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NIGHT OF THE HUNTER / o, joining - Printable Version

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NIGHT OF THE HUNTER / o, joining - COSMIIX - 08-18-2018

His memory was foggy and his backside hurt, his eyes were half closed as he laid on his side unsure of where he was to begin with. The jaguar had the tigers skin over him much like a blanket as his eyes took in the darkness that engulfed his entire body, he opened his eyes a bit more to see that there was an entrance ahead of him. He would roll onto his stomach wincing at the heavy pain that was surging through his body though he had felt worse so he pushed himself onto his paws feeling a bit of a breeze briefly hovering over his bare back that was covered in several ugly scars. It didn't take him all that long for him to take a grip onto his tigers skin, using it to cover said injuries only to tie the small threads that kept it together so it didn't fall off. He would make his way over to the entrance of what he assumed was a cavern, he could make out the distinct glowing on the walls taking note and realizing that they were small clutches of glow worms. Once at the entrance, he would lean his head forward wincing at the sunlight that greeted him quite immediately and his muzzle would wrinkle a bit as a few droplets of water fell onto his snout. He shook his head grumbling quietly as he limped out of the cave with both rounded ears angled forward, he recalled moving to a place though he forgot the name of the said area. He didn't know it but he was within the Ascendants territory, he didn't smell of them since he never stayed near the camp and he was grateful for that as he trudged along the canopy to make his way out of the territory. He hadn't eaten in a while was what he realized as his stomach snarled at him though he ignored the said hunger until he was out of the territory reaching a place that was not claimed by anyone.

He took the time to catch himself something despite how he was still limping around quite a bit, he had caught himself a few plump rabbits. He had managed to find himself a deserted badger den which he had adjusted into a temporary home for himself, it got cold overnights but it didn't seem to bother him at all since he always pressed his face into the tiger skin even if he hated it especially since the animal he had skinned it from was probably still wandering around somewhere. Scum. His eyes narrowed at the thought of it as he adjusted his position until he was curled up into a ball in his badger den, he fell asleep and did not rise until the sound of scampering rabbits paws woke up. He would lift his head a bit to be yet again greeted by the sun, he growled quietly flinching at the powerful light though he eventually left his temporary home with his muscles rippling underneath the tigers skin. He decided that it was time to go now that he wasn't aching ad much as he used to when he had woke up. His pawpads were cracked but he didn't seem to stop, none of the pain stopped him. No, it encouraged him to push on.

He arrived at the border with a soft breath escaping his slightly parted jaws, he would take a seat feeling the suns powerful rays pounding on his coat due to be attracted to it. His whiskers twitched before he would part his jaws to speak "Greetings. I am Kunta Ghana and I am here to join,"

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #17181e; font-size: 12px;"] KUNTA BEKOE GHANA

Re: NIGHT OF THE HUNTER / o, joining - Lokisaurus - 08-19-2018

Butch was not accustomed to well-spoken people.  When you lived in the Pitt, you got a lot of "hey fucker!  I need someone over here" and "could some bitch gimme some 'tention!"  The speech patterns were very colloquial and... well... mostly unintelligible.  For Butch, newcomers and outside forces were the only sense of normal speech he received.

He relished in it.

He also relished in not having to deal with the whole "name and business" charade, which did get very grating after a while.  If he had to say or hear that phrase one more time, he was going to headbutt a wall at full speed.

In any case, Butch was the first of his group to approach the big cat, resisting the urge to pant due to the sun beating down on his back.

"A lovely proposal, we're always looking for new... well, for lack of a better word, recruits.  I'm sure you've thought this entire thing through and I presume I don't have to give you the full presentation of what we are?"