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It's a Terrible Thing to Lose (Joining) - Printable Version

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It's a Terrible Thing to Lose (Joining) - Aurora Clemens - 08-18-2018

There was a melody of emotions the little fennec fox felt as she waited on the border, her blue and violet gaze taking in the dark and eerie forest as she drew the scene in her notebook. Anxiety, fear, and regret just to name a few. It felt so strange to have Vindicate, the man she called her father absent. In the three months they had spent together, he had been her protector, someone she could call family. Though when Aurora reached her sixth month, she had insisted that she travel by herself. Though now as she stood at what Vin called a "border marking", she felt regret for making that decision. She also wondered why he had agreed to let her go, did he really think she could defend herself? While she had told him she could, she could only hope that his lessons would come in handy.

Vin had told her some about the "clans" or rather, "groups". About their traditions and whatnot, and it all seemed rather strange. The naming themes, territories and the hierarchy that they all seemed to share in one way or another. But what Vin had told her wasn't enough, she had to know more, she wanted to learn about these strange groups. And for some reason she felt a need to do this on her own, perhaps it was a show of rebellion, to show she didn't need his protection. Or maybe she just wanted the satisfaction of doing something all by herself. Either way, she found herself here, at the border of the first group that she managed to find.

The drawing was done with a simple graphite pencil, with multiple shades of grey to show just how dark and mysterious the scene before her truly was. While she supposed this would be her first entry in her journal of whatever group this was, she had started drawing in an attempt to ease her anxiety. Vin had warned her of the bad people that resided in a few of these groups, and she wondered how "first contact" with this group would go if they were bad like the people Vin had spoken about. While she tried to shake off the fears she had of meeting these strangers for the first time, she tried to shake it off and think of something more cheerful. Unfortunately, the dark and foreboding atmosphere of the forest did not help.

Re: It's a Terrible Thing to Lose (Joining) - sephiroth - 08-18-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The first Roseblood to appear wouldn’t exactly make the atmosphere any friendlier.

Sephiroth would emerge from the misty woods, his silvery coat giving him an ethereal appearance amongst the gloom.  His harsh and bright blue-green eyes looked down at the smaller animal before him, his gaze lowered to study the form of Aurora.  The lion, being a newcomer himself, could only go off of his own experience joining when it came to welcoming a newcomer, and he didn’t exactly give off a warm and friendly vibe.

”Do you have business here?”  His voice reverberated through the surrounding woods as he addressed the tiny fennec fox.  He would tower over the smaller animal, but then again he stood over most with his powerful stature and muscled form.  Sephiroth would watch Aurora unblinkingly as he awaited a response from her, his form unmoving and fairly statuesque in the shadows of the Roseblood territory.

Re: It's a Terrible Thing to Lose (Joining) - HORIZON CIPHER. - 08-18-2018

fuck the doomed
you're on your own !
Despite Horizon thinking he was all big-and-bad, the guy was just a Tasmanian Devil and therefore couldn't look entirely threatening. Besides, the guy's tongue was definitely worse than his bite, and he usually didn't mean the remarks he made. "What's your name, too?" Horizon quickly added to Sephiroth's question as he made his way over, tilting his head at the fennec fox at the border. Huh... the guy was so tiny, even compared to Horizon. Strange, Horizon had never really met anything smaller than him.
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Re: It's a Terrible Thing to Lose (Joining) - cyantist - 08-18-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;"]Night was pretty certain that he was small. A 5 month old kitten was just beginning to hit his growth spurt, the transformation from a cute ball of fluff to an apex predator. Or rather, in what would be Night's case, perhaps the transformation to at least something that was not a useless ball of fluff. He didn't have the makings of a great hunter or a great fighter, so maybe he would find his calling elsewhere, buried under enough books.

"You're near the Rosebloods - we're a really cool group of rogues yknow."

Re: It's a Terrible Thing to Lose (Joining) - Aurora Clemens - 08-18-2018

A deep voice would make her look up from her drawing, her mismatched gaze slowly rising up the massive form of the lion before finally resting on the other's eyes. She was used to being smaller than most of the people she met, but she'd never met a lion before, and it was strange to have to look so far up to see his face. Understandably the lion was quite intimidating, though while not necessarily nice, he wasn't mean either, he was simply neutral and serious.

Taking a deep breath she spoke to him in an uneasy tone. "I-I'm hoping to join this group here. You are accepting joiners, right?" She questioned, she tried to give the lion a smile, but it faltered as she was simply too anxious right now.

Then another came, a Tasmanian devil. Fortunately, he was of a more reasonable size, and so Aurora didn't have any trouble making eye contact with this one. "Oh right! I'm Aurora, Aurora Clemens." She said with a small nod as she was reminded that it was polite to introduce yourself. Plus should she join this place, they ought to know her name, right?

Finally, Aurora spotted a cat or rather a kitten, make his way over and introduce their group to her. Rosebloods? It sounded quite strange, yet somewhat pretty at the same time. Despite the somewhat morbid undertone, she kinda liked the sound of it and gave the kitten a shy smile. Though it was odd that he call them a group of rogues, as from what she understood a rogue was another name for a loner, though perhaps she was wrong. She would have to write that name down later, maybe on the page of the picture she had drawn of this place. Upon thinking of the drawing the fennec looked down and closed the journal before putting it into a satchel that she had on the ground beside her.

Re: It's a Terrible Thing to Lose (Joining) - PEYTRIVING P. - 08-18-2018

peytriviing had arrived more so out of the need to keep an eye on nightsky. their nephew was just one of the few children their brother and in-laws had, and as far as they knew, one that had been involved with trouble. specifically that surrounding what had happened in tanglewood (though mimosa and amren definitely seemed more fitting for the situation). the manticore was a few paces behind the kitten, and looked around to the others with a short nod of their head. it appeared nightsky had led them to a joining.

"we are. you're welcome to stay, though this coming meeting will be your orientation and a deciding factor on how long you will." the guard informed, offering a small smile to the aurora. "it's a pleasure to meet you aurora. my name's peytriviing mortem, though you can call me pey. i am a guard here, and our leader is prestige, along with our advisor felix. would you like a tour or lead to the mansion?"

Re: It's a Terrible Thing to Lose (Joining) - Aurora Clemens - 08-19-2018

Then finally a strange creature that she had never thought she'd see outside of mythology books made itself present. A mixed feeling of fear, excitement, and curiosity overcame the small fennec fox as she scanned to large creature up and down and identified it as a manticore. "Wow, a Manticore? I wasn't even sure they existed! That's absolutely fantastic!" She exclaimed, her anxiety forgotten for the time being as she was engulfed by this discovery. She'd have to write this down in her journal too, maybe even do an interview should she be so lucky.

Though when he mentioned a meeting and orientation, her worry came back and she wondered if this would cause trouble for her. it sounded almost like they'd kick her out should she not fit in properly. Though perhaps it wouldn't be that big of a deal, maybe it'd just be a test, and she was quite good at tests. Though she let this worry wash away from her as he spoke again. "Yes yes, it's a pleasure meeting you too Peytriviing Mortem." She said with a rather enthusiastic nod of her head as she stored away the mentioned names with accompanying titles before she took a moment to think over Pey's offer. While she very much wanted to stay in the presence of the manticore, she also wanted to take the time to find her own way and explore on her own. "But um, no I think I can make my own way I'm sure. Though I thank you for the offer."

Re: It's a Terrible Thing to Lose (Joining) - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 08-19-2018

Emotions had no place in her world they got in the way of completing her objectives and could serve as an inhibitor for anything she had to do! How she felt had never been of any significant and that was never going to change, cold as the snow she was born onto, that was how life worked best for her, she couldn't hurt anyone and other's could hurt her minimally. The smell of something involving artistic means in her brain filled her nose, drawing her interest to the scene for something besides her obsessive need to complete her duties as guard flawlessly. Of course, if anyone asked the calico? She was only interested in making sure the group was not under any threat, she didn't care who was joining, nor did they care what that person happened to be doing. Only this time if she had to say it out loud? She would be lying to those she swore to protect and sometimes how willing she was to do that so long as she deemed it necessary to protect herself or them, was disturbing. Jiyu wanted to see what that artistic smell was, but if she ever admitted that it would also mean letting the other's know there was something beneath the stoic gargoyle she had shown them and that was more dangerous than any lie. When other animals loved her? She couldn't protect them properly.

"Hnn." the black ear on her head flicked slightly as she padded up next to her fellow guard, looking with an empty gaze at the fox for a few moments. That creature? Was the source of the smell she had been interested in, the curiosity she tried to convince herself she did not have. Jiyu remained silent, deciding there was no reason for her to speak, but took note that this young creature was likely going to end up as some sort of stylist due to her seeming interest in the arts and the fact it did not seem like the fighting type.

Re: It's a Terrible Thing to Lose (Joining) - HORIZON CIPHER. - 08-20-2018

fuck the doomed
you're on your own !
Horizon honestly still had his own orientation to go through, so luckily Aurora wasn’t going to go through it alone. ”Yeah, welcome to The Rosebloods.” The devil barked. ”My name’s Horizon Cipher.” Huh, both of their last names started with C. That was cool!

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