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SEND ME YOUR LOCATION && opening a fruit stand! - Printable Version

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SEND ME YOUR LOCATION && opening a fruit stand! - miss ririchiyo - 08-18-2018

coma baby
It was unusual for a child to run a store herself, but she was just used to the gathering of fruits from the mini garden she grew back at camp. They were hanging gardens ran by water, so it was easy to keep them alive. But, just growing them grew to be a bore for Persephone. She wanted to sell and trade them.

Her stand was small, taking up a tiny portion of the market that people often went to. Fruits lined her shelves, fresh and unbruised, as per what she liked herself. Her stand was simple, but fabrics hung from the sides of her shop, cloaking the german shepherd mix from the sun's rays.

The sign of her shop was carved in elegant oakwood and silver calligraphy. "Bittersweet", was the name of her shop, a simple name that had many meanings. Just like Persephone.

There were apples and oranges, pomegranates, cherries, and much more. She could sell anything that people wanted, they just had to ask if they were in season.

//Persephone is opening up a fruit stand! Feel free to trade her items in exchange for fruit. She usually takes herbs in exchange. ^^
tags :: updated 8/18:

Re: SEND ME YOUR LOCATION && opening a fruit stand! - Ilijas - 08-20-2018

ilijas arthur valentine
reckless wanderer | noble stag
Ilijas wasn't really a fruit man, per say. Sure, there was nothing better than a fresh peach on a hot day or maybe a few pomegranate seeds here and there, but he didn't actively go out of his way to purchase fruit and eat it. Perhaps it was the natural sweetness that drove him away, the young bengal far preferring savory or salty options over pretty much anything, or maybe it was the fact that fruit was such a hassle to eat. Whatever the reason, he certainly felt out of place examining Persephone's wares. He wanted to bring something home for Beverly, something that she'd greatly enjoy, but he realized that he didn't quite know what her favorite fruit was or if she liked them in general.

[color=gray]"Uh... Bananas... Do you have those? Would they make a good gift?" Ilijas inquired a bit awkwardly, a chestnut colored gaze rising to study Persephone's face. She was probably an expert in all things fruit if she had decided to make her shop fruit related, surely she could provide some guidance before he made a royal fool of himself in front of Beverly.
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]

Re: SEND ME YOUR LOCATION && opening a fruit stand! - miss ririchiyo - 08-20-2018

coma baby
Persephone smiled at the arrival of the familiar bengal, lifting up her fluffy head to listen to his request. Bananas? For a gift? What was it, a gag gift? Persephone's mind couldn't help but wander into Rated-R territory, and she stayed silent for a bit.

Then, she finally spoke. "Strawberries or Rasberries are good for romance? I suggest dipping the strawberries in dark chocolate if you don't like too much sweetness." She snickered, a grin on her face as she stared down at the other.
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Re: SEND ME YOUR LOCATION && opening a fruit stand! - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-21-2018

Oh, this was the fruit stand that Jericho had mentioned! Gordon was honestly only here to look at the store Persephone had, not to buy, mostly because she didn’t have anything on her. Gordon looked awed by the stand, her green eyes shining as she stared at the shop Persephone set up. ”Wh-where did you find all these?” She asked, switching her gaze to look at Persephone now.

i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: SEND ME YOUR LOCATION && opening a fruit stand! - Beverly Resurgam. - 08-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]Contrary to Ilijas, Beverly loved fruit. She was quite fond of vegetables as well, but fruits were her favorite thing in the entire world. There really wasn't one she didn't like - she surely liked some more than others, though. Naturally, when she passed a fruit shop, the small girl had to stop. As she walked up, she stood among the other two, listening in on their exchanges.

Her gaze drifted around the little stand, a grin set upon her white features. I suggest dipping the strawberries in dark chocolate. Oh, that was a great idea! Her two favorite things in one! "Oh! What can I give you for some strawberries?" Beverly inquired then. "They're my favorite!"

Re: SEND ME YOUR LOCATION && opening a fruit stand! - miss ririchiyo - 08-22-2018

coma baby
Persephone was glad that people were actually visiting her stand, the forms of Gordon and Beverly coming up to see the fruits grown specially by her. At Gordon's question, the mixed german shepherd tilted her head, a cheeky smile taking up her features. "I grow them behind the shrine me and my siblings live in." She woofed, scratching behind her ear with her back paw.

Then, she heard Beverly speak, and her ears pricked up in alert. Someone wanted to buy her fruits? Gosh, she was so excited! Maybe this was a good idea, after all. "Uh, I'll sell some for some pretty shells or coins you find lying around. Or jewels, herbs, or knives?" She guessed, tapping her chin again.
tags :: updated 8/18:

Re: SEND ME YOUR LOCATION && opening a fruit stand! - Ilijas - 08-22-2018

ilijas arthur valentine
reckless wanderer | noble stag
Ilijas hadn't come up with a backup plan should Beverly also appear, mentally cursing himself as she expressed an interest in purchasing strawberries from Persephone. [color=gray]"I'd like to buy your entire stock of strawberries," He informed quickly (and far too impulsively), immediately met with a new and even worse dilemma: how was he going to pay for them all? He had a relatively large conch shell on display in the sitting room of his house, a possession that he felt little to no attachment to. Maybe the child would like that? God, he hoped so. [color=gray]"I have this huge shell back at home, I'm talking like ridiculously large. Would that be an okay payment? I probably have herbs somewhere too... I just really need all of those strawberries, it's very important that they're all mine."

The bengal didn't even entertain the idea that Beverly might see him as a complete asshole for buying all the strawberries, but he couldn't yet reveal that they were for her. Too bad his banana plan had fallen through, there was hardly any hassle of over bananas. Jeez. [color=gray]"So, do we have ourselves a deal?" Please say yes.
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]