Beasts of Beyond
BLUNT THE KNIVES BEND THE FORKS || sym’s character hub - Printable Version

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BLUNT THE KNIVES BEND THE FORKS || sym’s character hub - Sympathy - 03-12-2018

im not doing organization. too much work.


Re: BLUNT THE KNIVES BEND THE FORKS || sym’s character hub - Leigh - 03-12-2018

Full Name; Leigh
Gender; Male (He/Him pronouns)
Sexuality; Panromantic/Pansexual
Age; tbd (Early twenties in human years)
Birthday; April 5th

Appearance; Leigh is rather basic in appearance-- being a long legged dove white traditional unicorn with a mess of curly blue hair he calls a mane and adorned with warm brown eyes. He's tall, standing just shy of a solid 7 feet not counting his sharp spiraled horn, which would tack on an additional foot. He often keeps the mess on his head tied back with different ribbons and decorated ties.

History; tba