Beasts of Beyond
SIREN'S LURE - open; MONROE'S FISH MARKET - Printable Version

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SIREN'S LURE - open; MONROE'S FISH MARKET - rhosmari - 08-18-2018

It was time to get things set up, get things looking the way that he wanted them to look. After all he had been putting this on the back burner for a while now and with tensions rising he needed to find a way to distract himself. So what better distraction than to fix up his own shop and make sure it was really what he wanted to do. Seemed like a better way to spend his evenings anyway and if anyone wanted to drop by he would be happy for the company. The sounds of sweeping filled the air as the male pushed a small hand broom across the floor outside his pale blue and green colored home. His muzzle was scrunched up as he attempted not to get dust in his nostrils because that would just cause more problems for him. But it hardly mattered because he felt a tickle in the back of his throat, a poke in his nose and out came a loud sneeze that jolted him and caused his forehead to smack against the small hand broom he had been using. "Ow, dangit..." He hissed in soft pain as he rubbed a webbed paw against his head for a moment before releasing a sigh and sweeping up the pile of debris he had managed to gather up. Trashing it he turned around and listened to the sound of fish as they swam around in the net he had casted out this morning. Fishing wasn't too hard but it was a lot of work just the same and he tilted his head a bit as he breathed in the cool and salted air.

The main reason why he picked his home to be the furthest out on the ocean was because of the need to be able to fish in large quantities. Now, he wouldn't allow them to die in his net because that was sinking profit down the drain but he would treat the fish fairly, often catching and releasing or feeding them what they needed for the day. He'd regulate what he had and what he needed. But now he was starting to set up his selling floor at the front of his home. The shop itself was more of a walk beside the boardwalk where he hung up decorations on his porch. There were some boxes near the ocean side that were filled with sea glass necklaces if any wanted to purchase those, some had seashell necklaces, a few conch shells for sell as well. He also had a few jars filled with worms and other bait if anyone else cared to try their hand at fishing. To him the activity was fun and he hummed to himself as he lifted up a paw to lightly press it against the white stand that showed off his goods. Seemed sturdy enough to him and he smiled a little to himself, feeling a bit proud of what he had achieved here today. Licking his muzzle he then shifted around and rose onto his back legs, dragging a broken net to hang over his shop with the words 'Siren's Lure' decorating it, made out of driftwood. It wasn't half bad and when he dropped back down he began to wiggle from his own excitement at having his shop ready to service others.

//so this is Monroe's fishing market called Siren's Lure. Here he sells a variety of craft items such as sea glass necklaces, seashells and seashell necklaces. Fish are also something he sells here and depending on the season what he has will change and prices as well so don't forget to ask him what he has on the menu. He also sells bait as well by the mason jar full in case anyone else would like to their hand at fishing themselves.

Re: SIREN'S LURE - open; MONROE'S FISH MARKET - miss ririchiyo - 08-18-2018

coma baby
Persephone enjoyed the taste of seafood, especially fish. It was unusual for a canine like her to like them, but maybe it was because the fishy, sea taste was rich on her tongue, giving her the salty flavor she enjoyed. She enjoyed spicy foods and salty foods as well, so maybe she could sautee the fish from the fish market she heard had opened?

Slowly, the young german shepherd mix had paced through the market, glancing over the different types of fish that were being sold. She wondered, just how many different types there were this season?
"Monroe, which fish do you have in season for us? I'd like to buy a couple off of you." Persephone woofed, lifting the basket she had in her paws.
tags :: updated 8/18:

Re: SIREN'S LURE - open; MONROE'S FISH MARKET - rhosmari - 10-17-2018

--bumping for further use with marina's shop
♡marina monroe - helion - sunhaven♡