Beasts of Beyond
GOT YOUR CLAWS IN ME | JOINING - Printable Version

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GOT YOUR CLAWS IN ME | JOINING - aureate - 08-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]BUT YOU CAN LEARN; YOU CAN FIGHT WITH A WILL TO SURVIVE OR YOU CAN FOLLOW ON THE PATH OF YOUR LIFEBLOOD, YOUR PEERS, AND YOUR LEADERS LIKE AN ANIMAL KEEPERINFORMATION ————————
/ uh messy post but basically he's standing in front of the san creado sign edit because sup screwed up

There's a moment, just as Grim wakes up, where everything in the world was okay. The world is hazy and quiet, a dull dawn-grey sky and low-hanging fog. Peaceful, almost, if it weren't for the twigs pressing hard into his back and the dull, throbbing pains that radiate throughout his body. For a moment, he simply stays there, listening to the world waking up around him. It evokes nothing in him — no sense of peace or hope. So he gets up with a groan, a whimper, a wince, and walks. That's how it goes for weeks. Waking up from fever dreams and shivering in the morning, gritting his teeth at cold water on hot wounds. Life becomes a cycle — no, a spiral: on and on but always down, always worse, tensing and tightening hitting a new low each day.

What were you supposed to do when everything you cared about was gone? What's left of you when there's nothing left to look forward to, or care about, or love?

He doesn't have an answer for those questions, and some quiet part of his mind has become resigned to the fact that he never will. Instead of answers, he has an ache. Something that poisoned him in pieces, spread like tar through his veins with every heartbeat. (It could very well be infection — some of his injuries are hot to the touch and red, lines spreading away from them. He knows the symptoms.) It's not infection, it feels alive. He can feel something different, something new, and it wasn't just the changes to the life around him. His family was gone. Parents, family friends — Grim's entire life had been burned to the ground around him, and while he didn't have much, now he had nothing, and the world stopped making sense.

So he just walks. And walks. The long-sleeved gray shirt is a little too big on him, the sleeves having to be rolled righter before they would stay at his elbows and the collar low down his throat. It's scratchy, uncomfortable, but it hides most of his injuries — not the long, red scratches on his arms (he can still feel it, the impact of dull claws trying to tear him apart, get to his insides), or the now greenish bruises everywhere else. There are still tears in his jeans and leaves in his hair, but Grim finds himself at the edge of a town — thank God. He toys with the rosary he holds between his fingers as he stares at the sign with a hollow, clouded vacuity, dull green eyes barely focused enough to read the words. San Creado. Does anyone else live here? Probably. Even though something heavy seems to hang in the atmosphere. In a way, Grim can't help but be drawn to it.

After a second, he stuffs the rosary back into his pocket and tucks the metal tags back underneath his shirt and looks around with a wild sort of expression. One hand still lingers on his stomach, against the bandaged puncture marks there. Whoever these people were, he can simply hope that they don't make him keep walking.


Pip couldn't imagine losing his parents. It was inevitable, because he was a doctor and death came with the career, but he supposed he pictured it as a domestic sort of death, maybe the pair passing in their sleep or, at the very least, together. A gruesome end wasn't one he could even begin to fathom. For all his friendliness and ability to work with people, he hadn't made friends- most people he met were patients, so there was an undeniable professional divide between them that required Pip to keep from getting too attached. His parents were the most permanent aspect of his life, were his foundation; everything he knew was credited to them, and to lose that would be...well, it would unbalance everything he knew, and he would be utterly alone on a crumbling platform. Pip knew the twists of life were rarely kind, but if there was just one thing that he could have move smoothly, it was his parents'. They deserved a peaceful conclusion, as did many others out in the world.

He didn't need to be told that rarely happened.

For now, at least, he had his goal to keep him distracted, although there hadn't been many in need of his help in San Creado beyond the couple from earlier. He wanted to enjoy the bit of quiet before it erupted, but the fact that it would, sooner or later, go out with a bang kept him from relaxing fully. Pip would rather risk the stress than someone's well-being, after all, and so as he took a walk through the small town, he continued compiling an on-going inventory list. It wasn't restricted to his own needs; he took into account some of the things he noticed missing in San Creado as well, and was just finishing a line when he noticed someone standing by the sign. When he came closer, it didn't escape his notice that he was injured and worse for wear.

Pip doubted what he could see was the extent of it.

"Are you all right? I'm Pip, a doctor. Would you let me look at your arms?" Whoever he was, he looked unsettled, and Pip assumed it was a remnant of the attack. Or whatever else put him in this state, but Pip doubted it wasn't what he'd already suspected.

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Re: GOT YOUR CLAWS IN ME | JOINING - aureate - 08-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]/ since there were some issues and some posts got lost in this thread, i think i'll just skip it if that's alright! instead of having to redo some parts of it. the deleted posts could be considered. canon or whatever, but yeah lmao i'm too lazy to rewrite posts