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HEY! LOOKS LIKE RAIN / group q&a - Printable Version

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HEY! LOOKS LIKE RAIN / group q&a - bubblegum - 08-17-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
/ [member=1130]rosemary roux[/member] [member=1637]bakugou[/member]  i have your replies saved (w/o coding, if you want them! feel free to pm me if you do and i'll send em over)

the girl, despite everything else going on, still had responsibilities as a high position and, now, dealer. she needed to interact with her crewmates. she didn't mind doing it - she liked to make friends and hang out with cool crewmates. friends are beneficial and just fun in general. but, she honestly had a lot on her mind right now. she had a lot to do. it was overwhelming, if she were being honest with herself. but, she wasn't honest with herself.

so, the girl couldn't help herself from doing this little thing when it happened to pop in her head as she was resting in the submarine last night. she was tired, having gotten basically no sleep still due to nightmares, but she was at least laying down more often, even if she was taking a bit more walks lately. she'd be alright. this would be nice - others would enjoy it, too. it'd help her get to know any crewmates she hadn't gotten to talk to much yet, too.

goldie had set out a bunch of blankets along barracuda bay, along with a few snacks including candies and mini sliders she'd made. after that, the injured girl would grab a little blue lollipop and some apple juice she'd brought with her and finally sit down with her shaking legs, her harpy eagle sitting to the side of her quietly. "oi! c-come ov-over 'ere for a lil' question n' an-answer! you c-can ask me, n' oth-others who show up que-questions, n' i c-can ask you ss-some, too." hopefully that made sense. she thought it a nice little event to get to know everyone.

Re: HEY! LOOKS LIKE RAIN / group q&a - ROSEMARY - 08-17-2018

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
So, the most friendly and optimistic of the lot was holding a question and answer session? Rosemary instantly popped over, wanting to spend more time with her niece - and answer a few of her own questions about the bengal. "How do you stay so happy all the time? What's your exercise and diet routine?" Rosemary asked with a flick of her forked tail, not understanding this bit of Goldie at all. The girl barely got any sleep, yet never seemed moody. With that removed from triangle of mental health support - sleep, diet, and exercise - she failed to understand how the girl could stay so chipper all the time.

Rosemary certainly envied that outlook; she wished she could rip herself out of the apathy of her mind.

Re: HEY! LOOKS LIKE RAIN / group q&a - CLEO R. C. - 08-17-2018

Cleo did not step forward for any reason save her own hunger, the ache that gnawed at her stomach practically demanding that she indulge herself in some of Goldie's snacks. Her sister had never specified whether or not participation in the actual 'question and answer' part was mandatory and thus, the child figured that she could enjoy the lollipop and slider she had stolen for herself in peace, unbothered by the obligation to ask questions she didn't care about. Why should she anyways? Her rage towards the Typhoon had not subsided since her return and she bore no desire to engage with any of her clanmates unnecessarily. It served them right, being given the cold shoulder and all, they shouldn't have left she and Aita to suffer in the Ascendants.

Shifting her position, the small bengal would begin to eat, particularly surprised by how good the food her sister had prepared was. She'd never extend her the luxury of that compliment though, no her silence spoke volumes itself and she preferred not to break it. Serves them right. Serves them right. Serves them right. But did it? Did it really? God, she didn't know anymore.

Re: HEY! LOOKS LIKE RAIN / group q&a - AMUNET - 08-17-2018

sapphire eyes snapped open from the small shade the creature had captured for itself moments prior. A friendly was near enough by the sounds of their language: flowed like white static over the feral child's mind beside the recognition of it, the words meaningless- serving as something to grab their attention if nothing else, and it had. The youngin' was still drowsy, sleep fogging the raptor's mind as he turned closer towards the sound. Pupils constricting as focus slowly seemed to shift into the bright day.

the smell of meat, even burnt-cooked was enough to get ament closer, however hesitant he was at the size of the group. Ament was still cautious around the rest of the clan. Only tempered with his pack or mother- but the allure of eating just after a quant little nap was appealing. He felt his mouth water as he neared. Cautious - careful despite the light hunger. He kept his eyes trained over the rest of the group- turning head to the smaller- louder one that had grabbed his attention. 'Goldie'. Although food was on the forefront of his mind- and probably would remin to be until he was old enough to hunt on his own with confidence-

he couldn't help but notice that the other seemed to smell similar. It was had to describe the smell of sleep but it was somehow- softer. She smelled sleepy and ament was still tired. To the untrained eye- ament's attention seemed to shift in a frightening way. Disregarding the food and instead turning closer towards goldie. A low set prowl- slow as not to spook the friendly as he neared, passing the rest of the group. He turned his head slightly- aiming to but against her shoulder and sense a reaction if not shoved, the small raptor would in turn curl at the small kid's side. a low chittering escaping his maw in content as he settled

/gosh dnag it the mini-boi can participate too!
ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛᴏᴏᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʟᴀᴡ ᴀɴᴅ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅʏ ᴍᴀᴡ // ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄᴀᴛᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜ- ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛ ɪᴛ.

Re: HEY! LOOKS LIKE RAIN / group q&a - Grey - 08-17-2018

[ ooc ] again, thanks so much space! this post occurs before cleo and ament's ;w;

Getting to know others and their interests isn't exactly something Bakugou prioritizes. In fact, he cares so little for the personality of his crewmates that he still finds himself baffled at certain responses or hobbies that he may find himself witnessing. Nevertheless, the ragdoll happens to be present when the call for a group Q&A echoes through the area. Snacks. Goldenluxury always seems to have snacks, like as if they were an extension of her very being. Truthfully, he expects her to smell of gingerbread or sugary biscuits, but more often than not it is the baked goodies and sweets that his nose detects. This time, however, he wafts something different. The subtle, fresh smell of bread mixed with meat. When the male approaches, he realises they are sliders and happily helps himself to one. The last time Bakugou had tried to consume one of Goldenluxury's food creations, the goody was burned the moment it touched his tongue. He doesn't let it happen again, having more control over his fire much that his fiery tongue doesn't burn the slider into a crisp. He takes one bite and without realising it, he's savoring the taste. He glances briefly at her but then looks away, almost embarrassed that he happens to like her food. When he regretfully finishes his snack, he shamelessly asks: "Can you teach me to cook?" It was a question, wasn't it? Besides, he justifies to himself, cooking must be different in this place. Using paws doesn't make things easy.

Re: HEY! LOOKS LIKE RAIN / group q&a - bubblegum - 08-17-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
/no problem! happy to help <33

she offered a warm smile as rosemary arrived first, breathing quietly as she waited for her aunt to speak. though, hearing her words, a bit of worry and sorrow would enter her expression. to hear her say that, still, was a bit reassuring. at least she was pretending pretty good.

"well," she'd start off softly, growing a bit thoughtful. "i-i'm not hh-happy all th-the time." goldie would admit first. as much as she pretended she was, she knew no one was happy all the time, and it'd be unrealistic to expect anyone to be. "but, i stay p-positive bec-cause i ha-have a lot. i have a wonderff-ful family, n' h-home, n' most everyo-one is real goo-good, n' i guess i'm j-just really...gratef-ful of that." she'd explain first, hoping that made sense. she wasn't too sure about her diet and exercise, though.

"umm...i kin-kinda am alw-ways tryna' exerc-cise n' move 'round. i m-mostly eat f-fish, cause that's wh-what papa likes t-to mm-make, but i al-also try n' eat a whole buncha' foods." the fact that she was always moving probably wasn't too much of a shocker. the girl refused to take breaks, and she certainly wouldn't stop now. there were too many things on her mind. she needed to check up on everyone, and deldrach, and make sure decius hadn't done anything, and continue her duties to her crew, and so much more. she just had a lot to do. she couldn't possibly stop now.

goldie pondered for a few moments on what she could ask her aunt in return. to be honest, she had a lot of questions, but for now she'd settle on one so she wouldn't overwhelm her. "h-how'd ya learn t-to do all your m-magic st-stuff?" the young girl questioned lightly, tilting her head. she was genuinely curious about it, even if she didn't personally know a lot about it.

her tired, green gaze shifted over towards bakugou as he approached, happy to see him taking some of her food. he seemed to like it more than her cookies, so that made her glad. she still needed to make that thing he said he'd like...what was it? katsu...katsukarē! she still needed to make that. she drifted out of her thoughts at his question, though, ears perking. "oh, ss-sure! do y-ya like it? we c-could make, um, katsuk-karē if you'd li-like." she, of course, would need to practice beforehand, though...

but, she quickly became more alert as her sister came next. she was hopeful her sister would say something, anything. she still felt awful about the whole situation. even something to make her feel bad would be better than the silence she was faced with. her expression dropped slightly, and guilt entered her gaze. "h-how are you and esh-eshe d-doing?" she would ask hesitantly, words slow and gentle as she watched her sister cautiously.

her gaze would only move away when she noticed another presence drawing closer. she looked to them, a little bit of curiosity entering her expression as she realized, oh, it was one of those raptor kids. which one was this? umm...ament, that's it. goldie didn't say anything and would instead let the male curl up against her, a small, wondering smile on her features now. "hm, h-hey." she'd simply giggle softly. what a pleasant little distraction.

Re: HEY! LOOKS LIKE RAIN / group q&a - Grey - 08-17-2018

The over-enthused often unsettles Bakugou. Their energy was draining, as if the sparks of life were being sucked away from his own skin. Goldenluxury was one of those. She seemed to be far too content, too easily adapting to whatever shit storm was thrown her way. Some days, just watching her go about in her uneasy state was overbearing. It exhausts him to simply see her continue to try. When the female replies to the soothsayer, there's a smoky breath of relief to simply hear her reinforce that she was not an embodiment of happy energy. No, she was just too positive and took everything gratefully. It contrasts with Bakugou and in all honesty, he feels mildly embarrassed. The ragdoll has the tendency to sulk, become easily aggravated with the smallest of things. He remembers a time his team came in second place. They worked hard to regain the points they had lost, managed to reach second place and had only just missed out on first place. He felt furious, like a swirling ball of flame. There was no gratitude for his teammates, no contentment that he had managed to reach the next round. He had pledged to be first and he had failed to do so.

Katsukarē. That was right. He once suggested to the girl to make something spicy to which she asked what he would like. He replied that he wanted curry but he never actually thought Goldenluxury would remember the name, let alone try to make it. "That'd..." his words leave before the voice in his head speaks, the male quickly catching himself through an abrupt fade of his tone. Bakugou recollects himself, unsure how to respond because he has a bit of a reputation to care for. "That'd be nice." He would appreciate learning how to cook at least something. Simply char-grilling his food wasn't going to cut it for him. But, on the topic of food, he notices one of the venandi children. Ament - the one he had named because he wanted to take the important job of doing it too. He sees how the raptor clings to the fem and his expression is unreadable. His features reflect some pattern of thought but the exact words he was thinking didn't seem to exist. A hint of what he was thinking was: fried chicken.