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Diya Miss Me? || Open, Searching - Printable Version

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Diya Miss Me? || Open, Searching - Simon F.M. - 08-17-2018

[Image: aaaa_by_daytimedeer-d9vqo1t.png]
Running, running, why was she stilll running? Right, Momma. She had to find her Momma. An NPC had pointed her in this direction, promising her Momma had gone in that direction. Mama was gonna be so proud of her if she found Momma! So would Big Brother Bastie and Oni! She just had to find Momma Margaery first.

The kitten slowed to a walk, taking in her surroundings. Stretching out before her was a long railroad and she slowly edged towards it, sniffing at the rusted metal. While the scent of her mother did not stick out to the small feline, another familiar scent did. It wasn't one she knew super well but she did recognize it as one that had stuck to the sister of hers she had met at her mothers' wedding. "ELI! ELI!" she cried out, ignoring the tiredness tugging at her as she went sprinting down the train tracks.

The six month old kitten went as fast as she could, stumbling and jumping in her rush. Her snowy white fur become stained brown and red with the dirt and rust that she kept brushing against in an attemot to find her older sister. Maybe Eli could help her find their mom!


Re: Diya Miss Me? || Open, Searching - MARCELLUS - 08-18-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
When he joined he wasn't on the run anymore, not from humans at least. For all he knew Tanglewood could of instantly gotten mad at him for leaving so suddenly and tracked his scent to The Typhoon, but he highly doubted it. It had been a month and a few weeks since he left and frankly he no longer had that little bit of paranoid fear that he first got when he left Tanglewood and escaped from the capture of the humans. Due to the humans he was taken away from not only his family, but his home and formerly the only life he knew. Ever since he arrived the Typhoon he had been creating his own memories, a new life for himself and frankly he was more happy in this life than he was before he was taken by the humans.

Marcellus had been padding around the entrance of the Typhoon's home, slightly lost as he was trying to find his way back to his shack to take a few moments to rest. The pale looking feline huffed as he looked around, almost like he had been frantic. He began to pick up the pace in a certain direction before he ended up near the gate. He wasn't intending to stay long or at all really, just working on collecting his thoughts before he decided to stop being stubborn and ask someone for directions, but his ears flicked at the sound of a voice that had seemed yelling, frantic even. The male raised his head in alarm due to the voice sounding so unfamiliar, his body frozen in place. He wasn't sure what to do, does he go investigate? Does he stay put? He tried to gather himself for a moment.

The king cheetah had finally decided that he would investigate the frantic yelling, the male peering out the gate to see a bundle of stained white fluff racing towards him. What was that? The male squinted his eyes a bit harder and began to make out the form of a kitten, a bit shocked at how dirty the kitten was, but above that he was wondering why she had been running towards the gate yelling. "Whoa there, who are you? What do you need?" He tried to raise his voice though the tone still sounded scratchy, the rise of his voice making his throat hurt a bit. The king cheetah moved to the side to try and block Diya's way, looking down at her expectantly.

Re: Diya Miss Me? || Open, Searching - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-18-2018

It wasn't every day you heard yelling coming from the railroads, and Caesar decided to investigate the echos of Diya's words as he crept along the railroad, his ears pricked as he followed her voice. Luckily, Marcellus was there as well, which meant that Caesar wasn't entirely insane about hearing things, although when the scent of The Ascendants reached his nose, the Officer's lips peeled back in a snarl. Unlike Marcellus, Caesar was not tolerating anybody from an enemy clan, no matter how young they are. "Leave." He growled at Diya, his black eyes peering down at the young she-kit, regardless of whether or not she was stopped by Marcellus. If she wasn't, the demon attempted to step in front of her himself, but of course, if Marcellus was able to stop her, then Caesar just simply stood behind the much larger feline with a sour-looking face.

Re: Diya Miss Me? || Open, Searching - CLEO R. C. - 08-18-2018

[color=#445544]"Why does she have to leave?"

Cleo's inquiry was pointed, a huff tumbling from cinnamon lips as she joined Marcellus and Caesar at the border, no doubt displeased by her grandfather's treatment of another child. Not just any child either it seemed- this one appeared to originate from the Ascendants. As much as she despised the fact that she had been captured and subsequently forgotten by her entire family, she still felt an odd sense of kinship whenever her glowing gaze fell upon another from the Observatory. They had been kind to both she and Aita there and she'd be damned if she didn't try to return the favor. Besides, a certain tenderness extended to a practical stranger that she had once reserved for just her family would no doubt make them angry which, as terrible as it sounded, was the young Cleo's intention. It served them right for letting she and Aita suffer... at least that's what Eshe assured her.

Diya's exclamations had not been heard by Cleo however, and she was left merely blinking in the direction of the alabaster female, trying her hardest to understand her purpose for being here without asking. She realized quite quickly that she sort of needed to know though and bit back the urge to sigh, [color=#445544]"Who're you looking for?" There, simple and easy and done entirely to assist in the whole 'I want to spite my family' process. Around her rosetted torso, Eshe shifted, slithering up and up until she was partially coiled around Cleo's head and neck, glowing eyes studying Diya carefully. Oblivious (well, more like completely used) to her movement, the undersized girl did something she hardly did- tried out a smile. It was forced and awkward but at least she was trying to be nice.

[color=#445544]"I'll help you."

Re: Diya Miss Me? || Open, Searching - Simon F.M. - 08-18-2018

[Image: aaaa_by_daytimedeer-d9vqo1t.png]
Diya came to a stumbling stop infront of the king cheetah, her paws catching on the tracks of the rail road. She took a moment to regain her balance before looking up at the larger animal. "My-my names Diya!" mewed the kitten, a frantic edge to her voice. "I need my-"

She was cut off by a stong voice ordering her to leave and she let out a small pitiful whine. "but-but I need my sis-sister!" she cried, fear flooding her as those pitch black eyes stared into her own baby blues. She dropped her gaze, pressing herself into the ground. "I'm- I'm sorry..." she mumbled, clip-on earing covered ears pinning to the back of her head.

She gave a small sniff, glancing up at Cleo for a second before looking back down. All her energy had been spent. "I-I'm looking for-for my sister, Eli" she said quietly, sniffiling. "My Momma went- went missing and i was think-thinking may-maybe my sister could help me fi-find her" she said, shoulders hunched and tail limp. The silver locket and bead necklace around her throat brushed against the ground.

Re: Diya Miss Me? || Open, Searching - bubblegum - 08-18-2018

Re: Diya Miss Me? || Open, Searching - snare - 08-18-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon striker argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Snare would be the next Typhooner to approach the scene, hearing distress from a young voice, a sympathetic pang hitting his heart.  The young Striker would bound towards Diya and gently crouch down to not appear so intimidating even though he wasn't that to begin with.

His pale eyes shone with sympathy, his poor innocent wanting to help out this kitten no matter what group they were from.  "What does your sister look like?"  Snare's tail would gently, trying to appear helpful and approachable in a sea of his crewmates.  He liked helping, and certainly wanted to help the youth out when his young heart ached with compassion and empathy.

Re: Diya Miss Me? || Open, Searching - PINCHER - 08-19-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently married. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
”Leave now.” The icy unwavering demanding voice of Pincher barked out the order, not skipping a beat despite the sickness that drained his strength. The hoarseness was gone for now, the rumbling deep tone he carried returning as the lumbering towering figure of the leader loomed over his crewmates, his glacier piercing blue gaze locked onto the child with a dark glint. He fucking despised the Ascendants after they had decided to take his children and hold them captive ans frankly, the desire to take revenge haunted his mind but he restrained himself. He knew the feeling of being captured as a child due to the selfishness of adults so he decided not to capture any children nor would he allow for that to happen while he was around. He wasn't going to sink down to that level despite the rage that boiled within his cool exterior.

He took a step forward, his long tail briefly curling around his daughters as he halted beside Marcellus with his upper lip curled ever so slightly out of refrained disgust before he forced himself to relax as he forced a stoic expression to settle onto his facial features as he rumbled ”Whoever you are looking for ain't here so fucking bounce, kid.” Frost was beginning to form around his ivory white paws as he held the temptation to drag the child and use her as a trading chip but he knew that wouldn't be right even for a heartless pirate like him. But that didn't mean he would go soft as he knew that the child should be smart enough to know when they were not welcomed.

( mobile )

Re: Diya Miss Me? || Open, Searching - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-20-2018

”Why does she have to leave?” Caesar echoed Cleo’s words with a snarl, narrowing his eyes at his granddaughter. ”They are the enemy.” He spat. ”Are you really sinking as low as to helping them?” His tone was full of disgust, his gaze slowly traveling to Goldenluxury as she came over and spoke to the child, warning her as she also offered help. Snare also seemed to be willing to help and Caesar could only feel his irritation growing steadily. The Officer turned to The Ascendants child sharply, his teeth bared. ”Cry me a fucking river.” He mocked with a snarl, before Pincher came over and started doing the same thing. With a satisfied grin that the own Captain was by his side, Caesar raised his head and unsheathed his claws, AIMING TO SWIPE AT THE AIR ABOVE [member=1149]Diya F.M.[/member] . Mostly to scare her, of course. ”Leave before I actually fucking hit you.”
