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angels in flight / MEETING 8.15 - Printable Version

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angels in flight / MEETING 8.15 - emil - 08-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]after the last meeting, prestige had not been in a very good place. dying, crushed beneath a lion, suffocating within his own rib cage, cracking and puncturing and... the snow leopard let out a shaky breath. it was fine. the lioness would not come back. he was safe; as safe as he could be. peytriviing had assured him of that, and though he couldn't quite remember them, they had his trust.

prestige stepped onto the throne, settled down and turned to the doors. the room was empty. silent and heavy, tension hanging in the air from the last meeting despite him being there alone. it would grow thicker once members flowed in, saw him on the throne, felt the tension already from pres just sitting in there.

it would be okay. it would be okay. it'll be alright.

prestige breathed in, breathed out slowly. "rosebloods," the snow leopard called, voice echoing through the halls. "gather for a meeting." he fell quiet then, watching with intent eyes as creatures big and small filtered through the throne room's doors and settled in the space in front of him, watching him with confusion in their eyes. he clenched his jaw a few times, told him to relax, and breathed out a sigh.

"as i'm sure you're all wondering by now... sola has stepped down, and asked me to step up in her place." he began, as calm as he could. "so... yes, that's... what's going on." prestige cleared his throat briefly and shifted in his seat, gaze drawing over the gathered. "on to announcements and such, for promotions; jiyu and peytriviing, if you will, step up to guard. shout-out to finnishwars. no demotions, as we don't have many ranks, but that's another thing. if we could pick up our activity and have more people volunteering or showing interest in certain ranks, that would be wonderful. we currently are in need of healers and stylists." he twitched his tail and cleared his throat again.

"the typhoon has invited us to a sparring competition! if you're up for it, join in. i'm also very open to any ideas you may have for events to include them in to work on our alliance." prestige murmured. "our mass adoption and mass adoption sign-ups are still open, if you're up for it, please apply! we need the ranks and new memberships."

the snow leopard fell silent. he curled his tail around his paws, watching the members again and offering them a smile. "unless there's anything anyone would like to add, meeting dismissed."

/ meeting #2!!
sola has stepped down from leader, pres has stepped up in her place
[member=1696]Jiyu Simul Stamus[/member] and [member=1814]PEYTRIVIING P.[/member] are promoted to guards!! congrats!
shout-out to [member=1790]FINNISHWARS[/member] !! keep up the good work!
we got a board!!! good work everyone, but we really need to step up our activity!
the typhoon has invited us to their sparring competition!
mass adopt & hp tryouts + mass adopt sign-ups are still open!!

Re: angels in flight / MEETING 8.15 - Heatherpaw - 08-15-2018

Promotions were always good. There were two, of some worthy felines, Heatherpaw could only guess. It was a shame to hear that their former leader had stepped down, but fortunately, a new powerful snow leopard was here to take charge. The comment on activity interested the young former apprentice and current trainee. Was Prestige referring to them being more physically fit and active? That was certainly something the black tom hoped to do. He would become as strong as he could in order to be worthy of being a member of the Rosebloods.

The next announcement to come, however, made the tom’s fur stand on end. “What do you mean, mass adoption?” Heatherpaw meowed, attempting to keep a growl out of his voice. “Are we going to be taken in a great number of new clan or rogue kits?”

It seemed like an unwise idea. Children had not proved themselves. They would not drink the crimson substance in the bowl. Of course, he had technically not yet taken a drink of the bowl either due to the commotion and fright in the last meeting. However, he doubted a kitten or cub would be able to do so while they were still on milk. “Surely you’re not talking about adopting out Roseblood member children to others,” the trainee said, amber eyes staring up at the snow leopard. Why would anyone ‘sign up’ or ‘apply’ for something so foolish as this? Numbers did not necessarily make a clan stronger. Helpless mouths to feed most certainly did not. What was going through this new leader’s mind?

IC opinions™

Re: angels in flight / MEETING 8.15 - HORIZON CIPHER. - 08-16-2018

fuck the doomed
you're on your own !
"No, a mass adoption is when we accept kids and stuff and adopt them." Horizon explained to Heatherpaw as he came over, his tiny ears flicking as he took a seat. Strange of Heatherpaw not to know what mass adoptions were, but what did he know? For all he knew, the guy was new to this whole clan thing. "Or our members have their own kids. Depends on what you want to do." He shrugged, before turning his attention to Prestige. Huh, that guy had been at his joining. Damn, if Horizon knew he was the leader, then he definitely would've accepted the guy's offer. "Congrats to those promoted." Unfortunately the devil didn't know of Sola, so he didn't feel anything towards the former leader stepping down, but it was good to hear of the promotions that happened.

//Congrats you guys!!
bio | rank of group | tags

Re: angels in flight / MEETING 8.15 - PEYTRIVING P. - 08-19-2018

peytriviing was a bit hesitant coming into the meeting. the last one had been so... rough. as one way to describe it. they wondered how pres was feeling, coming back to one. the manticore was acutely aware that it was him up on the throne today, already guessing what had happened. sola had stepped down, and part of them felt upset about it. she had been a strong leader, so much potential and faith on her shoulders... the other part of pey knew that she was only one person. leadership was a heft responsibility. she already had kids to take care of, cain and finn as her partners, and her own personal life as well. they made a note to stop by and visit her later, check up on how she was if she was still around.

their ears perked up as their name was announced, alongside jiyu. rose colored eyes scanned the crowd for the calico. it was no secret jiyu had been gunning for the position from the start, she would fit well into the role, considering she was also a seasoned veteran here. their focus turned back to prestige sitting atop the throne. there was a sparring competition in the rosebloods? that certainly... took their interest.

"i'll do my best to serve the rosebloods." they stated with a confident nod. they would need to speak to him about his exact responsibilities, as the rank was sort of vague in terms of how intense the role was.