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ANY WAY THE WIND BLOWS [―] THE PITT - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:timesnewroman; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]For the second time, he'd been given a task by his mas- "boss", Yes Man. The first one had been giving out jobs, and that had went exceptionally well. Even Dante, who usually treated him like a second-rate being, had gone along with it without complaint. Esklav's study of him had not been for nothing after all.

The Pitt suited his list of needs nice enough. He got the more mundane things out of the way (food, water, living quarters) and moved on to ways he could exercise his skills in situations that would not be limited to picking up nearby objects just for show. His Father did love to see him parade about with a plate in his mouth and nowhere to set it down. Now he was dead.

No, he didn't do anything gruesome to him. He was bound by oath not to.

It did not take long to arrive in Sunhaven, for he spent most of it carefully teleporting down a path, resting, and then repeat. What would have been a few days at most was compacted into a full twenty-four hour experience. Esklav met plenty of travelers on the way, although his time to talk was cut short by his tight schedule; being the warpriest of a group, especially one as busy as The Pitt, required nothing but the utmost efficiency. Yes Man could not have picked a better animal for the position.

Or he could. It was not in his mind to question the decisions of his superiors.

"Esklav, from The Pitt. We require assistance." he was an odd fellow, a leopon, his platinum dyed fur streaking here and there with a burnt brown color. His eyes were a light blue ― cold and detached, with an artificial smile that did not quite reach them. As he stood to attention at Sunhaven's border, he did not look astray. Straight-forward. Wait for someone to show. Turn to them. Address them tactfully. You did not reach conclusions with brash behavior. The learned reaction thrummed through him, and he pleasantly danced to the tune of the orders he gave to himself. Anything to keep him from falling too far.


A strange scent is what made Gordon come closer to the border, though she was obviously extremely wary about coming closer, especially once she noticed how big Esklav was. Due to being part Munchkin, of course everybody was much larger than her, but that still didn't make her nervous about people. Their large size meant they could easily pummel her, crushing her easily beneath their paws. As the stranger spoke, Gordon bit her lip a bit, realizing she was the only one around at the minute. "Um..." The she-cat squeaked out as she slowly crept closer to the border and Esklav, though her gaze didn't dare meet the leopon's and instead focused on her own paws. "I-I'm sure somebody who has authority here w-will be here soon. But-but, um... what's the matter?" She asked, deciding it would be best just to get things out of the way.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: ANYWAY THE WIND BLOWS [―] THE PITT - Mama - 08-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Her position was little more than a stepping stone, a title if nothing more, and so she would not dare pretend she held any authority, such was not to minimise that within her posture, however.

Even lacking a limb the way she held herself was one of a solider, back kept straight with head raised, ears ever moving, seeking any noise beyond her vision, though her eyes were forward, focused on the landscape stretching before her. It was such when she approached though her head dipped some small bit, smile curling pale lips within the frame of a greeting towards Gordon, yet it thinned, pursed until it was but a line across the stark white muzzle. Brow lowered over maroon toned eyes and for a time the serval only stared at this odd creature. His colour seemed white yet it glimmered as though touched with threads of silver, something of a mix between the two, marred by touches of a more earthy tone, making for a sight she was unaccustomed to and offered only a brief hum.

Though extraordinary to some there seemed nothing with the hard gaze nor the faint ghost of a frown curling her lips to speak of interest, yet it was there, swirling through her thoughts as she wondered to the colours. It seemed unnatural in many ways, speaking of something made if not some thread of mutation in his genetics, teeth grounding into her tongue forcing the questions back.

Seeing as Gordon had spoken the necessary question Ishayu would merely wait for the answer to be given, merely watching the stranger, committing to memory the scent which touched him. She knew Stellamaris had been able to form some deal with them, a quick thinking mind that she had come to rather enjoy and sought to pick through, wanting to know more of the clouded leopard, but to be called on so soon by one who was not an ally, something less for theirs was a connection through trade not battle, was odd.

What need of they for a group of merchants and crafters where one of their more war aligned allies might not suit?

Re: ANYWAY THE WIND BLOWS [―] THE PITT - rhosmari - 08-18-2018

They mutated creature did not like the Pitt, and the fact that they were here now and asking for their aid when they were no more than trading partners made him sick. He thought about just ignoring this call and finding something better to do. It would be the best thing for himself anyway but they were looking for someone with authority and until Jericho arrived at the scene that was him or Quantum. What luck that he was here. He didn't feel lucky in the slightest but he tried to keep himself composed as he made his way over to the scene. Still, his skin felt like it was crawling and he cleared his throat a little bit, swiping his jaws to clean them of blood so that he didn't look too trashy. After all he had to make a sort of decent appearance here. Pearl colored eyes focused on platinum fur before shifting away to look the Pitt member in his face. His exterior was cool and he allowed himself to relax as he rolled his shoulders a little bit. "I migh' be of some assistance."

He began although his words were clipped and he struggled to make them sound more neutral. He'd already been hurt once when it came to this group and their antics and he didn't want to be harmed again. So he took a small breath in before releasing it through his gills no less. Causing the water breathing add ons to flex and shift against his neck. Alright, he was going to take this in stride, no need for things to shift how he was and how he worked. So he put on a smile as he normally did and he curled his tail against his body, fin briefly brushing the ground as he sat down. He was sure he could do something to help this guy and whatever situation he needed help with but he was upset and he had to not let that show and cause weakness for Sunhaven because they mattered and his friends were what mattered to him the most. "Name's Monroe and I'm a Dawnguard here. So I migh' be able tae help ya out a bit."

Re: ANYWAY THE WIND BLOWS [―] THE PITT - miss ririchiyo - 08-18-2018

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e617773...=720&h=720]
"Did the pitt finally fall under pressure?" persephone's hushed comment came no sooner after she did, hearing of a pittian which had made his way to the borders asking for some kind of assistance. was it for war? who knew, but persephone was still pumped. the small german shepherd-akita mix stepped up beside mama, keeping blue eyes on the creature which had come to visit them. he was unusual, that was for sure. his fur was silvery, but still held beautiful whites that flickered through him. interesting, indeed.

she wouldn't introduce herself, she had just come to see what this was about.


[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:timesnewroman; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]The first to arrive asked after his intentions ― perfectly understandable, as he was a stranger on their land coming from a hostile group. Not to to Sunhaven, but to everyone else. The Pitt did not make friends, but they made plenty of enemies. He looked to the small domestic cat with a polite smile, dipping his head momentarily. "The Pitt needs a healer to advise our own so it's easier to choose an erudite." had Yes Man done this out of the kindness of his heart? He was unsure if a man with slaves could act in such a way, but clearly their current leader was trying to throw a line (metaphorically speaking) to the Sunhavenners in a subtle attempt at stoking the fires underneath their arrangement. There were plenty already within their growing hub of activity to step up and lead the others, but he did not dwell on the matter any further than he had to. "Sunhaven excels in the art of healing, if what I've heard is true." they were a jack-of-all trades, weren't they? Trading, fighting, healing ... it was all so interesting.

More arrived, and they all regarded him with distaste.

He usually evoked that reaction out of others. If only he knew it was from where he came, and not his own individual being. It made no matter ― although he was accustomed to the disgust, it only proved to seed little sprouts of displeasure in his own mind. Esklav distinctly remembered the last mortal to gaze at him in such a way, which had ended up with him being pressed into the floor without a second thought. He had been threatened.

He did not like being threatened.

The smile on his face twitched downwards slightly. "My pleasure." Monroe. He was a dawnguard ― the warpriest was unsure what that meant, exactly, but he could infer it commanded authority ― and an odd sight to see. Esklav was not unfamiliar with felidae hybrids, but each time he bore witness to Mother Nature's unholy creations he wanted to know more. That was not what he was here for, however. "Sire Monroe, as I explained prior, The Pitt requires one of your healers to assist in picking one of our own. Do you know of anyone able to grant me permission to carry out such a job?"

He heard a whisper, and his eyes clung immediately to the young canine's figure. "No."

Re: ANYWAY THE WIND BLOWS [―] THE PITT - melantha - 08-18-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]The less she has to interact with others, the better. Melantha would be perfectly happy to live her life peacefully within the vast deserts of the Pitt, only venturing into the oasis to deposit whatever creature she hunted into the fresh kill pile. Alas, Yes Man had other ideas for her. The oddly colored cheetah saw her size and strength and her knack for listening more than speaking, and he assigned her to become apart of the strong arms. only a small group of individuals know of the rank, of course, for strong arms act as a sort of secret police. Even so, her job mandates that she guard the high powered individuals of the clan while collecting important information on the side. Today, she follows silently behind Esklav. While the solitary female does not hate him, Melantha cannot say she likes him very much either. It's nothing personal--Mel does not like much of anyone, anymore.

The trek from the shifting sands to Sunhaven's mountainous passageway to the sea was an arduous one, but it did not bother the wildcat much. Physical challenges pose no threat to her abilities. But speaking? There is a reason why Melantha was promoted a job that relied on strength of body rather than strength of words.

Pallid olive eyes flicker from one creature to another as they slowly arrive to investigate why two creatures from the Pitt now stand at their border. Melantha is less auspicious than Esklav: a simply hued cougar of tawny gold. Average size, average build. She stands several paces behind the warpriest, eerily still as if she were carved from stone rather than flesh. The albino serval who arrives shortly after Gordon catches the female's interest, if only for a moment. There is something...powerful...about that person's aura. Hmm. As for the others? They are all relatively normal, save for the dawnguard's strange manner of speaking.

It is not hard to tell that these people are not fond of her clan. Not that it is surprising. Melantha doesn't love it either. But she is at home in that desert, as outrageous as it sounds, and is loyal to Yes Man. She is silent, her plain visage displaying only a neutral expression. However, there seems to be a subtle twitch of discomfort at Esklav's words. Require. She suspects the Sunhaveners will not like the authoritative manner in which the warpriest speaks. Oh well. If Esklav fails, Mel will probably just have to steal someone away. Not her preferred approach, but she does almost anything Yes Man tells her to. Not everything, but most.

Re: ANYWAY THE WIND BLOWS [―] THE PITT - axiom - 08-18-2018

© lexasperated
The head slayer wandered over, joining the throng of Sunhaven members with a deep exhale. She found it annoying that Jericho was fine with an alliance with the Pitt but not with the Typhoon - she trusted Pincher's track record for keeping his pirates in line more than these unknown slave-keepers. Regardless, she understands that playing the part of a neutral merchant town is difficult; especially with such a wide political gulf between many of the different groups these days.

Still, the warpriest only wants a healer - she squints at him for a moment, appraising him and his sincerity before she responds. "We have a few medics here, such as Jericho and my own sister. Though I have to ask, I'd like to accompany any healer we send as their bodyguard; I'm not used to slaveholders being hospitable to outsiders," Quantum responds, her tail-tip twitching irritably behind her. She itches to outright tell them to sod off, but that would be the opposite of diplomatic, wouldn't it?

[member=1284]jericho[/member] @la'miyla caralho


[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]They require nothing. The clan is so pitiful in its ranks that it cannot choose a skilled healer from their own? They look to Sunhaven for advice when they specialized in economics, not medicine? (This is partially a lie. Jericho has only ever offered herbs to clans in need of battle assistance - but that did not make them medics at heart, only pacifists. Or, simply tentative beings unprepared to make enemies so soon.)

Samuel watches. It is, of course, what he does best - observation is key to understanding, he knows, and by the look of it not many of his clanmates appear pleased by the request. If the Pitt is their enemy, they would not be standing upon their land; part of him wonders why Jericho would allow peace with this group if so many view them with derision. Part of him wants to know what they're hiding.

"I will go." The response leaves him before the rest of his body follows; Samuel speaks, smooth and quick over the questioning voices of his peers, and then he moves forward, approaching Esklav and Melantha with a neutrality about him that the others preferred not to share. He wanted to visit the Pitt, not for their request, but for the sake of seeing these other groups which he's so dutifully ignored. It would be a worthwhile trip, if not for the medical experience, but for comprehension as to why his clanmates seemed so bothered by so simple a request - and to find who else, exactly, lurked beyond the mountains which had shielded them so well.

His face lifts, some attempt at a more comfortable posture. In reality he is scenting the air, because something is off, he knows the smell on the others' pelts and the memory in his senses rouses anger, rouses bitterness that he cannot quell - he thinks of bloody bile, he thinks of amniotic fluid. In a flick of his tail, he dismisses the thought for later. It was better, maybe, to return to the Pitt's territory with them before he said anything of risk, anything that would start unnecessary drama among his clanmates when he very well could be wrong. "That is, of course, if Jericho is willing to approve of your request." A smile.

He knows that Esklav has been here before. But he will accuse nothing of the sort.

/ psst im only going off of the fact that animals can identify each other by their individual scents and hormones but if esk used manipulation or anything to hide that he visited w stella lmk and ill change this lmao


[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:timesnewroman; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]"Understandable, madam. As long as you and whomever accompanies sticks close by, you shan't be mistaken for a slave." the honest truth; Esklav very rarely dealt with slaves himself, having been one once before his arrival. Once. But he still was one, was he? It just wasn't as obvious ― to an outsider, he was simply doing his job. To him, it was almost essential to keep up with being ordered around to drive himself away from deviancy. Over time, however, whatever compulsion he had been under whilst in his creator's care was failing. It was getting easier to stray. To be free. His first programmed response was to be repulsed at the idea of liberation, but it was getting more difficult to resist the lure it brought. His eyes settled on Quantum, assessing her as much as he could before immediately clinging on the figure of the next occupant on impulse.

He was simple. Withdrawn. It was... odd, to be in the presence of someone that did not reek of the mundane behavior that everyone else had. Esklav found it obscenely gratifying. "Duly noted, sire." he did begin to dearly hope for the approval of their leader, so he would get the opportunity to find out more about this male. This was not as tedious of a task as he might have originally thought it to be.