roy had seen something like a dragon, it had been the homunculus Envy- they ended up being much larger than they appeared to be. But that doesn't automatically mean bigger is better, if anything Envy had became a larger target for Mustang's flame alchemy. He still felt surprised at the sight though, Daunte wasn't ugly looking like Envy had been, if anything the dragon looked quite magnificent. His ears pricked up at Daunte's comments, one that had been directed at Bastillepaw, and the others at him. Daunte surely knew how to handle this situation far better than Bastillepaw did. Daunte, unlike Bastille, must have thought on Mustang's declaration, which was what he wanted to hear. So, they are a peaceful group? Their (mostly) cheerful, welcoming attitudes seemed to clarify that, but they were also a group that will fight to the death to defend their home and clanmates. Mustang was like that back in Amestris, even with his seemingly cocky attitude, he was protective of his family and friends, and served his country well. This was exactly what he wanted to know, he hadn't been sure if he knew if he was walking into a group that murdered others for fun or were hungry for power. There was just one, small thing that was still on his mind.

"Thank you for your impressive answer, Daunte," The tiger said as the larger creature lowered it's head slightly to be closer to the flame alchemist. Roy kept in mind that there were other groups out there, groups that probably are far more dangerous than this one. Groups that look for war and bloodshed. Hopefully he won't be standing against them, as from what he understands despite the Ascendants being peaceful, they won't hesitate to protect themselves and their home. "There is just one question I have before I possibly put myself among your group." He said with a flick of his ear, gaze locking onto the dragon before him.

"What is the name of your group? I'm afraid I was never told what your group is even called."

Re: MY AGE HAS NEVER MADE ME WISE // LOST - Starrynight ! - 04-05-2018


While Bastille and Daunte raced to address Roy’s half-challenge, Starrynight could only stand, politely waiting for them to finish, all the while frowning somewhat disapprovingly. “You could have been at least a little nicer about that...” he mumbled, glancing sideways at the fireball and observer.

“But anyways, this place is called the Ascendants! We live inside that observatory over there. I’m sure you saw it. I’m the Astral Seraph- er, leader. You don’t know our ranks yet. Oh, yeah, we have ranks! If you work hard and participate often, it won’t go unnoticed! I went over the ranks in a meeting not too long ago. I hold those biweekly. I’m sure someone will gladly fill you in if you stay with us! We also have an underground complex with lots of rooms, so you’ll have your own private quarters to sleep and keep your things if that interests you.” Starrynight paused, lapsing into an awkward silence. He didn’t know what else to say. “Um... it’s nice to meet you, Roy!” That worked.


Re: MY AGE HAS NEVER MADE ME WISE // LOST - Character Graveyard. - 04-05-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
He wanted to be convinced to join? How odd. But it seemed Bastille, Starrynight and Daunte were working on it- so she decided to help them out a bit.

"You see, we are a small group, unlike the other groups around so an invasion could be very deadly to us, as we have less defense." She said softly, her blue eyes looking upward at the mutated tiger. "Not that any of us aren't capable of fighting."
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯