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//wait until [member=1875]FREYR O.[/member] posts!! <33

Her being ached. The subtle pain riddled her body, her paws sore from all the walking, and her stomach gripped with hunger pains. But it hurt most inside, her chest split apart with sadness--but most importantly the blaze of bitterness. She was angry at everything and everyone, at the universe and all it's unfairness, but most of all, at herself. She had always seen herself as the more responsible one of the pair, though that wasn't saying much, but she had still tried her best to care for herself and her sister ever since their family's death.

And yet here she was, alone. Or at least, she wished she was.

Being by herself would be better than being stuck with this self-absorbed jerk. At the thought, her head turned slightly, peering back at her companion with nothing more than a cold glare. Just by looking at them, you might think he dishonored her and her whole lineage in some way. But they had never gotten along from the start. All of his attempts at friendship she always shot down, especially now with their situation. She had lost everything and she wasn't about to create something else she could lose.

Aineias stops, pausing as the familiar smell of salty sea-air hits her nose, her body suddenly feeling lighter than it ever had in days. Soon she could swim and hopefully forget about everything, at least momentarily. But first, they had to deal with whoever was here, as she could scent the many people that occupied the nearby beach. Eyes narrowing, she would take a seat and sigh at the opportunity to rest, glaring at the bells that adorned the gate before rustling them with a single paw. The sound pierced the silence.

She hoped this would be worth it.



Her cold glares didn't seem to move the lupine much as he walked behind her making sure that he kept his space and didn't intrude hers, hell, he wasn't even situated with the current form he had taken. He was used to being much larger within his God form or formerly God anyways, he would flick his ears back until they subtly brushed against the top of his cranium. She was acting bitter towards him and he didn't blame her all that much since she had lost something valuable to her, hell, he could still remember when they had first bashed heads and then her saving his ass from possibly drowning. He briefly shuddered at the memory, he didn't fancy water all that much and it was ironic how this body was well, made for said circumstances. Why was he following her? Well, he had nowhere else to go and he figured that he might as well repay his debt to her. He felt as if he owed her something for her trying to save him that one day, his nose twitched as he watched her mess around with the bells. The abnormally large lupine was still behind her as he took a seat basically towering over her or well, his shadow anyways. He would let his tongue swipe over his lips for a brief moment as he began to wait for the presence of those that inhabited the area.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1b314c; font-size: 12px;"]— FREYR ORTUS

Re: WHERE MY HEART SHOULD BE — DUAL JOINING - snare - 08-18-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon striker argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Oh, not just one stranger but two.  He hadn’t exactly seen that yet, just one at a time.  But these two looked like promising joiners, even if they looked quite a tad intimidating to the young Striker.  The chocolate colored wolf pup would lope foreword, looking up at the pair with large moon-like eyes.  He was the first Typhooner to show up to greet the newcomers, if his memory served him well this was a first for him.

Clearing his throat, Snare would lift his chin and look at Freyr and Aineias with his attempt at a serious expression, as serious as a small fuzzy wolf pup could be.  ”Are you here with business with the Typhoon?”  The young one would say, hoping that he was doing this right.  He was on his way to bigger and better things, and needed to prove himself to his clan the best he could.

Re: WHERE MY HEART SHOULD BE — DUAL JOINING - adomania - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]He had already seen multiple joiners a few times before in his life, often two lovers or friends or siblings unable to separate themselves from each other for more than a few hours. It was endearing, most of the time, but Des found he couldn't quite bring up the same emotions he had merely a few days ago... and what used to be some semblance of an easy grin was nothing but a grimace on his maw as he approached, eyeing both of them with no lack of distrust. It would prove to be nothing short of amusing once they told their story, however, as it was probably the first time he met two creatures stuck together even though both of them would have preferred to be somewhere far away from the other.

He understood honor, though, and the need to repay your debts. The feeling weighed down whatever semblance of a soul the canine had, paired with the guilt and the constant aching need to forget it at the same time. He didn't want to remember what he had done and who he had become, who he had killed to get where he was. These days, he wished it all away more than he ever did. There was an ache in his core that was something beyond simple sadness. It was a hunger that didn't seem to go away ever since his return from the dead, urging him back to who he had been before his self proclaimed 'change.'

Hah. He was an idiot for thinking he could escape his lineage.

There was no hint of the canine's usual easy going attitude as he approached, his glare cold enough to equal that of Aineias' once he settled just about a foot away from the strangers, and even farther away from child who happened to appear before him. The kid, although young, said all that there was to say. Nothing inside of him itched to speak as he used to, and the silence, although heavy upon his shoulder and charged with negative energy, did nothing but comfort him in ways his words couldn't.


Two figures standing at the gate, watching the way the bells chime. None of them look happy to be here, none look so relieved. He saw no elation within them and the silence which surrounds their body feels cold and worn. Simply glancing at the antithetical pair makes the clashes of the bells resemble bickering children, screaming for pulling at each other's hair, arguing for the sake of it. Bakugou scrunches his nose, unable to hypothesise a reason as to why these strangers were found to be together. Unwanted company. He says nothing to address the mundane tones which seem to revolve effortlessly within a heavy, almost intoxicating atmosphere. It was funny how all things familiar could be immediately shifted by a simple change in mood. The very smell of sea salt riding upon the male's back felt uncanny and repulsing. Bakugou's own day was totally ruined, the striker's sanguine eyes flashing a look of immediate distaste to the foreigners.

Snare has already done all the talking, Desperado is here as...well, maybe reinforcement. And Bakugou? There comes a time in life where one questions why he is here, why he even bothered to come all this way when from afar he could already see the blurred lines of Typhooners who have beat him to it. There's no particular reason for him to have arrived other than the fact that, like the others, he has been summoned here and in an effort to make meaning for the time lost, the energy wasted, he has chosen to stay around. Instead, he has already begun convincing himself, he will stick around to see if he can discover any purpose to everyone's sour moods. The only one who seems unfazed by this, perhaps even immune by the scent of unholy air, is Snare. It may, however, be because he assumes all children to be vessels of untamed energy. He himself counts as a child in this world, but Bakugou knows he's sixteen in all actualities.


There's a flicker of amusement in her expression at the child's arrival, eyes lowering down to him in all his attempted seriousness. He had done his best, but it was still somewhat hard not to look at him fondly, the corner of her mouth twitching into what could pass as a smile. Really, what were they here for? Even now, she wasn't completely sure, and she hadn't been certain of many things lately, either. The only thing she knew at this point was that they didn't have many other places to turn to. Once he figured it all out, Freyr could go to any other clan he wanted--but she had to be near the sea. It wasn't that she physically couldn't be, it just calmed her to know that she could swim and hunt whenever she pleased. Land prey tasted nasty to her, anyways.

The female pauses with her reply, though, glancing at all the other people beginning to gather around them. She wasn't worried--she could kick ass if she needed to--but she just didn't feel like fighting today, especially since she didn't know exactly how many people they would have to fight if it came down to it. At least her travel companion was good for being a body guard with his size. Focusing back on the cub, she finally speaks. "We're here to join. I'm Aineias," she glances back at the hybrid behind her, a mixture of emotions on her face. "And this is Freyr," she held off any rude comments that popped into her head. First impressions were everything, after-all.

With that, she waits for their response, or for someone new to show up and accept them. She wasn't sure how it worked, though she was mostly concerned with being allowed to stay. That's all that really mattered to her.


Re: WHERE MY HEART SHOULD BE — DUAL JOINING - bubblegum - 08-19-2018


Cleo was the next to arrive, silently questioning her presence as she looked between the two newcomers, already greeted and welcomed by her sister. There really was no reason for her to be here, not when the business had been handled and she was gazing upon the two newest members of the Typhoon, but a combination of curiosity and boredom could not keep her at bay. There was only so much the girl could do before she grew tired of the tedious and resorted to exploring, this was merely a direct result of an insatiable childlike curiosity and need to keep moving. "Hello," Cleo would greet quietly, an ear flicking as she craned her neck to further investigate Aineias and Freyr. She had seen the former's mouth moving upon arrival, no doubt sharing their names or whatever, but her hearing had grown to be so bad that Cleo for the life of her did not know what to call either of them. She was far too stubborn to ask either and, with a sigh, the bengal merely decided to introduce herself and hopefully learn their names later. "My name is Cleo Roux-Cipher, it's nice to meet you."



CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently married. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher was used to hearing the piercing sound of the bell, how it raked and sliced through whatever attention he had focused on something. Luckily for the joiners, it was nothing busy but rather a sort of desire he wanted as the male's sleepy watery blue gaze fluttered open to be splashed by the bright sunlight that bathed the Typhoon's island, his head slowly raising from where it had rested on his bone white front paws. The male tipped his head ever so slightly to the side, the direction where the sound came from as he debated if he should go. Usually, he was always excited to see new faces but his mind was hazey, filled with tiredness and ache from the sickness that choked him up. He let out a small silent groan roll out of his salmon pink tongue as he rose to his full standing form, softly kicking off the sand that had decided to cling to his form. While he headed there in a rather slow fashioned pace, he refused to look towards the water beside him that softly crashed against the shore as he knew that looking at it would cause just another wave of nausea to envelop him.

Swallowing down the tickling sensation to cough, the male would catch sight of his crewmates surrounding two unknown figures, his pale forked tongue flicking out to catch their scents. They were a rare scent, one that he connected to one of the newer groups as Pincher was one to keep track of who was who in the communities that were around the Typhoon. As the broad-shouldered towering cinder gray wildcat reached the side of his daughters, aiming to softly brush against them in a light loving touch before focusing on the strangers with strained gaze. They were rather odd-looking beings but he held back from making a statement since he wasn't as polite as Goldie was about pointing out appearances that tended to deviate from what was considered "normal". He flashed a faint ghost of a welcoming smirk before giving a light dip of his head towards them as he rumbled "Welcome to the Typhoon, Aineias and Freyr. I'm Pincher, Captain..." His wording was rather clipped and blunt due to him trying not to cough while speaking as he cleared his throat, hoping he didn't seem like some awkward ass fuck but that wasn't really up to him.


He didn't even bother speaking to Ain though his non-existent eyebrow would lift up a bit when the child approached them speaking or well asking for their names and business here. Huh, he hadn't realized that the mortals here were so boring although Freyr would simply nod slowly when Aineias would introduce the both of them to these pirates or whatever they referred themselves to. He usually came off as a pompous asshole but that wasn't the case although, he couldn't necessarily defend himself since he was sure that he'd either hurt Ain's feelings or she'd try biting him. The memory of her biting his neck when he first joined made the Mexican wolf reach up to scratch his neck with a hind leg. The former God would offer a rather toothy grin, one he was a bit self conscious about, to those there before he would nod slowly "Thank you for welcoming the both of us. It's appreciated," With that he offered a light shrug of his shoulders adding with a slow nod "Pleasure of meeting all of you."

/ mobile blegh

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1b314c; font-size: 12px;"]— FREYR ORTUS