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LOST BOY ¤¤ open && M/G - Printable Version

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LOST BOY ¤¤ open && M/G - Seina - 08-18-2018

It had been rather kind of them to let him stay here even if he was quite unsure if it had been a good decision of him or not consider what had happend in The Ascandant. Inu would never be able to forgive himself for that. It had been stupied of him to even think he actually belonged in a clan life. For everyone sake it was better if he just keept himself isolated somewhere there not many come to cross him. Yeah, he couldn't let himself stay here for long just for some few days and he would move on again to found himself somewhere else to live, maybe a island there no one lived on aside from himself. Maybe it would be a lonely life but that was far better then letting a monster like him surrend himself with people. As long he existed and had a control over his mind no one would be safe from himself or that male. It didn't seemed like Inu would found any happiness in life, perhaps he did not deserved it to begin with.

Still worn out the Shikoku would walk himself into camp ( having sleept outside just to make sure he not would attack someone) to take a look around. This place was very beautiful, wasn't it?. Inu liked this place it reminded him a bit about Hawkclan, despite the clan having lived in a jungle both of the places had a beach and water surrending them. It was a relaxing feeling. Maybe later he could take a walk to the beach not having visited it yet but he had heared one existed. To be surrended by this many houses though was a complete new experience for him. The mountains he would avoid though mostly because last time he had tried to explore the forest back at The Ascandant he had gotten lost and almost eaten by a bear.

Taking a look around after some sort of life the vampire hesitated at first. " Uhm, h-hello?. Anyone wanna meet me?. I mean if you want to..." What a odd way to start a conversation, even Inu realised that and in embarassment his cheeks heated up. He really wasn't all that good when it come to social interactions. It was a bit of a struggle for him but he tried, wanting to at least show gratefulness for letting him stay here for a little while.

// alright so my joining thread i made yesterday got erased because of the site update and i don't want to rewrite it. So if anyone replied to that thread before it got erased lets just say they asked what he was doing there and Inu asked them if he could stay for some couple of days and they said that was okay or something *shrugs*
© madi

Re: LOST BOY ¤¤ open && M/G - miss ririchiyo - 08-18-2018

coma baby
"Why, aren't you the cutest thing?" Asked Persephone as she arrived on the scene, head tilted to the side. The young german shepherd-akita mix wasn't too familiar with shiba inu's, but she supposed she could get used to this. How rare, though. How beautiful.

"My name is Persephone, I'm merely a Ray here. What's your name?" Asked the young canine, ears twitching as blue eyes watched the male with a curious gaze.
tags :: updated 8/18:

Re: LOST BOY ¤¤ open && M/G - jericho - 08-20-2018

The voice behind the call is unfamiliar to Jericho.  Such thoughts always fill him with an odd sense of guilt — as leader, isn't he expected to know everyone?  As leader, shouldn't he be greeting each and every joiner?  As leader, how can he let people slip through the cracks?  There's another part of him that knows he's being too hard on himself, that these expectations aren't entirely realistic, but he can't help but feel he just isn't trying hard enough.  Nonetheless Jericho, always looking for the lighter side, decides to push those thoughts away and instead use this as an opportunity to make up for missed ones.  Even if newcomers do arrive without him there as part of the welcoming committee, the Helion figures he can always introduce himself later as he intends to do now.

The little tomcat limps forth just after Persephone arrives, seating himself slowly to take the weight off of his three legs while he listens to her own greeting.  He smiles softly, gently but still with a reserved kind of politeness as his blind honey gaze turns to flicker across Inu, settling to stare in his vague direction.  "Ah, I'm Jericho.  It's nice to meet you, uh..." he trails off, allowing the end to raise in intonation to form a question around where the stranger's name should be.  Nevertheless he clears his throat lightly and adds, "You — ah, y-you're new, right?  How are you settling in?"

Re: LOST BOY ¤¤ open && M/G - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-21-2018

Sunhaven seemed to attract quite the crowd of people having some sort of social awkwardness, which was kind of funny to Gordon. She herself had a bit of social anxiety and was trying her best to overcome it. She still would rather be near somebody she knew but alas, she had yet to get as close to somebody as she did with Suiteheart and Margaery in The Ascendants.

Jericho was somebody she knew to a certain extent though, and Gordon decided to hang around him a bit. The little she-cat came over and stood next to him, looking up at Inu. ”H-hey!” She squeaked out, trying to seem reassuring towards the canine who looked just about as nervous as her. ”My-my name’s Gordon Cipher.” She went on quickly. ”I’m a Hearthkeeper here.”

i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: LOST BOY ¤¤ open && M/G - PIERCE - 08-22-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
There had been so many kids joining - not especially young ones, but apprentice-aged ones - lately, and Pierce couldn't help but wonder why they were alone at such a  young age. Irene, Persephone, and now this kid? Pierce's own story began with him leaving his human home at only four months old, and he was curious as to how many children had similar experiences to him. Had they been abandoned by their family, like him? Or possibly kicked out, or maybe those they lived with had died, or something. The possibilities were endless, but nothing he thought of was reallly good. The least-terrible thing he could think of was that said kid had wandered off on their own to explore the world, which wasn't bad when it came to the older kids, but younger ones, at four, five months old? It was... worrying, to say the least. He was just glad all these children had found Sunhaven and not somewhere more aggressive.

Amber eyes alight, Pierce meandered over shortly after Gordon, drawn to Jericho's side, as the orange tabby was the only one there he had ever shared more than three or four words with. His warm gaze flickered from the three Sunhaveners beside him to Inu, who he flashed a bright smile. "Welcome to Sunhaven!" he offered, his tail waving behind him, almost like a dog. "I'm Pierce Parker- just Pierce is fine, though. It's nice to meet you! Do you, uh, have any interests, or anything? I paint and I like music, too." That was a good icebreaker question, wasn't it?
