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YOU CAN BREAK ME | return - Printable Version

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YOU CAN BREAK ME | return - CLEO R. C. - 08-15-2018

(this is retro as heck bc technically cleo is still captured in the ascendants!! i was just antsy to play her again)

Home... what a strange, suddenly intangible concept to the young girl.

It had been nearly two weeks since she had disappeared, taken against her will by the leader of the Ascendants only to be trapped with the rest of its members when the Observatory entered lockdown. As much as she wished to insist that the people there had been cruel and cold to her, Cleo was not interested in lying about the state of her confinement. They had treated her and Aita nicely, feeding them and caring for them despite their relatively... unpleasant personalities. She knew firsthand how difficult she and her sister could be, and personally admired the dedication of individuals like Versaillespalace and Bastilleprisoner- a set of siblings who appeared far less disastrous in nature than she and Aita. But she'd never admit that, not when a new sort of anger and betrayal had blossomed in her heart, its roots threatening to strangle any remaining love she held for her family.

They had forgotten about her.

They had left her and Aita all alone in a strange new place.

As far as she was concerned, they hadn't even attempted to save either of them.

That hurt more than she would care to share, and within her time spent in that godforsaken Observatory, had been the cause of many tears in the few moments she had to herself. No word from her father... her aunt Vandal... any of her sisters or brothers... She had been left in complete isolation, Eshe and Aita her only companions. A part of her hadn't wished to return. At least within the Observatory, they had had enough decency to care, but here... Here, she could no longer say the same. A small part of her knew that she was being dramatic and childish, but Eshe, ever the good friend, was always so quick in dismissing her worry in favor of more anger. More hatred. It had been the snake who at first convinced Cleo that her family had rejected her, pushing that thought into her mind over and over and over again until it had simply stuck.

Now, she was left struggling with the consequences of her mamba's actions.

[color=#445544]"I'm home."

Her voice was quiet, laced with nothing save a cruel mix of apathy and dejection. Her hearing had only gotten worse in her absence but, as always, she possessed no interest in asking anyone to repeat themselves. They probably wouldn't want to anyways- she wouldn't blame them. [color=#445544]"Cleo, if any of you forgot," She'd add as she crossed over the border, the comment made more snidely than anything else.

[color=#445544]"Thanks for coming to help me. I really appreciate it."

Re: YOU CAN BREAK ME | return - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-15-2018

Caesar had been captured by The Ascendants himself a while back, and one of their members actually killed his former feline body. It had been during the first few hours of the raid, actually, and he was still quite pissed over it. Carolina - that had been the one to capture and murder him. Funny, how they consider themselves pacifists and yet one of their own members murdered Caesar. For a good reason, he supposed; he did capture two of their members, after all.

Caesar had been killed by the time Cleo and Aita were captured, although it was still highly unlikely that he would have helped them out. He didn't care for either of them if he was honest. Sure, Cleo's fascination with snakes amused him and he liked snakes too, but he just felt almost no connection with her. Aita was too damn spunky for his tastes and he hated the way she talked. It was irritating and frustrating to hear her talk, so that was another reason why Caesar didn't bother go getting the two. If anybody, he may have gotten Cleo, but even that was a stretch.

"You were wrong to assume anybody would." The Officer replied flatly as Cleo returned back. His cold, black gaze stared down at her, almost as if he was disappointed. But that was definitely hypocritical of him; after all, he could barely fight back against Carolina himself, mostly because the she-cat was too close of a range for him to properly do any damage. Using fire elementals took time and he had to be far away from his target to be able to use it correctly. Caesar considered himself a long-range fighter for a reason. "Don't forget what clan you're in, Cleo. We're pirates, its every man for himself." His words were dark, filled with ice as he spoke. But he meant every word.

Re: YOU CAN BREAK ME | return - bubblegum - 08-15-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
honestly, it was probably better off that cleo and aita were captured. this way, they wouldn't have to see what was happening to their crew. this way, they wouldn't be in danger of the destruction goldie had personally been warned of. she needed to make sure it didn't happen. she was absolutely worried for her sisters, but she was also absolutely worried for everyone else. there was so much going on. there was only so much the girl could take at once.

that wasn't a good excuse in her book. in her eyes, she was pathetic for not having gone sooner. she was sort of glad they were captured, due to decius' presence becoming a growing threat, but she was also afraid. what if they were treated poorly? she had no idea, because she hadn't visited to see. she didn't exactly have the physical capability to do it, but would that stop her from being disappointed in herself? no. just another stupid excuse.

goldie quite literally dragged herself through the territory, her legs - especially so with her hind legs - close to the ground and shaking with each step. she struggled to move and leaned upon her walking stick to keep her standing. it wasn't getting easier. it wasn't getting worse, but it wasn't getting better either. walking hurt so bad but she so desperately needed to do it. she needed to move. she needed to get things done. she needed to make sure everyone was okay.

panic and pain was clear within her expression, though no one may truly know what the panic is for. she would not tell them. it would only put them in more danger if she did. she could not tell them of decius' plan. the only way she could protect everyone would be to make sure she was perfect. to make sure she didn't tell them what was coming. to make sure she somehow defended deldrach without making decius angry. she needed to double check that she hadn't messed up each and every day, always terrified that somebody has been hurt because of her own slip up.

she walked silently, planning on turning around soon as she basically saw what she needed to, and because she was honestly really exhausted. she couldn't sleep but laying down was the best she could do for now, even if it was selfish of her to do - she wanted to rest a little. it hurt too bad. her sister's words rang through her ears, though, and she would force her struggling, aching body to move towards them, throwing out the idea of rest immediately.

the young girl's legs shook violently as she approached, and she bared her teeth slightly through the pain. her striking, tired green eyes stared towards cleo with worry, fear, and guilt. her ears pinned to her head as she heard caesar's response and she immediately hissed towards him. "shut th-the 'ell u-up, c-caesar." she retorted before focusing fully on cleo, struggling towards her sister, almost seeming ready to fall over.

"i'm ss-sorry, cl-cleo. 'm r-real s-sorry. i sh-shoulda' g-gone aft-after you n' ai-aita. i'm s-sorry." she apologized quickly and genuinely, a frown upon her features. in reality, there wasn't much she could have done, but that wouldn't stop the awful feeling she had. "d-did they hurt y-you? are y-you ok-okay?" she asked immediately next, looking the girl up and down worriedly. she really felt awful. cleo and aita must hate her now.