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HEAVY - open; joining - Printable Version

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HEAVY - open; joining - rhosmari - 08-18-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Paws that were small and petite pressed against the peaty ground as a shaken mind tried to process what was going on around it. Nothing about this land was familiar to the feline and she was puzzled about how she had ended up here at all. The last thing she remembered was... What was it? Her orange red gaze narrowed and she felt a slight shiver rush through her body, one that caused her to pause momentarily as she lifted her gaze to look up at the trees that seemed to block any notion of light that tried to enter. What had she been doing before? Lifting a paw she was just about to take a step forward when flashes of scenes ruptured in her mind, causing a pained hiss to leave the blue tone feline and she sat down. Breath gusted between clenched teeth, a hiss that curled her muzzle as she pressed her paw against her head. Just as quickly as the images had come she could no more recall what they had been moments ago. In her mind she was sick or something but it wasn’t something to just let distract or to let her guard down.

A weakling she was not and so she wasn’t about to let this be some kind of set back. She had beaten harder physical things before or so she thought and a mental barrier was just as easier for her. With a quick shake of her head the domestic would raise to her paws, reinforced claws brushing the ground as she proceeded to walk in further through the trees. A feather necklace brushed against her neck and oddly enough it provided her with some type of comfort even though she had no earthly idea why it did. Her malicious gaze flicked about as she neared what looked to be a path up to some gigantic house. Softly she paused there and looked at the place, half annoyed at the headache that was now starting to form in her skull. What she wouldn’t do for a nap right now and she started to walk forward hoping that someone was home.

Re: HEAVY - open; joining - sephiroth - 08-18-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]”You should be more aware of your surroundings.”

The deep rumble of the lion’s voice echoed through the forest and from the side of Blueridge’s position, his large silvery form emerging from the mist and trees.  Sephiroth’s eyes, colorful and harsh compared to hos grayscale pelt and mane, looked down at the domestic cat with a single invisible brow raised in contemplation .  Her presence in unknown territory came off to him as foolish bravery, especially with beings like him lurking through the fog.  Thankfully for her he wasn’t in a foul mood, and was as wet behind the ears as her when it came to the Rosebloods, having only joined recently.  Any other circumstance and he mightbe much more scary.  Not that he wasn’t already, being all muscle and might.

”You’re in Rosebloods territory.”  His smooth voice echoed out next as he kept his unblinking eyes on the stranger, a whisker twitching as he spoke to her.  Despite his newness to the group, Sephiroth could still deal with simple business like this especially since he was the first to show up.  ”Do you have business here?”

Re: HEAVY - open; joining - rhosmari - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Her gaze barely moved from where she had been looking at when a voice spoke up to her from her side. Fear was not a common feeling that she had and she had taken on big game before. So when she finally did look up from where she had been gazing up at the large structure in the distance, her orange red eyes took in the figure of the large silvered lion and for a moment it was as if she was seeing right through him. Yes, her mind was on other things and she tired to focus on what was going on in front of herself. Clearing her throat the woman would straighten her posture and roll her shoulders back to give a more pronounced presence because that was all she could do she supposed. Too tired to moderately think straight and or to even care about where she was though she did catch the name of Rosebloods trickling from his muzzle. Whatever that meant she hardly cared and instead she just gave a half nod of her head. There hadn't been any business, not until he had spoken and so she just took it upon herself to go along with the means of finding lodging. "Yes, I'm aware I suppose now. I'm seeking to live here. Name's Blueridge and I'd like a room somewhere up there in that building." She lifted her fluffy tail and pointed toward the mansion with little care before she turned her head and looked back up at the structure.

Re: HEAVY - open; joining - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 08-19-2018

She was resting on a tree branch, everyone else would think she was patrolling through the tree's or something but the truth was she had been taking one of the most stealthy naps known to the world. In spite of being easily seen as a workaholic? The calico took a surprising number of naps without almost anyone ever noticing, of course, they were typically very short and for the purpose of making sure she did not pass out if she decided to go several nights in a row with no sleep. What time did she have for a solid sleep schedule when she knew what she would dream and protecting everyone was so much more pleasant? It was not like she had anyone waiting on her to go to bed anymore, and she never would again, she didn't need any mate and she would have no more kits after what happened with Deborah, she couldn't risk passing on her insanity again, no one else could handle it and she didn't need the pain of losing another mate. Undying loyalty to a group based on the obsession over an unhealthy addiction to protecting everyone she deemed part of her home, left room for nothing besides solitude.

Colored paws touched the ground first as she leaped from her branch perch, snowy ones following shortly after long hair bouncing once the only sign of life on an otherwise lifeless form. "Follow, though if you stay for long will be determined by if you can complete the orientation at the next meeting." she didn't need to say much, even the little-frozen words that game from her flaming maw was saying more than she really wanted to. Communicating with everyone got in the way of her protecting them from harm. Directly after her statement? She flanked the large lion she had seen a pawful of times before, so she could keep him safe and nodded up towards the mansion to indication the group of them should start walking towards the large building. Some animals? Did not like the idea of staying when they realized what the Roseblood really was, some mistook it for a warm fuzzy living arrangement, while other's mistook it for an excuse to be some monster, it was neither. Roseblood was a place to call home and not fear those who lived around you, she had died protecting it and she would do it again.