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TEDDY BEAR — O, JOINING - Printable Version

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TEDDY BEAR — O, JOINING - Narmen. - 08-17-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"] This place was one word: eerie. The trees loomed overhead, casting long shadows that reached her paws. Where she was standing was not beneath the canopies causing the forest to be so shaded. Where she stood was rather bare, only a few trees here and there. She didn't know how she ended up there, but her paws had carried her to this place. Perhaps it was destiny, or perhaps her mind was too preoccupied on her journey to pay attention to where she was going. Baby wouldn't say she was oblivious, and she didn't want to admit that she was a little air-headed at times. Regardless of how her mind functioned, the territory she stumbled upon was vastly different than what she had been traversing over before. She didn't want to cross into it. There was a scent, a border preventing her from entering as well.

Baby had heard of the groups residing within the varying biomes, but she had yet to come across one. She supposed this would be the first of many to come. Unless.. Unless she decided to join their ranks. The winged feline wasn't sure how she would go about doing that, nor did she know if she truly wanted to. She had been on her own for as long as she could remember, and she had faired somewhat well. There had been a few fights, but she had obviously come out alive with a couple scars and a memory that could only be saved for later. Baby hummed to herself, trying to come up with a decision.

Re: TEDDY BEAR — O, JOINING - emil - 08-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]eerie was... definitely a good word for the territory. deep and dark, fog clinging to the ground with winding trees and trails, heavy shadows that loomed day and night. in the beginning, it gave him chills; fur standing up, claws subconsciously digging into the dirt. everyone grew used to it eventually. that, or they left when they found they couldn't accept the way of life around here.

after all this time, pres could not call himself a warmonger, could not relate to these rogues he lived with, the violent creatures that looked to him as their leader. he never could relate, not really. he was pacifist, or at the cery least, he held their ideals. the male knew well of how to defend himself and how to fight... and yet, that had not saved him before. he was weak, it was true. helpless as an unknown lioness barged into their home and pinned sola. helpless as he was thrown to the ground, the next to be pinned, a mere domestic cat being crushed beneath this stranger, wheezing as ribs snapped and eventually...

prestige shook his head. he found himself wandering the territory, moving toward the border. it was empty for some time, but soon enough, he spotted a figure. the snow leopard's paws picked up to a trot and he came to stand in front of the winged feline rather quickly. he offered her a smile upon approaching, pausing a generous distance away from the woman, minding her personal space unlike... some of the others here. "hello," he greeted. "this is the rosebloods. do you have business here?"

Re: TEDDY BEAR — O, JOINING - Narmen. - 08-17-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"] Baby could say she was also a pacifist, and would have done the same as Prestige if she had been in the same situation. She did, however, at least have some experience in battling, not that she wanted the exposure to fighting. If she had known what the other had gone through, she would have tended to him as she had with many others. Baby supposed healing was more so her calling than anything else. She had been told by many that her paws were blessed, given a gift. The winged feline found it hard to believe and simply rolled her eyes whenever it was brought up. There was no time for foolish compliments, even if they made her blush beneath her fur. It was ridiculous, their comments, and her reactions, but it wasn't something she could necessarily help. She wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, nor did she ever think she could be. The thought alone made her droop a bit, her own feelings causing her to physically alter.

When she spotted Prestige approaching her, a snow leopard, much larger than herself, Baby shrank back a little bit, afraid for her own life. It was when he spoke to her and smiled at her politely that she straightened her posture, wanting to appear less fearful of him. He didn't seem to want to hurt her, or eat her. As far as she knew, snow leopards weren't cannibalistic, so she supposed she was fine. The name 'Rosebloods' did not ring any bells, so she merely tilted her head to the side in confusion. "No, I.. don't. Who are you? The Rosebloods, I mean," Baby inquired curiously, wanting to know more, but not wanting to seem as though she was pressing him for answers. "I'm, um, Baby, by the way," the winged feline introduced carefully, giving a nod of her head as she spoke. She figured it was the polite thing to do.


fuck the doomed
you're on your own !
Somebody was at their border but didn't have any sort of business? Horizon raised an invisible eyebrow at Baby's question, clearly unhappy and confused with her answer. "Who comes seeking us and doesn't have any sort of reason for being here?" The devil voiced his thoughts as he came over to stand next to Prestige, his red eyes blinking at Baby. Her timid nature made him narrow his gaze, also seemingly unhappy about that. "You don't know who we are?" What the hell, was she an amnesiac or something? The Rosebloods was a new group, sure, but surely Baby knew of the clans that lived in this area? "We're a clan, to say the least." He decided to explain, shrugging his thoughts off. "A clan of people who live together." That was... really the only way to explain it in his opinion.
bio | rank of group | tags

Re: TEDDY BEAR — O, JOINING - emil - 08-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]the snow leopard opened his mouth to respond to baby, though closed it upon horizon's arrival. he simply dropped his gaze to the tasmanian devil and lifted a brow. "not a clan," he corrected lightly. "simply a ragtag group of rogues." in his mind, and in many other's here, there was a difference. clans were, more often than not, peaceful, and were short in abundance of the warmongers that had taken up living here. they were not a clan, no; the rosebloods had begun as a group of families living together, and as far as he was concerned, that was how it'd always be. even if the newcomers lacked the old family names.

pres returned his gaze to baby and flicked his tail. "i'm prestige. leader around here." he murmured. he watched the winged feline for a few moments, and after concluding that she was no threat, he gave another smile. "if you've nowhere else to stay, you're welcome to join us." the male offered.

Re: TEDDY BEAR — O, JOINING - cyantist - 08-18-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;"]"But you're not a child." It tumbles out of his mouth before he can think of anything smart to say, but Night isn't known for applying his book smarts to social skills. This stranger is certainly odd looking, but it's not the odd that makes him uncomfortable, like those... Hounds in Tanglewood. No, her wings look soft and she herself doesn't look intimidating, so he's more than happy to talk to her without running to hide behind the nearest adult or authority figure.

Besides, if he's going to be a warrior one day, he needs to be brave.

"I'm Nightsky Mortem, and it's really nice to here! If you don't have anywhere to stay, you should until you find your home." He adds, introducing himself and giving an impromptu advertisement. That seems more than fair, he would hope that people would let him stay somewhere til he was able to make his way back home if he was lost.

Re: TEDDY BEAR — O, JOINING - Narmen. - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"] Before Prestige had the change to respond to her, to answer her question regarding who the Rosebloods were, a male with red eyes approached. His words were harsh, as was his question. She had just happened upon the border, and didn't want to cross. It wasn't her fault she had no business with them, or knew nothing of them. Already Horizon didn't seem fond of her, but for what reason she didn't know. Perhaps it was her lack of knowledge, or how feeble she seemed. Baby didn't know, nor did she care to ask to find out. Rather than respond to him, she turned back to Prestige, listening to him as he spoke, correcting Horizon on his mistake. The description was a rather plain one, but it worked well enough to give her a visual on the group.

"Simply a ragtag group of rogues."

Prestige's introduction was a welcome one, seeing as how she had already introduced herself. It was pleasant hearing someone address her politely, rather than crudely as Horizon had done. Already she was having opinions of others. "Ah, thank you. I think I may stay," Baby informed with a dip of her head, eyes soon turning to look to Nightsky. To him, she gave a small smile, one that was courteous and genuine. "Yes, I know," the winged femme responded with a light chuckle, masking it by covering her maw with a wing. "Pleasure to meet you, and thank you," Baby responded softly, giving a bob of her head to the younger creature.


fuck the doomed
you're on your own !
Horizon gave a little shrug at Prestige’s correction, although he did keep that mentally noted. After all, it’d be wrong to falsely advertise the group. Hearing Nightsky’s comment about Baby not being an actual child, the devil gave a small nod at that. Honestly, yeah... the dude had a point. But whatever, people couldn’t help what they named. ”Well, if you’re staying then, welcome, I guess.” Horizon spoke. ”My name’s Horizon Cipher.”

bio | member of the rosebloods | tags

Re: TEDDY BEAR — O, JOINING - rushy - 08-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]New people! Lydia loved people. At least, unless they were rude or creepy to her, then she could probably do without them. Regardless, she always did her best to be kind and open to new faces. Do unto others as you'd have done unto yourself or whatever the fuck. On the plus side, Lydia really liked The Rosebloods so far, and thus she would try to make the same experience for this new stranger.

She approached the scene on light feet, pushing unceremoniously to the front so she could look the winged femme in the face. Lydia smiled lightly, green eyes sparkling brightly as she tried to appear as warm as possible. "Hiya, welcome to The Rosebloods, I'm Lydia," the tabby introduced, making it extra dramatic by placing a paw on her chest in indication. "If you'd like someone to show you around, I'd love to...!" Sure, Lydia didn't know their territory like the back of her hand, but they could have an impromptu tour! That would be interesting in the very least.