Beasts of Beyond
There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - Printable Version

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There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - Sweetopia - 04-02-2018

//here you are [member=260]ectoplasmicjoy[/member] and [member=249]Kayn[/member] + Everyone else feel free to post before or after; your preference.
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Even though my heart is hopeless beyond repair -
The blue lynx tiredly gave strides within slow seconds, not caring if her children wanted her to go faster. She was getting tired, but the small wild feline never gave up, and she never would; even if she was badly beaten and thrown into a ditch. Plus stuff always happened to her fellow family members. Even if everyone else warned her to get into adopting or birthing children due to the family's bad luck she carried.

Giving a huge yawn, the feline near she was close to the end of the whole trip, and she decided to make sure everyone was okay. Giving a warm smile, she would look to both canines with motherly love, "Sugar-Kayn and Joy-Bringer, are you two okay huns? No boo-boos?" Raine would get down and check the canines for any injuries, giving them a few harmless licks here and there.

Giving a few more looks she decided to call out softly for others after she made sure everything was fine, because she had to make sure her babies were safe after all.
- I'll go onwards; I'll walk along with you

Re: There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - Ivylee - 04-02-2018

tracking so i can post after the other two do c:

Re: There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - ghostpact - 04-03-2018

. . . . . . .
★ — a thousand light years away
Ectoplasmic could barely contain her excitment of meeting new people. The small canine would bound ahead and then drop back when she feared she'd gonna too far from her mother. Even while they all walked, she still seemed to be constantly fidgeting, hopping from a rock or weaving between Raine and Kayne. Her tail seemed to go a mile a minute as they neared the border. Her ears perked and she slowed again, allowing Raine to check on her and wiggling under the feline's rough tongue. She could hardly feel it through her incredibly thick and fluffy fur, however. She was rather lucky then, knowing she wouldn't be complaing much about it being too cold with her coat. "I'm okay!" she yipped, dancing on her paws. She'd crash soon. "It's really pretty here! Look at the all the snow!" She looked at Kayn, beaming. "We could build a snow fort!"
★ — keeshond. snowbound. gatherer. tags. — ✯

Re: There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - Kayn - 04-03-2018

I lost my dreams in this disaster
Kayn Simploom — Male — Snowbound — Warrior —  Difficult
The lupine had for the most part tuned the entire journey out so to speak. While of course he'd payed enough attention to make sure neither his sister, mother, or himself were injured that didn't mean he'd exactly offered anything else much thought. All he knew was that they were going to a place called Snowbound. Beyond that he had simply followed Raine as was expected of him, watching his paws indent within the frozen liquid blanketing the ground with a relative blank expression upon his handsome features.

Why exactly were they actively seeking out a group living in frigid temperatures? Truthfully he wasn't certain. The trip was obviously taxing on his mother. Why did they need this group to begin with? Certainly not for protection because Kayn could defend his family easily enough. No one had hurt them before, and no one would moving forward. The young wolf refused to allow that to happen. Alas though the decision to move to the snow clad clan wasn't his to make. That belonged entirely to his mother, and obediently he had obeyed. Of course though he'd made his disagreement with the situation very, very noticeable.

Kayn rolled his eyes at his nickname being called, a small sigh escaping him, but nonetheless he surrendered himself to Raine's motherly care. "Yes mom, I'm fine. Really. It'll take a lot more then a little bit of snow to cause me problems," Kayn assured with an affectionate nuzzle to the lynx. She meant well and he appreciated everything his mother did for them. For him. The black lupine only hoped she'd realize one day that he could take care of himself. It was yet another thing he needed to prove to the world, and surrounded by other people he figured that pressure would only mount further.

At least though it appeared that his sister was having fun playing in the admittedly beautiful snow. It was like clouds made manifest. Eventually he would likely take the time to have a little bit of fun, exploring the new territory and dancing gracefully in the snow, but he doubted that would be today. Kayn forced a smile to his sister and nodded, but his eyes betrayed the heavier thoughts running through his mind. "Yeah, we really could eh Ecto? I wonder if it's like this all the time. Eternal winter seems a little harsh, even if it is very pretty," the midnight wolf mentioned with a look out upon the horizon, dual colored gaze analyzing the drifts of snow. The scent of the Snowbound border had filled his nostrils and that meant it was only a matter of time before someone greeted them, hopefully with nice manners to his mother who was rather exhausted from the journey.

Re: There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - cry - 04-03-2018

  This was a very interesting group. A lynx, a domestic canine, and a fox. Interesting. From her perch on one of the various bushes around camp, she could see they had a family-like relationship; the lynx being the mother. She could not exactly hear what the three were saying from the distance, but she could see the blue female search her larger children over. It was... kinda funny to watch, honestly.

  It reminded her too much of her own family back home. Ace always harped at her for following in his footsteps, claiming that just because he did something stupid doesn't mean she should. She chuckled at the memories. She missed her mom. He was a very free creature, unable to staple down to the ground. Because he would... literally get up around it. ... His liquid form always did confuse her. But hey. If you grew up in a family of ten-foot dogs, crystal plants, and liquid huemans, you'd learn to deal with it as well. They truly were a group of oddballs. She loved her oddballs. And she missed them very much.

  The raven sighed as she started to climb down. She was still broken and torn, but she was not down. And she sure as hell wasn't out. Cry's legs were not broken. She could still walk, and she could still watch over this place. She would do anything in her power to prevent another attack upon an innocent heart like London. Cry huffed as she padded up to the group. She said nothing, as she normally stayed silent. She just watched. Cry tilted her head, raising a brow. What were they doing here anyways? Was this a leasurely strole through the winter tundra and forest ? She found that very unlikely.


Re: There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - london r. - 04-03-2018

Bandages were still wrapped around the small big cat's chest from the unfortunate incident. But her blue eyes held no fear as she approached the first unfamiliar faces she'd found since the one who had injured her. Wearing a smile the young clouded leopard would approach just after raven, wearing a small smile upon her dainty features. They didn't seem to talk much, therefore she thought it best if she could assist with that. Not that she didn't believe Cry capable of welcoming these newcomers, not at all. Actually, London wasn't too sure what she was attempting to do at all, but she supposed she'd figure it out as she went. Improvisation at it's finest.

A family, that's what it looked like. The albino clouded leopard could practically feel the love between these individuals,
and the bittersweet memories it brought to her mind. She could remember that night so clearly, where Maria had walked out of the gas station when they thought London had been asleep. Her mother hadn't come back for a while, and eventually the kid had grown curious, so she'd follow her mother's trail, only to find her dead, poison in her maw, dripping from her lips. A suicide, like in those angsty teen novels. Her family was all dead, but she supposed she should be happy that these three hadn't had to experience the fickle hands of fate as she had.

"Hello, um, this is Snowbound territory. If you guys wouldn't mind me asking, what are your names and what business do you have here?" the soft voice of the girl would question, her words laced in the British accent that she carried. She felt horribly rude for interrupting their stroll, but unfortunately they were trespassing. She didn't have uch of a choice. The clouded leopard maintained the docile, friendly appearance she knew best, patiently waiting for their reply. After all, Killua was patient with her when she first stumbled upon these lands.

Re: There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-04-2018

Family was a term that Killua had a hard time being able to define what it was in the end. Everyone seemed to have different definition of the words, and that didn't help him when he just wanted to find a family that would be willing to accept him who he was despite his blood covered past. A past that no matter how much he would try and wash away would ultimately just end up coming back for him. There was no way for him to keep it hidden forever, but for the time he was going to make sure that everyone around him didn't know enough about him to form conclusions. It would make all of their lives easier so that he wouldn't have to worry about their next move. He didn't have to have someone constantly watching him to make sure that he didn't end up killing someone. The assassin wasn't here to kill others, but if they knew he was an assassin how likely were they going to be to believe what he said? Not very much. Which he would react in the same way if he was in their place, as having a killer in the group could only lead to issues later on. He had to be careful to a degree, and so far no one really had any suspicions. Even after what had happened with the Typhoon member that decided to pay a not so nice visit for whatever reason that was. He hadn't intended to save others, but with the likes of London, someone that was fairly close to the same age as him, he simply couldn't let himself slide. He almost let something inside of him snap though when he attacked the Typhoon member. At this point most of the other groups didn't even know each other, and the only reason he recognized the scent was because he had already visited the territory to see what htey were up about. Part of him wished that he hadn't gone at all and just stayed in Snowbound that day. His mental health hadn't been great since his run in with Argus, and he just wanted to go back to the way everything was. But he couldn't run for much longer with his family constantly tailing him back and forth not giving him any sort of room to breathe. That was the point. They weren't idiots. If they wanted him to do something they could manipulate him in so many different ways. More ways than he could probably guess in that factor. The young male hadn't been injured in the fight, but London had been. What was he going to do with her? He felt like he was going to end up making sure that she was going to take care of herself. But couldn't someone else do that? Roy was a candidate, but the other wasn't around right now, and he had no idea if the black and white tiger would ever really return. He was pretty sure that he was the only one that knew how to stabilize and heal others. Now that the Typhoon probably thought that they could play games with Snowbound, even after beating the hell out of the female that attacked London, he knew that they would probably want revenge for whatever he had done to the female. The wildcat didn't care if the other decided to try and hunt him down, as he would welcome the challenge. He recently had the urge to sink his claws into at least something. Something to do. Something to keep his mind off of the whispers. ANYTHING. There was only one reason he patrolled the borders, and that was the factor he liked to keep tabs on those that came and went with the groups. It was for his own use and not for the help of the rest of the group. He had no reason to do something like that, as he never really considered himself to be that much of a member. The albino serval did blend in almost perfectly with the surrounding snow that almost seemed to constantly blanket the ground.

The assassin made sure that his pelt was always pristine, although, pink scars covered a majority of his smaller body. Not that he seemed to care, but the scars were obviously made by something that was a larger animal. Flicking one of his large white ears, he was able to hear voices that weren't that far from him. A neutral look was spread across his facial features as he sank his claws into a nearby tree, hoisting himself up so that he could leap onto a nearby branch. His air elementals that he constantly had on made it so that it was impossible to catch his scent, and also made it practically impossible to hear his movements as his pawsteps were constantly muffled. Meaning that no one would be able to hear him approach, and he kept his distance to look at the scene from a little bit away. Well, it seemed like there were more than one of them. A lynx. A wolf. And a dog. Two of which seemed to be pretty young, which he automatically didn't consider much of a threat. The lynx though? He wasn't so sure about that. The former deputy would leap onto the branch that was directly above the three, laying himself down on the branch. There was a chance that they could have seen him approach, but he doubted that they would be looking upwards. Unless the children did. He was technically a child himself, but few often considered him to be one. Made sense as the way he had lived his life up to this point. Once he laid down on the branch, he raised one of his white paws and conjured up a lollipop, which he promptly stuck in his mouth. His sapphire eyes seemed to skim across those that were currently present. Was anything interesting bound to happen? He wasn't quite sure. But now that he was here there wasn't really a huge likelihood of a threat that could happen. He did glance over toward London though. The other seemed to be getting around fine, that was good. "I'll probably want to check your bandages later." Killua would call over to the female. Which his voice was heard for the first time may make it so those that weren't used to him almost appearing out of nowhere jump a little in surprise. His attention turned back to the group, swirling the lollipop in his mouth for a couple of seconds. "Yo. What do you guys need?" Killua questioned like the rest of the other snowbounders.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - Sweetopia - 04-04-2018

Watching her children and giving various small smiles, the lynx would stare at the people that decided to show themselves and ask who she was. Not like she really cared though; considering she was a calm individual that only wanted the best for her children no matter what. She stood up straight and some of her bones would give a few popping sounds due to her body being frail and pent up.

Raine gave a soft grin looking at her children before she spoke calmly, "Alright. My name is Raine Simploom and these are my two children Kayn and Ecto. And for our business I wanted to move our family here so it can be beneficial to us and your group. Only if that's alright with you all that is?"

Her pink/yellow eyes gazed at the three others, observing every little movement and such, while also checking her children constantly. Raine didn't care, she'd do anything to protect the two children; they helped her life too much when she was in her worst moments.

Re: There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - cry - 04-04-2018

  Cry puffed up, a coo caught in her throat. The bandaged raven glared at the mother. What sort of freak brought their kids out into the tundra to be safe? The tundra was one of the most dangerous places on the face of the planet. You might as well be burring them five feet under. The raven decided a handful of whiles ago that her life while recovering was to be protecting the young souls here that couldn't defend themselves (and if Killua wanted to get in her way, he's going down, too). She didn't understand. She wasn't sure she wanted to understand.

  Not safe. She warned. Her throat was sore and hoarse from not speaking for so long. She normally stayed silent, but she had to speak up here. She had to warn this innocent family to run far and wide away from here. She couldn't let any unprotected people get hurt anymore. This place was a frozen hellhole. There was no safety and sanctuary here. The raven cawed, shaking her body as she stared up at the lynx. Not safe. Not safe. Hopefully the other would go away.

// IC oppinions. Cry's paranoid. dont listen to her :p


Re: There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - Kayn - 04-04-2018

I lost my dreams in this disaster
Kayn — Male — Snowbound — Warrior —  Difficult
(Don't worry this boi is paranoid too xD)

The midnight lupine had been too caught up in his own thoughts to notice the Snowbounders that had initially arrived with silence. The harshness of the winter storms had made him begin to think of darker things that he'd rather have kept from the forefront of his mind. The bite of the stinging cold reminded him of the cruelty of the world. It was an awful place that tried to take everything from him at every moment. It always had. The wolf could practically hear the screams of his parents in the whistle of the frigid wind, and every time he closed his eyes the darkness was a reminder of the faces he was slowly beginning to forget from the icy grip of time.

The world cared not for him or the things he cared about, this much he had realized. One day it might try and rip his new family from him. Raine had found him when he was young shortly after he'd lost everything. The lynx was a flickering flame of hope in the merciless frozen breeze, emphasis on flickering as his mother often wavered in strength. The karmic force of the universe seemed to press itself down upon her with as much ferocity as it had him in some ways. There was always something going wrong since he could remember. Of course though, after the slaughter of his parents, Kayn couldn't help but blame himself for everything wrong in the family. It only made sense that a child born of blood and hatred was cursed to bring despair upon those around him. Yet, despite every ounce of darkness that flared within his icy crimson gaze, Raine still loved him. She still cared for him and watched over him. No matter how much he lashed out at the world around him or become overburdened with the pain of guilt for the things he'd done as a result, his adopted mother was always there for him.

So when the Snowbounders made themselves present, caught up in his emotional thoughts, the startled lupine released a snarl which promised nothing less than absolute death to any who would touch his family. They would not touch his mother. They would not even dream of touching his sister. The wolf was prepared to tear each and every one of them apart if that's what it came to. The feline who had practically came out of nowhere hadn't helped his paranoia driven state, whether from invisibility, teleportation, or otherwise though Kayn wasn't certain of the serval's abilities. If he'd arrived without so much as a hint of warning though it meant he was a thread. A threat that would be quickly dispatched of if that was what was necessary. Did they take him for a fool? His family for prey to be dispatched of in the cold of an eternal winter? No, Kayn would not let the blood of another family stain the beautiful snow. Not his family at least.

The wolf snapped out of it though, gaze swinging from the feline who appeared to be a little younger than him to look at the raven which had first appeared. The words pierced through the questions that had been asked by the other two. This place wasn't safe? So then he was right. They were thread. This was no place for his family to be. Surely anywhere would be better than a frozen den of despair as only the insane would choose to live in a place. Did that mean his mother was insane? Well, it was a possibility, but that wasn't the important matter at the forefront of his thoughts. If this clan living among the crunchy crack of snow shared the same love for the snap of bones then he would surely deliver to them exactly the sounds they wished to hear.

It was clear that the Raven's words had only intensified his protectiveness from the initial bout of anxiety that had erupted forth from the lupine. "This was a mistake mother. We should leave. Now," the melanistic wolf affirmed with a growl. Kayn had been willing to join this group Raine had brought them to, but everything seemed off. It wasn't where the should be and something in his chest screamed for him to turn tail and sprint away despite amicable greeting from the first who approached. The young wolf hoped things wouldn't escalate into a fight, but it was true that he'd already begun analyzing those gathered in the event that such an occurance came to fruition. Did he like his odds? Well, after the serval had stealthed upon them with seemingly little effort, his hopes weren't high. Still, he would fight tooth and claw for his family if that was what it came to.