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the oscar winning actress said— JOINING - Printable Version

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the oscar winning actress said— JOINING - mantisheart - 08-15-2018

She hated this.
Being trapped in the physical plane, seeing things, hearing things, being able to........ Feel. It absolutely sucked and she wanted nothing to do with it, but what could she do?
Marigold stood on the border’s edge, glancing at the long railroad-track bridge ahead of her. It wouldn’t be considered good manners to just waltz on in, she figured, but the sun overhead was almost overbearing and she hadn’t thought ahead to try to bring something to drink or eat. Hopefully someone would come by soon. Her bright yellow fur stood out from the foliage and sand around her, after all, and made her both a prime target for predators and enemies alike.


Re: the oscar winning actress said— JOINING - bubblegum - 08-15-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//welcome to the typhoon!! <3

the young girl needed to push herself, despite her injuries, despite the pain that she felt each and every moment, despite the panic that both pushed herself forward and held herself back. she needed to make sure she wouldn't fall behind. she needed to make sure decius hasn't gotten to anyone. she needed to make sure she didn't screw up. that was most important. that's why she kept moving, no matter how hard it was, and that's what brought her to the stranger soon enough.

she struggled towards her, legs dragging close to the ground and shaking with each step as she leaned on her walking stick to move. her bright fur almost reminded her of caesar. perhaps they were related. probably not, but she knew caesar at least had a sister - atbash, who had betrayed her crew. hopefully this female wasn't as despicable. she probably wasn't.

goldie offered a small smile to the stranger, her own tired, striking green eyes holding a bit of curiosity within them. "hiya," she greeted with a nod, sitting down to relax slightly. her injured spine was making everything really difficult right now. "what brings y-ya to th-the typhoon?"

Re: the oscar winning actress said— JOINING - mantisheart - 08-15-2018

// thank you!!! :3

Marigold heard the other first; the bright light of the reflected sun was not easy to see through, especially for someone more suited to the night. But, as she noticed the other, Mari realized the struggle she was going through- those burns couldn't be easy to get around with, especially in the sun’s beating heat.

Had she known that Goldenluxury was comparing her to someone else, all of Marigold’s sympathy would have dissolved in a heartbeat. She hated being compared to others, others expecting her to be one thing when she definitely wasn’t. That was what got her into this whole mess.
But Marigold couldn’t read minds anymore, and she didn’t know anything of the comparison made. So instead, she nodded back to the other, meeting Goldie’s gaze confidently. Good thing she hadn’t gotten the wrong railway bridge.

”I’m here to join. My name’s Marigold Knox- you are?”
It would just be rude to not know the other’s name. And maybe it was the stranger’s green eyes that reminded her of her own, but Mari felt like she wanted to get to know this stranger better. There had to be a story behind those scars- and knowledge is power, after all. Marigold didn’t know what universe she had landed herself in, but getting to know others in the group she planned to join was integral to her plan.


Re: the oscar winning actress said— JOINING - bubblegum - 08-15-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl's ears perked slightly as the female responded. she assumed she was going to be a joiner, as that's what most strangers tended to be these days. she certainly wasn't complaining - she enjoyed having new crewmates, and was trying her best to develop some sort of positive relationship with all of them. she found it most beneficial, and fun, to befriend everyone.

though, a recent new crewmate wasn't one she was so happy about, not that she could reveal it. decius was causing problems and would only cause more, but she couldn't tell anyone. not unless she wanted them to end up just how he warned - dead, chopped up, strung from trees, staring down at her until she met her own demise. the thought filled her with terror. but, she hadn't let this ruin her views on strangers just yet.

her small smile would widen into a welcoming one, giving a small nod. "oi, w-welcome, then!" goldie responded with a kind voice. the female called herself maigold knox, so that sort of ruled out her being related to caesar - his last name is cipher. she had figured it had been just some sort of coincidence, but the young girl couldn't help but wonder at first.

"m' name's g-goldenluxury roux, b-b-but most p-people call me goldie or so-somethin' along th-those lines. it's n-nice to meet ya!" she introduced. the young feline let herself giggle slightly, her tense muscles relaxing a little bit. "our n-name's are kinda sim-similar! i l-like my n-name."

Re: the oscar winning actress said— JOINING - mantisheart - 08-15-2018

This kid was so small and nice. Was she allowed to be out at the border like this alone? Mari doubted it, but she wasn’t going to criticize how someone raised their kid when she was trying to lay low. Then she had the most unfortunate consideration- did she even have parents? She wasn’t an orphan, right? All of a sudden Marigold felt the weight of potential parental responsibility and tried to assay it by lifting one paw to her mouth, licking the back of it and then reaching it up to groom her ears.

”Good that you like your name; that confidence’ll take you far, make sure to nurture it.”
That was good wisdom to give to a child, right? Although her having a last name meant she probably definitely had parents of some kind, which was good. The last universe she had been in had been almost completely full of orphans- which Marigold wasn’t even sure how it logically worked, but oh well.

Then Marigold noticed something extremely unfortunate- she had been worried for this kid for a moment there, probably completely unecessarily. What was with physical bodies and emotions? Whatever happened to being completely intangible and living in the void? Ugh.
”Nice to meet you too. Is there a joining ritual or something I’m supposed to do? Stand on a tall tree branch and announce I’m a member or?”


Re: the oscar winning actress said— JOINING - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-15-2018

"It's actually sort of a secret." Caesar grunted as he made his way over. The demon eyed Marigold, his black ears flicking with disinterest as he came to stand next to Goldenluxury. Huh... They were both yellow, a sickening bright yellow. If Caesar didn't have a brother that was the same color as him, he'd probably comment on how disgusting Marigold's pelt looked. Sure it was hypocritical, considering it was his pelt color too, but at least he didn't have to really stare at it himself. "All you need to know is that you've gotta drink some juice." He wanted to leave the Entrance Ritual a surprise, if he was honest. Mostly because he had been tricked into doing the ritual himself with no explanation of it. "Anyway, welcome, I guess. I'm one of the Officers here. Caesar Cipher."

Re: the oscar winning actress said— JOINING - mantisheart - 08-15-2018

Marigold looked over to the new cat, one of her ears flicking once. The bright yellow color made her fur start to puff up on instinct, and her muzzle started to scrunch up. It wasn't necessarily the brightness of it that caused her distaste, but rather the reminder of her own family, who- and that wasn't important, right now. Forcing her fur back down and her muzzle to unscrunch, she nodded in recognition of his first words. A secret, huh?
"Neat. Am I allowed to ask what kind of juice it is or is that a secret too?"
Oops. That came out snarkier than she expected it to. Oh well.
Had she been aware of the other's status as a demon, she wouldn't have paused and added her next words.
"I didn't mean that how it came out. Sorry."

Lowering her paw back to the ground, Marigold offered a vaguely apologetic smile, one of her split tails flicking.
"Thanks. Nice to meet you, Caesar. I'm Marigold Knox, in case you didn't overhear. Looking forward to being a...."
Here she paused, tilting her head to the side slightly in an attempt to be more expressive.
"What do average members of the Typhoon call themselves?"

Re: the oscar winning actress said— JOINING - snare - 08-15-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon striker argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]Ooh, a newcomer!  The recently promoted Striker would march up with large pawsteps, the proud and important stance somewhat negated by the small and skinny frame of the wolf puppy.  Snare would look at the newbie, taking in her bright pelt and form in general.  He would give a small nod in an approving manner, a determined look in his pale eyes and a welcoming smile on his face.  ”Welcome!”  He would yip, his fuzzy tail going back and forth.  ”I’m Snare, and I’m a Striker!”

Upon hearing the other questions from Marigold, Snare would plant his hindquarters on the ground as he would attempt to be helpful.  ”We call each other ‘crewmates’!  Like pirates, y’see?  That’s what we’re like.”  The wolf pup would explain, prideful in himself for being ever so helpful.  With his recent promotion, he felt incredibly important and wanted to act on his new position and live up to the importance he now saw he had.


Re: the oscar winning actress said— JOINING - mantisheart - 08-15-2018

Was this whole group populated by children? Marigold hoped not; she would not be able to handle that. As much as this particular kid seemed to know what he was doing, she wanted to be able to talk with others her age relatively often.
She nodded to Snare, making herself look extremely impressed if only to encourage the kid to be willing to help others on the future.

”Thank you, Snare. Well, being a pirate definitely sounds fun. The fighting, high-seas pillaging, and you can’t forget the treasure...”
She started to trail off towards the end, speaking not so much to the others, but of something else. Some memory from long ago. Marigold blinked, bringing herself back into the present with a grin.
”Looking forward to it. So, when does this whole joining process start? Do I swear an oath of loyalty, or sign a contract?”

(thank you!!! :3 )

Re: the oscar winning actress said— JOINING - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-15-2018

Caesar opened his mouth to respond to Marigold's question when Snare bounded over and answered it for him. The demon closed his mouth, his tail tip twitching at how excited Snare was. The guy was a kid, but damn did his peppiness get annoying. Looking back at Marigold, Caesar replied, "No contract needed. Just do whatever the hell you want." He shrugged. "The juice itself is a secret, but an NPC or two'll give it to you if you ask about it. Call it the 'Jungle Juice'."