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『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - Printable Version

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『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - teef - 08-18-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

jikai 'toji' horrel -- male - witchling - 21 - homosexual polyromantic - attack in [color=#FFD700]#FFD700 & tag [member=1929]jikai ![/member] - speech/thought in #151B54


the young witchling had outdone himself in the last few days, catching the eye of a few of the san creado citizens, keeping himself calm and collected even when under the eyes of the community wondering who the hell he was. it had been a few days since he joined them, approximately ten days since he had met two of the inhabitants, rialto and alex. not that he cared about them, the town just seemed quiet. and there was a reason of course, a majority of the folk were nocturnal and trusted the day-dwellers to not attack them while they slept.

he hated the feeling of being kept like cattle, even in a rhetorical sense. expecting the nocturnal inhabitants to not chew on him while he slept was hard, and it came at several sleepless nights where he might nap in the day.

maybe the exhaustion had built upon him, and his desire to set up shop immediately had drawn his energy out. he felt sluggish and slow, but he had already made fast friends from some normal day-dwelling beings. from these friendships he had received requests and commissions, as well as others asking him for help with things like building. he had fixed up an older building he had found, starting on the outside to make it habitable.

the corner of the smaller storehouse that he had taken over was filled with wood and netting, where he had quickly made himself a small nest where he settled in nightly into a groove. some of the other inhabitants had noticed his budding creative building skills.

he had gotten a request recently to replace the siding and roof of an older building, to gut it and make it livable, even if it was old and falling apart. he had taken the challenge of course, given himself something to do other than do nothing.

and so, here he was, beginning to scale the building up to the top to work on that part of the siding. he paused, feeling the building trembling and swaying. his heart leapt into his throat as the telling rumble encased his hearing, the old gaunt building leaning and leaning before it gave out. this building was a two-story, built upon slight stilts in case of the sea reaching so far inland. the building had given in on his side, capturing him below and within it. his howl of pain cut through the rattle of settling rubble.

for him, he didn't remember much more than the pain lancing through his entirety, just the pain. everything else was lost to him, he was in so much pain. after a while of shouting himself hoarse for help and losing his awareness to panic, his mind began to slow as he felt his body fall into shock. at the edges of his senses he felt his faithful and loving pet, xiaoxiao writhing in their bed at home, the little ball python upset as she sensed her master's accident. he could feel her flee their home to either find him or find help. it felt as if he left his body at this time, seeing himself trapped under the rubble and reaching out for anything, anybody, with the mental capacity to help!

Re: 『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - miss ririchiyo - 08-18-2018


male ♦ san creado ♦ 18 y/o ♦ tags
[div style="background-color:#51CF94;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Black ears twitched as Adrien could somehow.. Hear a distressed call for help? Or it just felt like it. Maybe it was the cat senses, but the neko wasn't taking to kindly to the idea of having someone call him for help. It brought back memories of his death beside Ladybug, but he had to keep to the whole 'Hero' aspect, now that he permenantly had these damn cat ears and tail.

Rushing through overgrowth, the neko watched as a building gave in with wide toxic green eyes, before rushing over to the scene in a panic. "I'm coming for you, dude! Stay still!" Adrien called out, pulling the steel staff from his side, watching as it extended before he attempted to move the appropriate rubble out of the way. "Where are you my man? Make a noise." Adrien spoke clearly, calmly, as he shuffled through debris to find the victim.


Re: 『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - teef - 08-19-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

a low groan came from the rubble at the neko's approach, the man weakly making noises, startled by the slithering of xiaoxiao more than anything. the python had hurried as best as she could to her master's location, making a soft hiss of relief when she had seen the neko.

the witchling was trapped and helpless, his right side pinned under the rubble that had taken him down. sweet xiaoxiao wiggled towards the rubble and tried to push her way between the cracks, following the sensations of the witchling's wheezing breaths to him where she trembled, smelling his fear and pain as he croaked, [color=#151B54]"Ah hell ... I'm here. I can't move ... nnngh... it's got my right side ...."
after that he dropped off into more unintelligible words, lapsing into his mother tongue as he babbled slightly in pain, his head smarting and pounding away.

god, would he ever need some of his potions after this. maybe even a place other than his own place to stay. because this pain? it was worse than any other thing he'd felt, even worse than raising a child from scratch. say that to all the mothers of the world and you would be certain to get sympathetic looks. as he collected himself he wiggled his fingers to find out that both limbs worked, the right just was much more numb. next was the feet. his horror grew in paramount as he realized when he wiggled his toes, that he could only move his left. he took several sharp and shaky breaths, the green witch trying to calm himself against the panic that threatened to swallow him. no. he needed to stay calm enough to speak with his rescuer.

Re: 『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - miss ririchiyo - 08-19-2018

18 Y/O

"Alright, my dude. I'm coming for you." Chat called out, his tail twitching as clawed fingers moved to yank rubble out of the way, soon using enhanced touch to add some extra strength to his muscles. With a mighty heave, Adrien yanked the object of pinning off of Jikai, holding his hand out for the guy. "It'll be alright. I'll get you to someone who knows medicine." Chat muttered calmly, attempting to pick Jikai up in his arms bridal style, the bell on his leather suit jingling as he stood up.

Chat noticed how the snake seemed attached, bonded to this male, and made a soft clicking sound with his tongue. "Come on up, little one. Try not to suffocate me." He offered, leaning his leg out a bit to allow the snake to slither up his leg if needed. The rough leather made it easier for the snake to surface, anyways.

Re: 『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - teef - 08-19-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

the young witch had his eyes closed, biting his tongue and sheltering his senses, keeping himself as calm as he could at the moment. forcing his eyes open he took in chat with a sharp intake, eyes trying to make sense of everything even as panic clawed at his throat.

the bell instantly caught his attention even as he felt chat moving nimbly on the unsteady rubble, his eyes closing once more as an uncanny sense of vertigo gripped him. [color=#151B54]"thank you ... ahh ... 'orry ... 'aoxiao..."
he tried to speak through the pain, the shock freezing up his tongue. he called for his python, the small ball slipping up chat's leg with a soft flicker of her tongue by the male's cheek as she curled up over his shoulder carefully, where she normally perched on the witchling.

jikai could barely keep himself coherent, trying to focus his attention on the painful throbbing of his right leg, where he knew he was missing part of his body, where he knew it hurt the most. he jolted at the chill of xiaoxiao's belly scales as she slid from chat's shoulder down to him and slithered down his shirt to glide over his tattered pants and curl up around the base of his leg in an attempt to cut off the bleeding and prevent more loss of fluids.

Re: 『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - miss ririchiyo - 08-19-2018

18 Y/O

Chat wasn't used to having snakes climb all over him, but he supposed he had to get used to it. At least the snake knew some sort of sense, though. The attempts to cut off the bleeding source was good to see, and as Adrien pushed himself out of the rubble, he then began to rush outside. Black, fluffy ears twitched, scanning the surrounding areas for anything close to a living being. He didn't care who. Someone needed to help this dude.

A twist in Adrien's chest caused him to tense, toxic green eyes glancing down at the witch with worry. "No talking, my man. I'll get you there soon.. Just, stay calm, breathe." Adrien hushed the male, his steps speeding up as he rushed to the beachside's town. "Oi! Alexander!" Chat called out, his tail flicking as it swept up dust. It was obvious that Adrien was worried at this point. Both of the superhero's personalities were mixed together at this point, and the flirty Chat along with worry-wart Adrien was a bit much to bear.


Re: 『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - teef - 08-19-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

Jikai's breathing was off kilter but he was holding on, eyes cracked open, not really looking but remaining focused on the bell of chat's collar, his breath coming in and out unevenly, sweat budding on his brow. he groaned as he gripped onto his consciousness with a fierce determination.

he must have faded out momentarily, breathing hard as he came back, hearing his rescuer calling a name. oh no. alexander?? oh no! coughing slightly he groaned, [color=#151B54]"Not .. them .... hate ... me ..."
he breathed harshly, coughing on his own air. yeah, he had made some enemies pretty damn fast.

Re: 『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - miss ririchiyo - 08-19-2018

18 Y/O

Chat didn't know anyone else who could help. If they didn't like this guy, he didn't know anything else to do. Moving around wasn't the best, and so Chat made it his objective to rush to his own beach house, slamming the door open with his foot and heading upstairs to his bedroom. "I'm not one to have my date sleep in my room on the first date, man, but this'll have to do." Adrien chuckled, trying to keep up his joking tone despite seeing the blood on his leather bodysuit. The jingling of his bell didn't stop even after he set the witch on his bed, moving over to a shelf where he kept medical supplies. He wasn't experienced with medicine, but even the felidae-mutated human got wounded pretty bad at times.

Moving down to the bedside, he placed his pack of first aid on the ground, shuffling through it. "Listen, man. I'm probably gonna need to sew some shit up. Try not to scream my name too much, yeah?" He laughed nervously, pulling out some gauze to clean the wounds.

//List injuries?

Re: 『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - teef - 08-19-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

jikai groaned, his eyes opening, [color=#151B54]"Don't tempt me ... keep talking... helps..." he murmured softly, relaxing at the sound of the bell.

"Thanks mate ... ngggh, didn't think anyone would be coming .... hff. ah fu-! this really ... hurts. I... normally share the bed .. at any time with ... cute heroes." there was a gentle humor in his voice, eyes sparkling even as he focused his breathing against the pain, reaching out once more with his mind to the plants, to ask for healing now. jikai knew that adrien was doing a lot for him, and wasn't in the best state to exactly direct him in what he needed to do.

he will flirt,, be warned //

Re: 『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - teef - 08-19-2018

trying his best to keep the mood light hehe