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the rosebloods feedback - Printable Version

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the rosebloods feedback - goodsprings - 08-15-2018

pls read first!:
soo! as the title says ^^ activity in the rosebloods has dropped since getting its board and my first thought was that everyone was active/excited because they wanted a board, and now that its here theres been some activity issues

(i understand that a lot of us are older than when we first began rping lol and school/work schedules do interfere, i just want to hear something other than that so we can work to improve)

where we were averaging out to multiple threads made and posts and many characters around, the board now looks bare and empty, and was just wondering if there were some improvements that should be made? or something its lacking that have driven people away?

all feedback is greatly appreciated!! ^^

Re: the rosebloods feedback - jabberwocky - 08-15-2018

[div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: Arial; color: black; font-size: 12px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; margin: auto; line-height: 110%"]track!!! I may write my thoughts up later

Re: the rosebloods feedback - emil - 08-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]tracking

Re: the rosebloods feedback - psy - 08-15-2018


Re: the rosebloods feedback - goodsprings - 08-20-2018

small bump

Re: the rosebloods feedback - woody - 08-22-2018

I play sephiroth and I really like it!!  the whole layout and territory and theme of it is great

of course picking up activity would be good and once weekly tasks and ooc prompts get started up that might help, but events that involve interacting with other groups and generally start giving people reasons to make open threads would be great.

Re: the rosebloods feedback - goodsprings - 08-24-2018

(08-22-2018, 02:10 AM)woody link Wrote: I play sephiroth and I really like it!!  the whole layout and territory and theme of it is great

of course picking up activity would be good and once weekly tasks and ooc prompts get started up that might help, but events that involve interacting with other groups and generally start giving people reasons to make open threads would be great.

thank you!! I'll def bring it up w emil if they haven't seen this already ^^

(08-23-2018, 10:27 PM)Waylon link Wrote: Hi I am somewhat new but have been entertaining the idea of roleplaying in animal group.
I liked the Rosebloods. I think the theme was nice and I liked the religion/ideals stuff too. I played in the group it was based on in the past.

Activity is low, but I don't think that matters very much.
I think the newest changes with the Egyptian theme is somewhat clashing with its current/old theme (and I personally just have less interest in Egyptian themes). However, my tastes aside, I think if the group's theme and 'territory' encompassed its new ideas better it would be more appealing and flow better. The dark edgy mansion is set up for a vile society of creatures to worship daemons. Now that they have a different theme it may be an idea to shift even more to avoid disconnect? This is just my own opinion and suggestions.

I think the leadership is active and if it continues to push for new members it will gain interest. Basically, I think,  establishing a goal and concrete and flowing theme for the group will help it. Good luck! c;

okay i totally understand this 100% because it DOES seem a little out of sorts. for some explanation, yew who had created the daemons, left the site and told crim (who led at the time) that she was bringing them with her, so we were left to think of a new religion for them to follow

we had a group discussion involving everyone, and there were two major ideas of the cult of dionysus, or a type of polytheism religion
we had decided to go with the polytheism route because it gave more room for possible plots and the culture behind egyptian gods fitted the rosebloods more easily. with the idea in mind that each family would also have their "patron" god. so for example one family could be celebrating their patron with a festival, and the next with sacrifices so its open for multiple activities

the territory is something out of place for the religion, and we'll definitely discuss that and perhaps grow upon the territory for that. thank you very much for the feedback!! we'll take this to a discussion as soon as possible <3

Re: the rosebloods feedback - Luciferr - 08-24-2018

track for now

Re: the rosebloods feedback - nefarius - 08-24-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]As someone who was genuinely excited to see something reminiscent of The Elite back when the idea was first introduced, the Rosebloods and what it is now doesn't seem to pay homage to the source material. If it does, the conflicting themes ruin it - when I reminisce about the Elite, I imagine their old carnival territories and their fun but serious attitude.

The Rosebloods to me has noticeably suffered since being boarded. The high positions don't seem particularly active in the group itself, which reflects on the overall activity.

Honestly, the group seems confused with what it wants to be. As someone mentioned prior, it's a polytheistic group following the Egyptian pantheon, yet is in an odd location for it, with ranks that don't quite match either. It says that they're bloodthirsty rouges from their description, but their personality from what I can garner is passive, sneaky, and not threatening at all. In fact, even with the recent conflict with The Pitt they were more tempted to ask if it was a mistake rather than fight back. Plus, it seems that the group is looking to ally itself with the more peaceful clans as well. That doesn't scream "warbound" to me at all.

Overall, the group needs stronger leadership and a sense of direction. Without it, it has a hard time establishing itself and drives others away.

Re: the rosebloods feedback - crim - 08-26-2018

Considering I've been involved since the beginning with the creation of this group, I don't currently have any feedback myself, but I'll be thinking so that if I have any ideas I can come to y'all with them.

Hey!! The feedback is greatly appreciated, but I'd like to comment on a few points as to avoid any possible misunderstandings. From experience, that's a killer :^) The Rosebloods is based off of what The Elite was originally: a group in a decrepit mansion (hence the original name before The Elite). While the old carnival territory was a fun time, it's not the basis here. Therefore, it's understandable that it'd be different from that. I'm sorry that you were expecting something different. The group is definitely a work in progress when it comes to the theme, but that's the whole point of this feedback thread, so rather than pointing out what we already know, you could contribute ideas. This would allow you to perhaps see pieces of what you'd like, after all, if you have any interest in joining The Rosebloods. Also, as far as I know, they've only allied with The Typhoon? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but that's all I've seen.