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sun was in your eyes | introduction / ama - Printable Version

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sun was in your eyes | introduction / ama - Beverly Resurgam. - 08-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]/ i'm too lazy to make a joining thread so we're just gonna pretend bev has been here for a while thank you

It hadn't been long since she had left the Ascendants, but she didn't feel like she was leaving much behind. She hadn't formed any particular bond with anyone there, aside from Margaery. That was rather typical behavior for her, though - aloof, astray. For lack of better words, her inability to find an attachment in any place made it easier to not form attachments to those around her. Her place in the Ascedants was nothing of value to anyone, and she felt guilt-free upon her departure.

Afterwards, Beverly had settled within Sunhaven. The weather here was much more to her liking, and she had spent most of her time on the beach. She had found herself drawn to this place, and it almost didn't surprise her when she found Ilijas here. He had been kind enough to offer her the spare room in his house, so any time not spent on the beach, was spent decorating the room.

"Hey, guys! I'm Beverly, but you can call me Bev," she called out, positioned on the sand near the town. "I'm still kinda new here, so come say hey, I guess? Feel free to ask me questions or whatever if you want to get to know me."

Re: sun was in your eyes | introduction / ama - Mama - 08-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]To form attachments was to invite harm, allow the heart to be left open for any who held a connection to it to dig claws in, tear apart that fragile organ. For a time Ishayu had thought to close herself to it, allow the world to simply pass her by as it hardened into a fragment of ice within her chest, but such was hard, her want to know others, to connect and form those meaningful bonds, had cut short that plan. Though short her time within Sunhaven spoke of such for she had been given the title of welcoming committee member, doing her best to welcome each newcomer who came across their border, or offer shelter if they so needed it for a time, and so she could never know exactly what it was Beverly felt, the two opposites in many ways.

Yet one thing they seemed to have in common was a love for the beach, the golden stretch of sand calling to the serval, seeking her attention no matter the task she put to herself, wanting to feel the grains between her toes. As such she wandered the stretch of beach which separated the sea from the towering peaks of the mountains, enjoying the quiet lull of the ocean as it rushed forth only to retreat once more, a familiar and comforting whisper.

A hum parted pale lips and maroon gaze rose as words touched the still air, settling upon the one who spoke, largely a stranger to her. Though her work had made it so she tried to greet each she had missed this one and had seen her only within passing, never given a moment to greet her or ask a name, let alone offer her own introduction, and so she took this chance. Approaching with a slow step Ishayu offered Beverly a soft smile, taking a few seconds to think before she spoke.

“Hello Beverly, I am Ishayu, I hope you have enjoyed your time with us so far,” gentle was her tone, one of a mother speaking with a gentle fondness behind her words though the voice was a deep rumble in her throat, honey spread upon gravel, eyes crinkling as her smile widened some. “If you do not mind me asking where did you get that ring? It is very pretty, the make is well done.” Lifting her stump she gestured to the ring in question, slightly babbling by the end.

“Oh, I am sorry, I am a smith and make some jewellery myself, I enjoy seeing others work.”

Re: sun was in your eyes | introduction / ama - Ilijas - 08-18-2018

ilijas arthur valentine
reckless wanderer | noble stag
Ilijas had never been one to form meaningful relationships with others. His desire to wander - to travel and find himself with his field journal and his camera - often times made friendships and attachments difficult to maintain (and even make), the pain of leaving too great of a burden to bare for the young male. Things were different now though, his dedication to this place only exemplified by the arrival of Beverly, her presence and her presence alone capable of keeping him here and loyal to Sunhaven. He hadn't expected her to show up on the border just as he hadn't expected her to take him upon on his offer and actually elect to live with him. His house felt a little more like a home with her around, less empty and instead full of life and laughter and somebody who he so desperately wished to protect for no reason save some innate instinct that he had to have been born with.

Things were good.

So good.

The bengal had been wandering about when the word 'ring' caught his attention, an almost mischievous look embracing his expression as he abandoned his original idea to retire home in favor of chatting with Beverly and Ishayu. [color=gray]"Oh, the ring?" He inquired casually, a metaphorical brow rising, [color=gray]"It's mine." At least he liked to believe it was. There was a strange sort of familiarity about the piece of jewelry that left him only with a mild sense of deja vu, the same feeling that had blossomed when he had accidentally almost introduced himself as someone else. [color=gray]"Anyways, hello all. How's it going?" Ilijas appeared particularly smug as he chose to sit at Beverly's side, eagerly anticipating whatever she was going to say about what she'd no doubt call "her" ring.
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]

Re: sun was in your eyes | introduction / ama - SAMUEL M. - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]It has been acknowledged before that Samuel held little preference over which group he settled in. When he joined Sunhaven, there was no goal in his mind; no scent he sought, nor culture or lifestyle he preferred. Thus he held little opinion towards other groups, and called his joining the Haven a result of chance. He could have stumbled upon any border, and he would have joined all the same; be it Ascendants, Snowbound, or any others of the like. Sunhaven just happened to fall within his path, and he wonders if Beverly joined by that same whim. It was rather reckless of him, but he had been willing to take the chance and it unfolded nicely for the lot of them. Hopefully Beverly would have that same good fortune.

There is a little group gathering around her, curious faces he cannot attach names to. Samuel believes he's seen Ishayu before, though they've never spoken personally. The other two are entirely new to him; a fault on his part for not meeting social expectations. However, he found the plans for his shop and his recent contact with other clans to be slightly more important. For this reason, Samuel elects not to be overly confident in his approach. Politeness is tangled in his veins - he tries, at least, to be cordial but more so truthful in his mannerisms whenever he can.

He catches the last bit of conversation when he moves into the circle, and feels his brow furrow. His gaze travels, slowly, from Beverly's paw to Ilijas'. "...No," The confusion in his tone is withheld in favor of merely stating observable facts. If Ilijas is trying to be smooth with her, his methods could use a bit of work. Not that Samuel was any better with wordplay. "The ring most definitely belongs to her." He looks up, studying the face of Beverly with question - perhaps they knew each other from before, and he simply was not aware? "My apologies for the intrusion, you have a fine taste in precious metals. My name is Samuel - it's our pleasure to be housing you here."

Re: sun was in your eyes | introduction / ama - Beverly Resurgam. - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]She smiled at the first to approach, a serval whose albino pelt resembled the shade of her own. Like anyone, though, Ishayu was much taller than her, but that came as no surprise to her. "Hi! Yeah, Sunhaven's really pretty... I haven't had time to interact with anyone 'till now, but I'm enjoying myself so far," Beverly answered, appreciating the motherly tone in the other's voice. Having been raised without a mother, it wasn't something she was used to, and she found the gentleness to be comforting in a sense.

"Oh, thank you! It was, uh... It was my mom's." She didn't like lying. It felt dirty, wrong, and it was likely written across her face. But she had no energy to talk about the rings unknown origin. Turning to Ilijas, the girl scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I told you: It's mine. It's not my fault you lost whatever lookalike ring you had." It would seem he'd take every opportunity he could to force the idea that they ring belonged to him.

Another approached then, and her expression changed from annoyed to friendly in an instant. "See?" Beverly said, gesturing to Samuel as he mentioned her ownership of the ring. Sighing gently, she'd say then, "You aren't intruding at all! It's nice to meet you, Samuel. And thank you - this ring is really special to me."

Re: sun was in your eyes | introduction / ama - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-21-2018

Gordon had at one point been in The Ascendants as well, although she didn’t ever particularly remember meeting Beverly there. Technically, she had left a while ago, whenever she stepped down from being a Starstruck Guardian, so it was no surprise that Gordon had never met Beverly during her stay there.

Honestly, the little she-cat missed The Ascendants. She missed Bastilleprisoner, she missed Margarey and Suiteheart and she missed Roy, even if he intimidated her a bit. But The Ascendants was a huge clan and overwhelming busy, hence why Gordon had left.

”Um, h-hi!” Gordon squeaked as when came over, blinking up at Beverly. ”My-my name is Gordon Cipher. I’m a H-Hearthkeeper here,” She added her rank rather quickly. She was honestly unsure if she felt comfortable holding a position once more, but then again... Sunhaven was honestly a lot less stressful than a The Ascendants. ”Do-do you like flowers?” She asked, deciding to change the subject from the ring that the other female wore. Gordon didn’t like the slight tension it caused and shuffled her paws, holding she didn’t sound rude for changing the subject.

i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━