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yeah youre unnatural // jungle juice experience - Printable Version

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yeah youre unnatural // jungle juice experience - mantisheart - 08-16-2018

The walk to the island had been long. The wind was surprisingly cold over the railway bridge, and seeing the names written along the rocks on the way was a chilling experience. Being a living creature was filled with these little moments; moments where you realize you’re walking where thousands of others have walked before in a long line of tradition.

Samson, some cat she asked for the joining jungle juice, had quickly grabbed a vial for her and handed it over, before pointing her in the direction of Haven Island, telling her to take it only once she was on the island. And what an expanse of an island it was, roiling with plantlife and sand. Had all those names done this? Sat here and drunk the juice, then...... What was she supposed to do next? She had heard something about sunrise, but this stupid body got overwhelmed so easily...

Marigold lifted the muddy-colored drink, drinking it quickly and then setting the tube down on the ground. She would bring it back later, after this long night was over.

Looking up at the sky, Mari curled her tails around her paws in her sitting position, watching the moon. It seemed especially beautiful tonight; and after a few moments she..... Thought it seemed to tint red? What a beautiful color. It fit wonderfully against the dark, dark crimson of the sky, like velvet. Velvet......
Marigold looked down, realizing she could feel a heavy weight around her neck. It was a cape- luxurious, gilded, fit for a Queen. Which she was. She was most definitely royalty, jewels shimmering under her paws, gold on every claw, and- was that the planets? The stars? How wonderful, she purred as she watched this scene, how wonderful this would be. She could feel her powers thrumming in every claw-length of her pelt, her tails twitching with power as they shifted into twin snakes. Marigold felt like she was on top of the world- the universe, even. And she had spared no expense to get there. The taste of souls on her tongue- crumbling like ashen cotton candy by merely being so close to her.

She missed this. But this was somehow even more power than she had ever had before, she realized with slitted pupils. She could control elements that didn’t even exist yet- at the flick of a tail, planets collapsed, galaxies shuddered, stars went supernova......... It was beautiful.
And she was alone. Or so she thought.


Marigold sat in a clearing, staring at the trees and rocks surrounding her. Her tail twitched occasionally, her pupils were dilated, and small green flames seemed to be shining around her eyes and paws.


She saw a flash of yellow and black. A smear of purple. And it was crumbling, it was all crumbling, her wings were torn from her back and she could still feel them. She was mortal. Another cat stood over her, a demon much like herself. Extremely like herself. His eyes shone with purple instead of green, and his claws were clear, and the black on his pelt had white smeared on it to become a strangely fragile grey. But he looked like her. And when he smiled, she knew exactly who he was.

And she felt hatred boil in her stomach, acid dripping on her tongue. She tensed, trying to reach out with her claws to claw his face off, to get her away, to bite his neck and rip it out. But she couldn’t. She was frozen.

”What a predicament you’ve found yourself in, sister.”
He would have been stabbed with ten thousand daggers if stares could kill.
”Mortal..... No powers... And how many enemies you’ve made.”
He lifted one claw of his paw, bringing it close to her face. She could only stare as it grew closer and closer.
”No way to protect yourself.... I could torture you here for eons and nobody would care. How does frozen incineration sound?”

He wasn’t supposed to know where she was. He was supposed to be dead, she had seen his lungs torn out and his heart eaten. His soul had been devoured. There was none of it left!
The claw grew ever closer, until it paused, millimeters from her eye.
”Or I could let you run. Let you think you escaped.”
He drew back. His expression was thoughtful.
”I could come back when you least expect it, and strike then.”
He was always the stronger sibling. Marigold bit her tongue, suddenly seeing the forest of the island come into view other than the void that had been there before. It seemed lighter than it had before.

Marigold wasted no time. She sprang to her paws, sprinting away at a speed that could only be described as frantic. Her paws touched the ground as often as raindrops as she ran, barely missing trees and ferns and other undergrowth as she fled from the creature she hated most of all.
She didn’t stop until she hit the shore. Looking out over the ocean, staggering to a stop, Marigold collapsed down onto Haven Island’s sand, her muscles quivering with strain. The deep reds and warm oranges of the sky were comforting, as she felt her mind clear. How long had she been in those visions? How long had she been staring at nothing, sprinting through the jungle?
Something about what her brother had said in the vision stuck with her. But she banished the thought, instead rising on shaking legs as she looked out at the sun rising. Then she turned and started for the bridge.

Here she was. On Paradise Island, paws dragging, tails scraping on the ground, sand between her toes. She wasn’t sure if she had been able to sleep that night, but it certainly hadn’t felt like it. And Marigold? She felt tired enough to collapse right there on the ground- but she probably wouldn’t. She had an image to uphold.


Re: yeah youre unnatural // jungle juice experience - Verdigris - 08-18-2018

  The entrance ritual was one of the most difficult trials he had ever faced.

  Even if he had known that his senses were being manipulated by the beverage they'd made him imbibe, that everything he had witnessed was false, it would still have been a struggle. And he hadn't known; he was among the first to partake in the ritual after the Typhoon had returned to the island just a few days before, and the high positions had kept the details secret in order to preserve the challenge. (So far as he knew, they still did.) As far as he could tell under the effects of the juice, they had actually recovered his fallen brothers and vengeful sister, who had genuinely wanted to kill him.

  He had eventually grown to accept the ritual as part of the Typhoon experience, but to this day, the thought of that night made him shudder internally. He was hardly the only one, either. Every so often, he would see a newer crewmate stumble back into camp, dazed from the bizarre sights they had seen- or haunted by the nightmares they had weathered. They all recovered eventually, but those first few days were tough.

  Thus, upon seeing Marigold return to the beach with exhaustion clear from her dragging paws, Paper could only think of one reason. "Just did the jungle juice?" he asked, twitching his good ear. "Once you write your message and toss it out to sea, feel free to crash." A Striker advising the newcomers to sleep would probably seem weird, but after the jungle juice, it was worse for all of them to keep going that day and risk your health than to take some time to rest.

Re: yeah youre unnatural // jungle juice experience - bubblegum - 08-18-2018