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BEHIND THE WALLS // o, weekly tasks - Printable Version

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BEHIND THE WALLS // o, weekly tasks - Ivylee - 04-02-2018

Ivylee couldn't be more happy. As a pup, there wasn't much she could do. She just wanted to do her best to help out though, so at least this was something she was able to do. "Hey, if you want a weekly task, come over here!" The fluffball called out rather loudly, hoping to catch everyones' attention. She was excited to be able to give others things to do, and could only hope that the tasks she was going to give out would be good ones.

Re: BEHIND THE WALLS // o, weekly tasks - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-02-2018

Weekly tasks. He knew about this. He had done something similar to this when he was deputy at the other clan that he had lived. Then he had done them in the first clan that he decided to join after leaving his family. It was honestly just something for him to do and keep him occupied while he tried to get the damned voices of his brother out of his head. Had he ever seen the pup before? Here and there, but he didn't know her name. Killua didn't know why he felt the need to be nice to the younger female, but he was going to do it anyway. The young male silently made his way over, one of his large ears flicking as he looked down at the canine. A small grin spread across his facial features as he sat himself down. "Yo. Gimme an awesome task to do." Killua would ask calmly, wondering what sort of ridiculous thing the other could try and get him to do. 
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: BEHIND THE WALLS // o, weekly tasks - jacob w.c. - 04-03-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Jacob remembered weekly tasks from, well, just a couple weeks ago. It was the first time he'd done anything like it but they were similar to the little tasks Vito or Harrison sent him on to keep him busy. He supposed Jersey would ask him for favors too but usually those had something to do with sneaking somewhere or slipping something from under someone's nose. In any case, he was sure that little Ivylee wouldn't be giving him the sort of tasks his family left to him and so he approached with an easy smile and settled down with his tail curled in front of his paws. "I'll take one, if ya' don' mind."

Re: BEHIND THE WALLS // o, weekly tasks - PIERCE - 04-04-2018

☀ ☀ ☀
Weekly tasks, like regular meetings, were something Pierce was familiar with, too. He'd handed them out in the past before, he knew, and he'd received them, too. They were fun, a good way to boost activity in the clan and keep everyone doing things. He still couldn't remember what importance he'd held to his old clan, but he knew there had definitely been something, and whenever he gave out or did a task he was told to, he always felt like he was helping, somehow. Like he was finally doing something right, which was a refreshing feeling when you were, well, Pierce, who used to always be so worried about doing something wrong for his clan. That place was gone, though, and maybe for the better, so long as his family hadn't decided to just say "screw him" and not come to him. God, he couldn't bear to think about that. Stepping forth after Jacob, he offered little Ivy a warm smile, his tail waving behind him. [color=#F5CA72]"Oh- could I have one, too, please, little miss?" he requested, forcing himself to raise his soft voice slightly. He'd really been coming out of his shell, but then he'd showed up here, with all these strange places and people, and he'd kind of become recluse again. Hopefully, he'd be able to fix that by actually engaging with his clanmates.


Re: BEHIND THE WALLS // o, weekly tasks - Ivylee - 04-06-2018

Oh, lots of people were here already! Ivy felt herself smiling at everyone as they came over, asking for a task. Now all she had to do was think about what to tell people what to do! She knew that she didn't want to give out boring tasks, so the little pup thought for a second about what fun things she could have everyone do. "Okay! Uhh Killua, you should gather others to build ice forts and have a snowball fight!" Yes, that sounded like tons of fun! "Jacob, how about you go and give gifts to one of the other groups! And Pierce, maybe you could make decorations to set up around camp?" Those tasks both sounded like good ones to Ivy, and now all she had to do was answer Mike's question. "Weekly tasks are like these things that are given out for you to do!" She explained, though her explanation was probably not the best, given that she was young and wasn't sure how to put it into words. "Do you want one?" She inquired, tail wagging as she waited for the other to respond, trying to think of some other possible tasks to give out while she waited.

Re: BEHIND THE WALLS // o, weekly tasks - Ivylee - 04-07-2018

Ivylee smiled at Mike's response, happy to be able to give him a task as well. "Okay!" She exclaimed, humming to herself for a second before deciding on what task to give him. "You could play a game with everyone! Any game of your choice!" Yes, games were always fun! Ivy hoped that Mike would enjoy that task. She'd certainly tag along and play whatever game Mike chose to set up as well.

// lol I was gonna have Ivy tell Mike to set up a game of truth or dare but she honestly doesn't even know what truth or dare is xD so just choose any game lmao