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all you have is your fire ✨ joining - Printable Version

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all you have is your fire ✨ joining - Deval - 08-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]One, two. One, two.

Gentle and lax, each thought rose one after the thought with no room for silence between each, another pulled from the depths of the mind before the last had faded entirely. To each did large paws move, a shuffling, slow step which drew the frame blanketed within stark white forward, jaws parted, exhale marked with faint steam. About the beast is but still air, offering no sound though it seems greedy in its want of his, drinking up each as they escape him, leaving only the gentle murmur of the underbrush.

A strange was he to this place, dark eyes trailing across the landscape, what little there was before him, seeking each space between the towering trees. He may never speak of the time he had spent simply walking, allowing his momentum to draw him forward, the steady beat of thought the only companion to keep the world at bay. This place is strange to him as much as he is to it, heavy the smell of rot and wet dirt, bordering upon sweetness and yet just as much upon the bitter.

One, two. One, two.

Constant a beat, similar in fashion to that his heart drills into his ribs, so fragile and easy to break, only stilling, falling into silence once more, when his momentum does. Above the leaf litter a paw hovers, head tilting as the dark gaze finds the mansion, a hunched thing, so like a monster who came to die here, dark and for-brooding. Brief is the flicker of memory – upon the side of the road, small and squat, left abandoned, littered with glass, a gleaming jewel as it is bathed within orange and yellow – of a home he had left behind before this journey had found a beginning, curiosity unbound as it rises within the canine.

Stone crunches beneath him as once more steps begin, thoughts spiralling once more into the repetitive pattern, marking each shuffling step, yet there is purpose to each stride, a destination where once the mind had sought no end to this. There is no thought to another simply of shelter, a place dry and mostly warm, enough for the draw the akita, huffed breath quickening, speaking of the joy he might never voice.

Re: all you have is your fire ✨ joining - sephiroth - 08-19-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]”Most would wait at the border.”  The deep and smooth voice of Sephiroth would emerge from the shaded wood of the Rosebloods, followed soon after by the form of the great lion himself.  His eyes would set on the canine, his gaze hard but having a hint of interest at Deval’s boldness.  Hm.  A bit more interesting than most of the joiners recently.  He hummed curiously, his expression remaining stony however.

”Do you have business here?”  He would step foreword, his muscles hard as he studied the stranger.  ”Something urgent enough that you came right here?”  Sephiroth would raise a brow, unblinking and stiff.  This one interested him greatly, the boldness and courage of this stranger piquing his curiosity.  He almost had to admire it.  Almost.

Re: all you have is your fire ✨ joining - Deval - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]What is there to admire of a creature left alone within a life that looked upon him with unkind eyes, whose tongue held no knowledge on how to form words and harboured a mind fine-tuned only for the act of destruction?

Lips drew back from teeth in a look that meant no true threat, it seemed half a grin upon sharp muzzle, breath huffed through the teeth so like a chuckle. Ear twitched in response to the words, the only acknowledgement he would offer for there were no words of his own to give in response, instead he moved closer, a single step. Within tense posture seemed all that might be said, the urge to take on the lion a wave coursing through the slight frame of the stark white akita, another huffed breath escaping him, head giving a brief shake.

About thick neck the leather collar he had worn for much of his life shifted, loose fitting for it was too large upon him, the heavy fur beneath making it hard to gauge just how large his body truly was, make bigger for the fluff coating it. Upon the side the other might find a tag bearing the name – or at least a name to the canine himself – Deval if he so wished to get closer, to look upon the studded collar and allow teeth so close to his face. There was no fear in the tightness of muscle, just excitement, weight pushed forward before settling back, a little bounce as he waited, curious to see what the lion would do.

Re: all you have is your fire ✨ joining - PEYTRIVING P. - 08-19-2018

like sephiroth, peytri was interested in the stranger due to their... intrusive actions. it didn't appear as though deval had any sort of invasive intentions, though. not to mention the lack of a response from him was odd in itself. the manticore looked over and assessed him slowly, a small tilt of their head shortly followed.

"i don't believe they can speak?" it was more of a guess than anything else. "can you understand us? using head shakes or nodding?" yes or no questions were a start from nothing. though pey was not to the intention of getting to notice the name along deval's collar. they crouched down to read it, squinting slightly. "deval... well, it's nice to meet you. do you want to join here? or something else?" hopefully he understood.

Re: all you have is your fire ✨ joining - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 08-19-2018

Normally? The calico would easily volunteer telepathic services when someone arrived who could not speak, it had for so long been the power she was most skilled and creative with the use of. Ever since the massive shut down of her powers upon returning to the mansion? Jiyu had not tested to see if that was one of the shutdown ones, she only knew her ghosting worked, and honestly, she liked the assumption she could no longer perform telepathy, that power had been the biggest pain ever. Without any healer she trusted? Any use or reactivation of telepathy could leave her incapacitated for days until the headaches she got as a side effect of use, faded away. She was not known as being a telepath right now, her old power didn't work right now, and Jiyu liked it that way! Plus, bless his social skills, Pey already seemed to have things under control in a manner of speaking, unless the prospective threat was deaf not mute than it was still an issue, one she still refused to solve. Not volunteering something no one knew about, that likely didn't even work anymore? Was no fault, it wasn't wrong, she couldn't go down for days if she did by some miracle manage to wake it up anyways.

Of course, there was always the fact that if anyone had experience living without speaking to other's, it was the calico. Most of the times she was seen by her group mates, the creature barely spoke if she spoke at all, she just didn't see the point. Her job was to protect them, not make them love her, she could care less if they cared about her or not. Or did she? Nah, of course, she didn't care what they thought of her! At least according to her, according to the cat who spent every moment she could protecting everyone who called the roseblood home, very convincing proof of not caring. pft.

Listening to Pey she flicked her ears briefly, watching him run some sort of circle on himself, asking the other to use nods and then asking a question that could not be responded to with only some nod. Jiyu saw no reason to correct this yet, she was here if anything went wrong and her fellow guard needed to learn by his own errors, not her advice, she gave poor advice, her method of training was pushing someone off a trashcan and attacking them.

Re: all you have is your fire ✨ joining - Deval - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]The broad frame stilled, weight settling upon paws that shifted apart, drawing him down some as another approached. Nothing familiar was within the structure of a body seemingly made by careless hands, stitched together with various pieces, but thought was there, brought together in such a way it had worked in some way. Grin shifts, ears lowering to flatten against the curve of the skull as it approaches, a single note of a growl pushing through the depths of his throat. As the manticore approached a few shuffling steps drew Deval back in response, jaws parting slightly though the dark eyes held nought but fear.

It seemed not to matter he was a fighter, body honed to a point it seemed muscle clung to bone and no fat padded it, baring only minimal scars from those few who had slipped through, gotten tooth or claw upon him, this was new. Dangerous. Then it spoke. There was no tone of anger within the voice, lilting as it offered inquiries not barked orders at him, faint whine rising from him as body did the same, head tilting some as he watched it. Brief was the want to bite into the other, feel skin tear beneath his teeth, when it thought to approach, voicing his displeasure with such in another low growl, less a sound of menace but warning, pulling away when it spoke directly into his ear.

Join. What was here if not just a building left abandoned, shelter for a single night. Brow furrowed and for a time Deval only looked at the manticore, unsure exactly what they were asking of him. Never had the news reached him that groups had formed, found their own land and set about borders, the scent of so many others doing little to ward him off, uncaring to the act of trespassing, simply seeking something and moving to take it for himself. Head dipped briefly in what seemed a nod though it was a hesitant move, unease present in a body held tight, and then there were three.

Smaller than the rest, familiar to the canine, and harbouring no real threat. Brief with the flick of the gaze towards the calico, taking in the small stature of the feline, offering no words as these others had.

Re: all you have is your fire ✨ joining - rhosmari - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]She wasn't a strange to animals that couldn't talk at all. That still held on to their feral beings because in the end that was what an animal was and to be sentient and to be able to communicate and to talk was a gift that not many were able to grasp. It was interesting though to see and watch the separation that happened. When prey animals became sentient and were therefore seen as being higher, something more than a feast to fill an empty belly. Or when savage predators gain the ability to think and preform even more heinous acts against others. Even now she was curious of the dog that was making no sounds but low whines and growls before them all and she wondered if someone was going to take him in as a pet. It seemed likely but she would do no such thing as slavery was not something she would be a part of nor would she condone such a thing if it was to happen. The blue toned female slowly walked forward, muscles rippling underneath her strangely colored pelt before she paused there and watched the canine with perceptive orange red eyes.

It was the color that contrasted most with the rest of her and she slowly sat down, thick build shifting just slightly as she curled her fluffy tail around claws that forever stayed unsheathed because of how big they were. Clearing her throat she angled her ears back for a moment before she stood up and beckoned with her tail toward the structure she had come to know as home for her in a lesser valued way. "Well, come on then, boy. The warmth and room is this way if you understand me." Her gaze shifted and she rose to her paws, lifting up a paw to lightly point in the direction that he needed to go to at least get his attention and get him to move out with her. Though she wasn't the in events like this she could only try.

Re: all you have is your fire ✨ joining - Deval - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]There was no lack of sentience within the canine, rather it was inexperience within the world that had cared little for a pup bred only to fight, whose first breath had marked the beginning of a hard road bathed in blood. Little in way of learning had been present but such was not to remark on the intelligence of the mind, one which caught onto and seemed able to understand the basic structure of the words spoken towards him, though it seemed unable to make words of its own.


Agitated is the noise now, claws digging into the ground as head swings around, catching upon another, feline like the last. Yet strange, in tones of blue with bright flames where eyes might have sat, a curiosity he finds himself drawn to, a few short steps bringing him towards her, leaning down with no care to personal boundaries. Brief is the flick of tongue, barely grazing the other until he lifts his head, looking to where she had directed him. Was this place hers? Dark eyes focused upon Blueridge once more, slight tilt to the white head as he waited.