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MAMMA'S BABY [&] moulting - Printable Version

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MAMMA'S BABY [&] moulting - EXODUS-- - 08-17-2018

★ -- Exodus bit back the edges of a snarl as her body quivered, the last hints of her youth peeling away from her body much like a snake would shed a skin. The downy fluff floated to the bottom of the nest, fluttering like broken butterflies.

More bedding for the aerie, then.

The barbaric youth's jaws snapped with discomfort, a shiver wracking her body as she fought to rid herself of what had once been her constant source of comfort and warmth.

Now, it just felt suffocating, akin to a troublesome coat she had donned for far too long. New bristles had pushed their way through her underlying scales, announcing themselves in the form of sleeker, far more mature quills. Exodus was far, far from her adult-- or even her adolescent shredding, though her coat seemed to shine with a fresh gleam. No longer was she, shackled by the suffocating restraints of her feathers. On the cold nights, she had shivered and endures, huddling by the warm bodies of her brethren and sister for warmth.

When she awoke, she did so with a yawn, feeling the need to stretch her limbs. Molting was a sign of vitality; a sign of maturation. But for someone as small as she, the utahraptor had far more moults to go through before she was even close to her prime.

Individual claws flexed with this new revelation, stepping from the shade of the crags that overlooked the children's humble little nest, and greedily soaking in the feel of her newfound plumage like a sponge soaking up water.

Her body had been preparing for this moment; it had taken bit by bit. Inch by inn of soft downy drifting away from her tiny vessel.

During those long, log weeks, Exodus upon herself, marveling and expecting herself to shed those bristles any moment to reveal dark skin and sharp, jagged armor, just like mother.

But to no avail.

Exodus puffed softy through her nose; a sigh that could be skin to mild frustration, and paced amongst the warm sands of the day beach.
[member=1827]AMENT .[/member]

Re: MAMMA'S BABY [&] moulting - MARCELLUS - 08-18-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
New faces, new names, new people. Okay no big deal. More new species from the new people, alright still not a big deal. A new face, but it's a baby Utahraptor. Okay, a big deal. Just exactly how long had he been gone for that dinosaurs came back from extinction. Then again he shouldn't be as shocked considering there were dragons and overly flirtatious hellhounds that existed. Not to mention the fact that there were a lot of irregularly colored animals not only around the Typhoon but in other groups as well. Maybe he should just be more accepting of the fact that there was now a dinosaur in the group and it happened to be a baby one at that. The male was used to just about it all until he had been coming back from a small walk and saw the little thing from a mild distance away. At first he easily confused and dismissed it as one of the birds that flew around the island, suspecting that the little thing would fly off as soon as he got too close and frankly he was hoping that too considering from even this distance it was a bit weird looking. But that definitely was not the case.

As the piebald king cheetah got closer and closer his eyes started to make out weird features on this "bird." A long tail, a weird looking face and of course him being confused he wondered what this thing was and where it came from. It was definitely a lot smaller than him so it would hopefully be no threat to him, unless this thing was secretly really powerful and could kick his ass. Slowly he got closer and closer until he made it out to be exactly what it was, a raptor. Quickly the sick male picked up his pace, letting out a small but moderate volume cough that would make his presence easily known. At the cough he contemplated stopping and just taking a different route back to his shack but he ended up just heading straight for the raptor in which he would stop near it. The solid ground beneath his paws went from rough to soft and caused him to grow confused, the male looking down to see feathers on top of feathers beneath his paws. He knew birds liked to shed but this was ridiculous. He stepped off the pile of feathers and began to click his tongue in the direction of the raptor, trying to sound as soothing as possible, but his rough tone and sore throat could easily make his voice sound threatening instead of soothing. "Hey there." He mused as low as he possibly could not to get attacked, but the way his scratchy and sickly voice sounded could easily be misunderstood as something entirely different.

Re: MAMMA'S BABY [&] moulting - VIRGO - 08-18-2018

[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]There is an itch, an uncomfortable, stinging sensation which was crawling beneath her skin in the most unreachable of locations. Ungracefully, she's tried everything, trying to use sharp rocks to scratch the feeling away. Virgo thought she was going crazy when her earthly hues  saw the dozens of bronze feathers trailing behind her, knowing full well that they were hers. The raptor doesn't dare imagine her unruly appearance for the very thought of imperfections drive her mad. Her feathers are sprouting all over the place. Wild and uneven, as if the concept of time failed to coincide within the universe the raptor strove in. Virgo shakes her plumage. Scrawny, alabaster feathers in all their inelegance are beginning to climb out of her skin, desperate to see sunlight. There is almost a beauty to the ugliness which seemed to shine over her youthful features, radiating the creaks and cracks of what the barbarian didn't particularly feel happy with.

When the child awakens from her dreamless slumber, her claws grasp a clutch of shed feathers. Matted but soft. She rises from her nest and one can see the patches of mismatched feathers dressing her unworldly scales. Bronze, white and gold. There are parts of herself which she was born with and segments of herself she was gaining. The new ivory which presses along her streamlined body illuminate a sense of the girl's royal personality, her narcissism accented by the tips of gold which appear along her crest. Her tongue clicks against the roof of her mouth, a rolling purr resonating from deep within her diaphragm. As usual, Exodus had gone off to elsewhere. Virgo isn't pleased when her sister chooses to go off on her own, not after all the bickering for Virgo's rightful place as the venandi's alpha. She immediately goes off in search for the striker, stopping to take a drink when her moulting plumage bears an uncanny resemblance. Repulsed, she screeches at the water then continues to the beach, heart thundering in discomfort and fear of her unsightly face, the hideous assortment of feathers.

Already in a bad mood, she shrieks threateningly at Marcellus. She can hear the clicking and she doesn't like it, she doesn't like how this creature is trying to talk to Exodus. Of course, the smallest of things could irritate her. It was her mood, having woken up to see the wrong side of her face - mismatched and unhappy, distorted by her image of self pride. Her feathers rise in aggression, fluffing up as the young dinosaur boldly walks towards Marcellus with a series of hisses.

Re: MAMMA'S BABY [&] moulting - Character Graveyard. - 08-18-2018

Kirishima wasn't too fond of the fact that baby raptors were living in the Typhoon. Even though he had named one the one who had bitten him, he was still wary. He didn't want to end up as one of the young dinosaurs' meal. From what he had read about them, they were usually hostile creatures and considered those who reeked of fear as prey. Luckily- Kirishima wasn't afraid of the raptors so it was unlikely that he'd be considered prey to them.

Crimson-colored eyes, exhaustion clear in them, would blink as they landed on Marcellus as the older male began to attempt to communicate with Exodus through clicking noises. Out of the corner of his sanguine eyes, he spotted Virgo approaching Marcellus, clearly in a bad mood. Deciding to distract her, the Beta would began to make clicking sounds with his tongue.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: MAMMA'S BABY [&] moulting - EXODUS-- - 08-18-2018

★ -- Clicking is a call to attention. A means to rapture their target. All her short little life, all she has ever known is her guttur language and the strange babblings of the unique creatures that swell upon the island.

There is a barrier between them and the others-- a hole within the seams of communication and the stitches of speech. Exodus does not know it exists.

The utahraptor had almost forgotten that there are those can speak her language. As strange as it was. It was not impossible. She has witnessed Typhooners guide her attention with their tongue and their body language. She knows their game well.

Exodus isn't sure what to make of the low noise rumbling from the cheetah. Akin to a feline, yet slim in all the ways the domestic cats were not, and far taller. Marcellus seemed to stretch endlessly over the youth, towering and suddenly vying for her attention with familiar undulations of the tongue. Exodus isn't sure what to make of it.

The din of clicking rouses within her ear cavities. What does this strange beast want from her? He speaks her language. Others have before however. They know her tongue. Exodus ponders.

Friend or foe. Friend or...

Virgo, her alpha hisses quietly before her. No longer wreathed by earthy hues, but a hint of white and gold. Immediately, Exodus feels envious. For the pure color that strokes her sister's skin, like an egghell's carapace. Much unlike Exodus, who has barely changed from her molting. Would she too, grow into the ivory color of her sister? Only time would tell.

Virgo is not happy, and it takes no amount of brain power to tell so.

Virgo is their ruler. Lording over the siblings. Whatever Virgo is unhappy at, Exodus should be unpleased with as well. But she cannot bring herself to muster up the vehemenance that lingers upon her sibling's maw.

Exodus remembers the new challenger vividly. This one's legs had served as a chewing post to her nubby teeth in the past. But his attentions are focused upon Virgo. The child cocks her head almost mechanically, unsure of the situation within that moment, and aching to soothe her worries with a good little bite. Gauge if they were worthy of her undivided attention.

They wanted her scrutiny, they could have it.

With a sudden, frenzied leap, the child aimed to descend upon Marcellus's tagged leg.

A mischievous little cry left her lips (one that could be mistaken for meaningless screech), and she'd aim the first bite for the metal tag wrapped around his limb.

It was hard and cold-- hard like mother's scales and maybe just as resilient if not more. The second nibble was aimed higher-- up an area where it was not defended by strange accessories.

When in doubt, biting never failed!

Re: MAMMA'S BABY [&] moulting - Luciferr - 08-20-2018

"It was jet-black. A shade of black so deep, your eye just kind of slides off it.
And it shimmered when you looked at it"
It was somewhat of a strange thing but then again maybe not - Lucifer had once been known for a near army of his own making all because he couldn't stop adopting children or adopting siblings and even cousins, all had been welcome under the banner of his wings back then.

sometimes he thought it might've been a reflection of his own unaware desires then - missing a family he didn't even remember at the time.

curious then that he should find himself playing quasi-dad to near half the clan and then actual dad to a trio of rambunctious feral raptors - but he wouldn't trade off that experience, no matter how exasperating.

though he did arrive to find his adoptive children - moulted now - and apparently about to attack Marcellus to which he huffed "Marcellus I'd retreat fast away from those teeth before calling out a low croon to the trio, blood semi dripping from his jaw as the carcass fell from his maw - oh he knew they could and wanted to hunt themselves but he did like to treat them and lucifer always did spoil his children from time to time.
