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YOUR SILENCE IS MY FAVORITE SOUND / joining - Printable Version

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YOUR SILENCE IS MY FAVORITE SOUND / joining - Character Graveyard. - 08-17-2018

Cloud — Male — Sunhaven — Sunbearer — Medium
Cloud has had a rather difficult life so far.

He'd left home around six months, and wandered on his own for a while. He's never been quite the type to socialize with others, until he met a small group that would end up changing his life. Tifa, Zack and Aerith. Then, someone or something had killed them mysteriously and without any signs of mercy. He blamed himself for their deaths- but his punishment was that he didn't die with them and he still wandered the earth, alive and well. As for his siblings, he had no idea who they were, nor did he even know where they ended up. It didn't bother him that much- if he had to be honest- as he hadn't obviously cared too much either. Families would always split apart at one point, it didn't matter whatever family it happened to be.

Upon stepping onto Sunhaven's territory, the male would hesitate, a frown tugging at the corners of his maw. He wasn't too sure if he would even like this place, but he supposed it wouldn't hurt him to give the place a chance. He'd been through a lot worse in the past. Then he would freeze in place, his pupils shrinking to slits and moving around in a wild manner. His claws would unsheathe and dig into the ground, and his teeth would show. Damn. The Stigma, that he had gained when he was just a seven-month old kid from being bitten by something with venomous teeth and injected poison into his body, still haunted him to this day. The poison still ran through his blood veins and he had gained venomous teeth and black horns not too long ago. He could only guess that the mutations were apart of the venom entering his veins.

Some might say he was like a vampire, but he did not have a craving for blood. Instead, the sickness made him go crazy and act feral. He was aware that he was a monster among the normal, but he honestly didn't care what others could possibly think about him. Cloud merely saw the rest of the world as his enemy and there was barely anybody that he could trust.


Gordon had left home, too, although that was mostly due to her father and the way he treated her and her littermate. Her father was an Officer of The Typhoon and it was common for him to just have flings with random she-cats near the border, which was how Gordon and Billiam came to be. Once they were weaned, Caesar hunted them down and killed their mother and started to yell at her and her brother, among other things. It took months, but eventually Gordon and Billiam had enough and fled, barely missing their father's claws as they ran.

Gordon closed her eyes as she walked, trying to force those thoughts away. Remembering her father was bad and its what caused most of her worries and attacks, if she ended up having one. Her father was the reason she was so wary to go near the border by herself, but unfortunately that was something she had to do sometimes. "Ah, h-hello?" Gordon forced herself to call out, slowly and carefully approaching Cloud. She briefly looked up at the male, though her gaze quickly went back to her paws after that. "Wh-what's your name and business with Sunhaven?"
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: YOUR SILENCE IS MY FAVORITE SOUND / joining - Mama - 08-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Running from family, the past which doggedly follows like a shadow, tied to each step, had seemed common ground amongst many present.

Death and blood had driven her from the only home she had known, a shock to the system for being so forcefully ejected from a life one had been made for, a solider from the moment her first breath had parted pale lips, it had been hard to grow accustomed to living on the outside. She had been forced to make do and so she had done just that, crafting a life for herself out of the crumbling ashes of the past, found a family within strangers who offered smiles and laughter so easily, a daughter to them where her own parents had deemed her little more than a disappointment, a waste of space to be removed at the earliest possibility.

Yet such a story held no happy ending or Ishayu would be present within the sand swept land she had once thought of with gentle fondness not here where homes were locked together by wooden boardwalks, harbour some sense of love for those present within, enjoying the life she had been given. No, it had come to end in the heat of flames, eating through the simple wooden structures they had thrown up, nothing left but ash and charred bone, those she had left behind alive only in fragmented memory.

And so the serval wandered the border, found peace in the simple act, allowing each memory to flood her mind. Her time here had been short, just over two weeks if her perception of time proved correct, though such was hard to tell for she had been cooped up in her home for a few days now, enjoying some quiet, but fruitful. There had been much she had found herself immersed within yet she found her steps drawing her to the line between mountain and beach, feeling the grains between her toes, catching there upon the delicate skin. Large ears swivelled around as a voice rose, familiar in some ways though the speaker was largely a stranger to her still, something she wished to remedy some time soon.

Picking up her pace Ishayu grew agitated upon catching sight of the stranger, his posture speaking of danger. Moving to stand slightly in front of Gordon in hopes it made her a bigger target, her own stature towering above the mixed feline, lips peeling back though her tone was terse, kept devoid of emotion as she watched the stranger. “It is best you stay calm or leave now, I have no wish to end this with either of us bloodied.” Briefly she glanced over her shoulder towards Gordon, wondering how it was she had approached without realising he was within a state of agitation, but never dared to think less of her. Trained from such a young age it became all too easy to tell when another was preparing to attack, body speaking louder than any word might, and so she waited, acting as a shield for the Sunbearer.


[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Running from your past, leaving your home behind in the process- Pierce could certainly relate. He had spent most of his life hiding from his mistakes in one way or another, but just in March, he was pretty sure it was, he had left his home of almost a year and a half, left even his family, to find a new, safer place to live. Of course, he had left a note for his daughter and - well, what had they been? Lovers? Friends? Or, maybe he couldn't have even called Riddlersgame such at that point, for his memory had been so fucked up, but either way - another who he loved very much, instructed him to bring Clementine and follow the trail Pierce would leave for them.  But even after they arrived in Snowbound, months after he joined the clan from his perspective, though only a few weeks after he'd left for them, things hadn't been the same. Riddlersgame had been angry, Clementine hurt. There had been a fight, resulting in Riddler blowing up and leaving Pierce alone once more.

That was what led him and Clem to Sunhaven, running from his problems once again, just as he always had. Now, though, he hoped things could finally be normal- that they could finally just be a happy family again.

Pierce was next to approach, arriving after Ishayu and casting Cloud a hesitant glance as he came over to stand beside the other serval. He couldn't help his caution around the stranger before them, honey gaze sweeping over the other's tense form. He said nothing yet, head cocked ever so slightly as he awaited Cloud's reaction to Ishayu's words.


Re: YOUR SILENCE IS MY FAVORITE SOUND / joining - Ilijas - 08-19-2018

ilijas arthur valentine
reckless wanderer | noble stag
It hadn't been Ilijas who had run away from home but rather, his home that had run away from him. His parents had been young and inexperienced when he and his twin sister had been born, barely able to provide for either him or Tally and much too interested in the more leisurely aspects of life to care for their children other than what already was obligated of them. One day, they had taken every one of their possessions and left the twins by themselves, forced to adapt to the wild lest the wild snap them up in its haunted jaws, exchanging life for death. They were old enough to hunt for themselves, fend for themselves, but things still felt strange with no home to return to. It was why Ilijas wandered so diligently now, hardly able to remain in one place before the fear of abandonment once more flared in his chest and left him spiraling down in a darkness that was not entirely his.

Sunhaven and more specifically, Beverly, had managed to sate his anxious feelings, extending him the promise of a place that would not leave him behind confused and scared, that void opened by his parents filling gradually as each day came and went and he found his place here. His happiness here. He had long since come to terms with everything and yet, sometimes there were rare instances in which he recalled them leaving, Talanah seemingly unfazed as Ilijas struggled to understand what either of them did wrong, not truly comprehending that their birth had been unanticipated and a bit unwelcome. He didn't exactly fault his parents for being so young, just wished that they had been accountable for once in their lives. Oh well. He knew he was happy now- that was all that mattered.

The young bengal had been wandering about when he happened upon Cloud, Pierce, Ishayu, and Gordon, expression contorting as his gaze lingered upon the hostile stance of the former. [color=gray]"Is this guy okay?" Ilijas would inquire aloud, a metaphorical brow stitching together, that frown unwavering. He certainly hadn't left the house this morning with the intention of being attacked and mark his words, he'd be furious if such a fate awaited him here.
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]

Re: YOUR SILENCE IS MY FAVORITE SOUND / joining - Character Graveyard. - 08-19-2018

Cloud — Male — Sunhaven — Sunbearer — Medium
Shit. There was others showing up at the worst moment. The male would dig his claws deeper into the ground with more force so he could try his best to not attack anyone on the scene. He would flinch slightly before snapping back to reality. He would calm his tense muscles and pull his claws out of the ground, sheathing them as he did. Sapphire-eyes would calmly land on Gordon, quickly noting her stammering and how she looked down at her paws when she had finished speaking to him. His tone quiet, the feline would respond. "Cloud, I'm here to join." Then he would look towards Ishayu as she stood in front of the nervous female. He would take a step backwards, to show that he wasn't going to attempt to attack either of them. "I'm calm." Cloud would simply say, a emotionless expression growing on his face.

Sapphire-hues would move as he would turn to glance in Ilijas and Pierce's direction, casually examining their appearances. If he was going to live here, the best option was to remember what the others looked like. A invisible brow would rise as he ran his blue gaze over the young Bengal. He wasn't used to other creatures being concerned about him, so it was a little odd for Cloud. "I'm fine." The soon-to-be Sunbearer would say, before falling into deathly silence.

Re: YOUR SILENCE IS MY FAVORITE SOUND / joining - Mama - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Slow is the fall of her own tense stance, tightened muscles only loosening a mere fraction, gentle hum escaping pursed lips.

For little more than a second did her attention drift from the stranger, touching upon the two who made their approach after her, making not of how each reacted to the situation before them. Gentle curiosity tempered by a wary edge, a caution out of necessity for the situation yet giving way to nothing more than a simple want to learn more, to see how things played out. And then there was a frown drawn across pale maw, hinting at something she might deem annoyance, as though this were a mere inconvenience, words directed to all but the man he spoke of. So different and yet similar in ways, the response were not what Ishayu expected and for a time she struggled to now question them, wonder as to why both approached a scene with one prepared to offer only harm with such calmness, until the stranger spoke.

Cloud. Maroon toned eyes found him once more and she wondered briefly if he truly was alright as he said, clearly struggling to keep himself within a calm state, yet she was not one to judge. All too fresh was her own experience with barring anger, holding back the heat of it though it curled within the stomach, a living snake of fire scorching all it touched, seeking only to tear down what dared get in her way. Fictional brow lowered and the Dawnguard spoke within a softer voice, allowing some small ounce of worry to touch each word, worry for both those by her and for Cloud himself, not wishing for this anger he had shown them to be directed towards himself

“Welcome Cloud, I am sorry for my behaviour I just... worry,” carefully did she think through her next words before speaking once more, small smile curling her lips. “If you wish I will show you about the town and I am happy to answer any questions to might have. Oh, I am Ishayu, a Dawnguard.” The position would hold no meaning to him now yet it slipped through as her former had not, bearing a weight she was unaccustomed to. It was her place to welcome others, to make them feel apart of things, but the offer was more to allow her to keep an eye on him for a time, make sure he didn't slip into that anger once more when none were around to stop him from harming another.