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「 ❝ I LIKE IT ❞ ┊ VISITING 」 - Printable Version

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「 ❝ I LIKE IT ❞ ┊ VISITING 」 - JERSEYBOY - 08-18-2018

JERSEYBOY ✧informationreferencetumblrpinterest
Jerseyboy couldn't say that he was all too used to mountains. The peaks, the thin air, the meadows? ( Yeah, not really his thing. ) Then again, the male had been raised in the concrete jungle that is New Jersey, which r e e k e d of garbage and was ( densely populated ) and [sub]beat-down.[/sub] Maybe this place was just too nice for his own tastes. It was... tranquil and peaceful. There were vibrant flowers and insects buzzing about — it was almost sickening to him. He damn well hoped that there was something settled beyond the ridge, a village or something he could crash in. He had been on the road for a few weeks, looking for a new place to explore. He had been to Snowbound, the Ascendants, and Tanglewood, and he wanted to try something new. Jerseyboy had decided a long time ago that settling down somewhere permanently wasn't going to be his lifestyle, and so, he had left Jacob and his new oh-so happy family behind in the Typhoon. Whatever. He'd see his little brother whenever he saw him next, he supposed.

And, to his delight, there was something else over the hill besides flowers and grass. ( A town. ) A busy one, by the looks of it. This was another one of those "clans", wasn't it? Cool, he didn't mind meeting new people ( as long as they weren't a bunch of assholes ).

Before he could trek much farther, though, he had stumbled upon a strong scent line. It indicated a border ( clearly ), so he supposed that he should wait before he got his ass jumped by some rando.
© madi

Re: 「 ❝ I LIKE IT ❞ ┊ VISITING 」 - miss ririchiyo - 08-18-2018

coma baby
One couldn't just assume that Persephone was a 'rando', but she was just a normal Ray of Sunhaven, that's for sure. Nobody too important, too young to start her apprenticeship, and too young to join any real battles. But did she care? Hell no.

Still, the ex-queen of the underworld needed to act this child's part. She needed to be shy, to ask questions, to seem curious. So, the small german shepherd-akita mix shuffled forward, tail tucked between her legs. Her voice was soft, almost frightened, but of course she wasn't scared. This fool wasn't much bigger than her.
"H-Hello.. My name is Persephone Winchester, um.. What is your reasonings for being here?"
tags :: updated 8/18:

Re: 「 ❝ I LIKE IT ❞ ┊ VISITING 」 - PIERCE - 08-19-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
It had been a while since Pierce had seen this face. Jersey had disappeared from Snowbound a little while before Pierce did, and though they'd never really spoken much, the tuxedo was certainly memorable. He was obnoxious adoptive brother of  Jacob, Snowbound's former leader - he was kind of difficult to miss. However, after he kind of disappeared off the face of the earth, Pierce hadn't thought much of him; he hadn't had a reason to. So, he couldn't help but be surprised at the sight of the other at Sunhaven's border.

"Jerseyboy?" uttered the freckled serval as he wandered over, the familiar form of his former clanmate having caught his eye. He glanced over to Persephone momentarily, a small look of concern crossing his features for just a second as he took a step a bit closer to the puppy. Pierce reminded himself of how nervous of strangers he had been  when he was a boy, but he said nothing to her, instead purring to the other tom, "It's nice to see you again!" That was kind of a lie, but Jersey hadn't been that bad. "What are you doing here?" He was repeating Persephone there, but he was a little too worried about the fact that Jerseyboy might not remember him from Snowbound, which would be a little more embarrassing than repeating a standard question.


Re: 「 ❝ I LIKE IT ❞ ┊ VISITING 」 - Ilijas - 08-19-2018

ilijas arthur valentine
reckless wanderer | noble stag
It had been the mountains and the meadows of Sunhaven that had first beckoned Ilijas in, his reckless spirit drawn to the promise of rocky peaks and blossoming plains, camera almost always in hand as he pleasantly snapped away pictures of anything that caught his eye. He had not been made to handle the city, the concrete jungle too bustling and populated to extend to him even an ounce of comfort. By himself, surrounded by the vast and untamable wilderness, was where he was meant to be, though Sunhaven and its homey civilization surprisingly made him content, more so than he had ever anticipated. Maybe it was just because Beverly was here now, who knew.

He had been wandering about as he usually did, camera in tow and interest gleaming within his dark brown eyes when he happened upon Jerseyboy and the others. Immediately, he seemed to adopt a more casual stance, shifting his weight and permitting something akin to a lopsided smirk to expand upon silver-shaded lips. A joiner? And one that Pierce appeared to know. Interesting. [color=gray]"Hey, what's up uhhh Jerseyboy," Ilijas greeted easily, hoping that the name Pierce regarded the other male with was indeed his first name. He didn't know why else he'd be greeted in that fashion if it wasn't, but oh well. [color=gray]"The name's Ilijas Valentine."
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]

Re: 「 ❝ I LIKE IT ❞ ┊ VISITING 」 - rhosmari - 08-20-2018

The only place that he had explored beyond here was the Rosebloods and they seemed friendly enough. One of them even wanted to buy some of his wares which was a good start but the other places he had little interaction with. Once he had went to the Ascendants to check up on them but that was about it and he needed to make his run to Snowbound soon. It was his job after all but he was falling behind and growing lack luster by the day it seemed. Regardless the male moved forward after hearing the soft voices lifting up, some of recognition and some not. His pearl colored eyes shifted over the familiar faces of those that lived within Sunhaven already before he looked to the one they were talking about. He seemed normal at first glance which was neither good nor bad, just a small observation from the mutant. His gaze was friendly enough and the Dawnguard settled down and he gave a light nod of his head to those that were there before he curled his tail around his own body, fin brushing the ground just slightly.

His own family was here already although Warsongs seemed to have disappeared which worried him a great bit. Now it as just him and Jericho and the other didn't even know who he was. He hadn't told him yet and he didn't even know if he was going to or not. The situation was...taxing and troubling to say the least but he always kept these emotions bottled up inside so that he could be out and about with everyone else. Clearing his throat a little the male lifted up a webbed paw to lightly brush it against his neck. "Welcome, Jerseyboy if ya don't mind me being on a first name basis. Name's Monroe and it seems ya got some friends here already." He chuckled warmly after that statement before becoming quite.

Re: 「 ❝ I LIKE IT ❞ ┊ VISITING 」 - JERSEYBOY - 08-21-2018

JERSEYBOY ✧informationreferencetumblrpinterest
The first to arrive to greet his presence was none other than a walking, talking, fuzzy maraca. Her tail in between her legs, her submissive stance, her hesitant tone. He was just a cat, for God's sake. How scary could he be to a pup already pretty much his size? Not that he was saying that he wasn't an intimidating male, of coure. She was ( s t u t t e r i n g ) and [sub]fearful,[/sub] as were some small children. What was she even doing out by herself anyways? Did her parents ( or whoever her caretakers were ) not give a shit about where she roamed throughout the day? Or did they not pay too much attention? If not, then he could say that he could relate. He never tended to get into big trouble when he wandered about the city as a kitten ( although his Mama would often call him a "stupid boy" for doing so ). It was also almost impressive how formal this kid was. Hell, at her age, all he did was run around and wrestle with the other kids and cause trouble. She was practically a diplomat. The tom rested his sights on the puppy and reassured her ( in his own way, that is ), "Whaddaya' so nervous for, huh? I ain't gonna eatcha'."

Then, he heard his name. Okay, what the shit? Jerseyboy quickly glanced up, meeting the gaze of a [sup]towering[/sup] serval. He furrowed his figurative brows for a moment, analyzing the bigger cat before him. This guy looked familiar as well, and there was only one possible way that he could have known him already. "Oh, ey. It's you... Spots-Guy." He had forgotten his name already, but then again, they had never really interacted much. "And, ah, I was wonderin' if I could crash here for a lil' bit." This place was a ( beachside paradise ) that he was eager to tour.

Jerseyboy couldn't exactly say that he had an attachment to the wilderness and its wonders. The tom ended up where he happened to end up, and none of it really mattered to him. If it was the mountains or a swamp or the slums of a city, then so be it. He wasn't trying to stay in one place for too long. He liked to keep things ( i n t e r e s t i n g. ) The tuxedo tom turned to the younger cat that approached him, and he gave a slight [sup]raise[/sup] of his brows. "Ilijas Valentine, huh? That's some fancy shit' goin' on there." Jersey teased. He didn't do the "last name" shit, though he always wondered what his would be if his family carried one. Nonetheless, this kid seemed cool so far, and that's what he was looking for — a community where he could chill and not have to worry about politics or anything.

Before he could really form an overall opinion on the next person who greeted him, he couldn't help but be caught off-guard by their... everything. He couldn't tell whether he was a cat or a fish, or both. So, like the blunt motherfucker he was, Jerseyboy exclaimed, "Jesus fuckin' Christ — what the fuck happened t' you?" He tilted his head as he observed the mutant in awe.
© madi

Re: 「 ❝ I LIKE IT ❞ ┊ VISITING 」 - rhosmari - 08-24-2018

At this point he was used to the reactions that he got for his appearance. It didn't make him any less self conscious but at the same time he was understand that he was a strange site and though he didn't think highly of how he looked he thought his personality would make up or it. A grin spread over his muzzle showing off his serrated rows of teeth before a light chuckle pulled from his throat and he waved a paw at Jerseyboy. His pearl colored gaze shifted away and he merely gave a light tsk of his muzzle before shrugging his shoulders. "Eh, just swam too much in the ocean, lad. Let me tell ya, don't be doing too much deep divin'." It was meant to be a joke and he showed his amusement through his gaze because he hadn't always looked like this and was indeed cursed but that was a story for another day and one he hadn't told anyone so far. It was just something he held close to his heart because he was scared of what others would think and the reason why he was like this now wasn't a good one.