Beasts of Beyond
SUMMERTIME BEACH FUN // open, volleyball *Weekly Task 8/15* - Printable Version

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SUMMERTIME BEACH FUN // open, volleyball *Weekly Task 8/15* - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-16-2018

Her weekly task this week was to set up a beach sport event, and of course Gordon took Quantum's suggestion of volleyball because she really couldn't think of anything else to do. She didn't exactly live on a beach, despite being born near The Typhoon. Gordon and her brother never really went towards the beach, for fear of meeting their father there, so it made sense why she didn't really know normal beach events. But at least she did know what sand felt like and how the ocean was, else she probably would be a nervous wreck over doing this task. The ocean unnerved her, sure, but this event wasn't in the water, so she didn't have to worry about it.

It took Gordon a while to set everything up and she actually had to get help from NPCs due to her short stature, but she finally got the field set up. "Ah, I-I've got volleyball set up if-if anybody wants to play!" Gordon called out, trying to keep her voice as gentle as possible.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: SUMMERTIME BEACH FUN // open, volleyball *Weekly Task 8/15* - rhosmari - 08-18-2018

The body of the shark laid not too far from the area in which this game was going to be held. He'd never actually played volleyball, not in his former life and certainly not in the one he was currently living. Really, sports was not something that he indulged himself in and that might be obvious from his form as he lifted his head up with a jolt from the sudden shout. His eyes squinted in the sunlight before a yawn forced it's way out of his throat, sharp jagged teeth visible for only a moment before he snapped his mouth shut and forced himself to push to his paws. Ugh, the taste in his mouth was horrendous and his tongue flashed out of his muzzle to swipe across his liquor stained lips and he shook his body in an attempt to walk himself up. Although that hardly helped as he went tottering over toward the one that had called out about something. A game? He saw that he was the first one to arrive but he was sure that there would be others that would file in sooner or later. Slowly he shifted his pearl colored eyes back to the one that had announced this game, gaze pensive. Sniffling for only a moment the finned beast sat down and gave a small smile in greeting. "Oi there, I'm Monroe and tis nice tae meet ya. And what's this ball game ya talking about?" He'd never played so knowing the rules would be nice.

Re: SUMMERTIME BEACH FUN // open, volleyball *Weekly Task 8/15* - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-20-2018

The fact that Gordon was already nervous about a huge crowd forming to play this game probably wasn’t a good idea for Monroe to approach, but alas the mutant did and honestly the little she-cat was quite spooked. Gordon let out a squeak of surprise as Monroe came over and introduced himself, her wide green eyes staring up at him in shock.  She blinked a couple of times, as if she was trying to make sure what she was seeing wasn’t an illusion before she stammered out, ”G-Gordon. I-I mean, Gordon Cipher is-is my name.” He probably figured that out though, didn’t he? ”Y-you don’t know how to play volleyball?” She asked next, as if she didn’t understand why he was asking about the game.

i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: SUMMERTIME BEACH FUN // open, volleyball *Weekly Task 8/15* - jericho - 08-20-2018

/oof didn't realize the site deleted my original reply whoops

Jericho is clearly the sporty type — with his tiny, weak frame and lack of eyesight or a right hind leg, he's in near perfect athletic form.  Of course, none of that's true (except the physical description); the little tabby has never been anything even close to resembling a jock.  He's alright with that, though — it's not as if he's terribly competitive either.  Jericho would much rather be a mediator, not a challenger.  The call reaches his ears just as he's padding across the beach towards the greenhouse once more, carried forth on the gentle summer breeze.  He's not sure why it piques his interest, but he finds his paws carrying him towards the Hearthkeeper and her setup.  The sands crunch softly beneath his pawsteps with each movement, his uneven gait eventually moving him closer until he has joined the duo beneath the sun. 

The ginger tabby, his fur warm and bathed in a layer of gold cast by the heaven's rays, finds himself taking a seat a few paces back.  He cannot see the setup, but he just assumes the distance from where he senses Gordon and Monroe is adequate to not be hit by any stray balls.  His tail curls across his white-tipped paws and eyes the hue of marigold lift to flicker between the two blindly, faintly amused by Gordon's apparent shocked tone.  To be fair, Jericho himself isn't terribly familiar with volleyball, but it's also been established that he isn't very familiar with sports in general.  "Ah, I-I'll just... observe," he speaks up after settling in, offering a dip of his head and a soft smile.  Hopefully there'll be no reason for him to assume that anyone would get injured, but in case there are any sudden sport-related emergencies, at least the Divine will be standing by.