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WE ALL LEARN TO FIGHT THE REAPER | joining - Printable Version

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WE ALL LEARN TO FIGHT THE REAPER | joining - cyantist - 08-15-2018

There's the faint smell of smoke on the border. Sanyi himself sits on the border, taking a long drag of a cigarette whilst he waits for someone to arrive and find him. Manners maketh man as it were, so simply trespassing would undermine his first impression and goddess, undermining his first impression would be shooting himself in the foot. He prided him on his image, and why should he not? It made it so much easier for people to like you, and if people liked you well...

Trust was something that could be used against someone. In the right hands, it can be held against someone better than any sort of threat or danger ever could. When he worked Renard, when they all worked for the bitch, he was always puzzled about her insistence on using her power to force people. They differed in their approach to it, Renard with her carefully veiled threats and leverage - she could find dirt on a saint if she needed. She always knew what it took to make them crack, knowing the pressure point and where to twist the knife.

Sanyi would rather earn someone's trust, because it was far easier to convince someone to do something if they trusted the individual asking them. Besides, he didn't have the criminal network at his back like Renard did, and he was loathed to admit that he didn't have a knack for that kind of thing regardless. Perhaps that was why he hated Renard, or the fact that she thought that she could take his lover from him and that she could have his sister as her little plaything.

He'd ended up losing both in the end regardless. Anima was a stubborn girl and she always had been - didn't know when to just give up and die. Cailan had betrayed him, taking Anima's side as if she was right, as if they weren't all fucked over by Etro and expected to simply carry out the sentence of her "blessing". He was the Goddess' Seer - her little doomed prophet destined to die over and over until there was nothing left of him and he accepted his fate.

He would not accept his fate however, and the trio fell apart just like that.

Does that matter now? Yes - it does. Sanyi sits on the border, rolling around the thoughts in his head as the smoke slowly drifts up from his paws. Sunhaven - the name seems ironic to him. He was the "Dawnbringer" once, furious and imbued with the power of fire and the holy light of Alexander. Both of his guardians had died with the Goddess, so now he was a simple cursed prophet.

Goddess be damned - he'd tear apart every deity he ever came into contact with given half a chance.

Re: WE ALL LEARN TO FIGHT THE REAPER | joining - Ilijas - 08-15-2018

ilijas arthur valentine
reckless wanderer | noble stag
Ilijas trusted only four individuals now that he thought about it. Talanah was the obvious one- his twin sister and all of her difficulties (in the best way, she was his complete opposite and provided him with nothing close to a good time) his only true blood relation and thus, his only true companion. He was a family man, as odd as that sounded coming from the boy terrified of eventual parenthood following his biological parents' mistakes, and Tally had always made sure of guarding him just as he did her. Blood was thicker than water and, while she had long since atoned for her own sins and perished at the hands of the gangsters she worked with, he knew that she'd always be his number one confidant, his one true friend. Ilijas had also placed a small fraction of trust in both his adopted mothers and Beverly. The former was relatively explanatory. The bengal had made the personal decision to let the pair in so that they might help raise he and Tally. It was the latter that perplexed him, a mere stranger who his vast attachment to was seemingly unexplainable. He trusted her though, trusted her maybe more than he let on. 

But Ilijas's concept of trust did not include the eventual asking of others to do things for him. Admittedly, he didn't even know that that was an option. Call it the dumb teenager part of him, but he possessed little to no interest in all things that pertained to manipulation. He'd much rather thrive in the comfort of companionship, in the knowledge of knowing that he could be one hundred percent open in another person's company. He certainly did not detect those feelings as he wandered towards the border, attention piqued the moment that the smell of smoke entered the air. That was another thing he didn't understand- the desire to smoke was one that had obvious implications and yet, so many seemed to partake in it. He didn't care enough to call this stranger out though, no, he had some semblance of manners after all.

[color=gray]"What's your name, man?" The boy would inquire in that casual fashion of his, darkened eyes studying the cursed prophet curiously. [color=gray]"I'm Ilijas and this is Sunhaven if you didn't know. You want to join?" Sanyi didn't smell of any of the clans that he was familiar with so it only made sense that he had come to join. Unless his intentions were far more wicked. Ilijas doubted that though, the man that stood before him didn't look particularly evil. He was a terrible judge of character - he knew - but he felt like he had a good read on this guy. Hopefully, anyways.

It'd royally suck if his assumption led to his death or something like that. 
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]


Trust was a strange thing for Gordon, because while she didn't want to trust people, she definitely formed bonds with certain people. Like back in The Ascendants, she grew strangely close to Bastilleprisoner, Suiteheart, and Margery and wanted to be by their side every minute. Gordon had yet to have a comfort person here in Sunhaven but it's likely she'll find one soon. But at the same time, Gordon didn't really trust people. It was a gut feeling, and she hated listening to her gut because it told her not to trust certain people when they probably, in fact, nice people. Like Ilijas for example; Gordon got bad vibes about him despite only meeting him and she wasn't sure if she wanted to be around him or not.

Unfortunately he seemed to be the only one here other than the stranger, but he was better than nobody, she supposed. Gordon stood a few paces behind Ilijas, staring down at her paws while her ears were pricked, listening for a response.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: WE ALL LEARN TO FIGHT THE REAPER | joining - PIERCE - 08-16-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
When it came to trust, Pierce hardly had any, not anymore, not in anyone. Though once a naive little boy who would trust in anyone that seemed even remotely kind, his stupid faith in others had gotten him hurt far too many times. He had learned not to trust just anyone- not strangers, not acquaintances, sometimes, not even loved ones, or role models. He'd come to realize that, really, there was no one that was completely reliable, and with every torture, every murder, that occurred, every promise not followed through, his suspicions had only been affirmed. Nowadays, even just a bit of Pierce's trust was a task to earn, and a rather difficult one, at that.

However, he couldn't speak for others. Pierce was a rather hardworking, unassuming individual, one who wove sentences so intricately from sweetly-spoken words.  With the flowers that sprouted from his paws on occasion, the paint that so often stained his fur, and the kindness and fairness he displayed to all, he was the type of person one would never suspect to do wrong, to have any malicious intentions toward anyone, and for the most part, they would be correct. It would be no surprise if most people who knew Pierce did trust him, for he had never given anyone reason not to, but things weren't nearly so black and white. Whatever, though- that wasn't something to get caught up in now. He was supposed to be more positive now; this was his new life! He should be living it to its fullest, was what all those therapy books he was reading said. He still thought they were kind of bullshit, but they were better than nothing.

Pierce was next to arrive, following after Gordon with a gentle smile upon freckled features. "Hi there!" he greeted softly, tail giving a small wave as he looked the smaller tom up and down, able to ignore the stench of cigarette smoke due to the fact that this stranger was... pretty nice to look at. Pierce hadn't found himself checking anyone out in a long time- maybe it finally meant he was getting over all that had happened in recent weeks. "I'm Pierce Parker- uh, if you do plan on staying, I'd be glad to, um, help you out with anything you might need." Hopefully this guy wasn't here to, like, stir up any trouble, or anything. New joiners were always good, especially for places like Sunhaven, just starting out, as they were.


Re: WE ALL LEARN TO FIGHT THE REAPER | joining - miss ririchiyo - 08-18-2018

coma baby
And a Goddess Persephone had been once. Maybe she still was, but she was far too young to find this out. Not yet.

Still, she had memories of her past life, ruling the Underworld beside her husband Hades. He was a handsome, soft man to her, but cruel to others. It caused the girl to love the 'bad boy' type of men, and submissive women. She enjoyed the thrill of seeing others struggle, but she had to remain in character, didn't she? This Persephone was two-faced, she had to act like an innocent saint.

So, strolling forward, the young german shepherd-akita mix sat down beside Gordon, blue eyes narrowed in curiosity. Should she introduce herself? Most likely. This man seemed as if he had been from somewhere foreign, but maybe it was just her.

Lifting her gaze, the mixed canine opened her jaws to speak. Out came the foreign, regal voice of the once-known goddess of the underworld. "My name is Persephone. As my dearest group mates have said, this is Sunhaven. Welcome." She spoke clearly, shoulders relaxed and untaunting. Poise, elegance.
tags :: updated 8/18:

Re: WE ALL LEARN TO FIGHT THE REAPER | joining - buckingham barnes - 08-19-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Trust was something that Buckingham learned the hard way. Back when he was forced to become an asset, he lost every memory from his head. He remembered waking up with a confused expression, wondering what happened that lead him to loosing his leg and memories. Little did he know, the mutated cheetah who he was with was responsible for it all. In the moment, it didn't seem like it could have been them, as they seemed so trusting with their words. They were acting concerned, telling him another clan(that he learned later on was his original home) was responsible for his leg and memory loss. He was easily manipulated to an asset by them, turned into a living, breathing weapon. It wasn't until his memories began to come back to him, when he finally questioned his handler. It almost cost him his life, but at the end of it all, he broke away from that monster.

And for now on, Buckingham is careful with who he associates with and trusts. Bucky learned the hard way that someone can deceive people with a false persona, and he doesn't want to fall victim to that again. That doesn't mean that Bucky is closing himself off to people due to his bad experience. He just has to be more attentive and alert for any vibes or signs that make him feel like someone is acting off. He will still trust people, but won't hesitate to feel suspicious if they start acting different than what he's grown used to.

The maine coon was padding near the border, when his light blue gaze landed on a figure in the distance. An unfamiliar scent invaded his nose, most likely from the stranger who sat at the border. Buckingham paused for a moment, as more familiar scents began to make their way into his nostrils, noticing his clanmates surrounding the individual. With a flick of his ear, the former assassin decided to make his way over, padding silently as ever. Each step he made was like he was a ghost, barely noticeable.

As he got closer, that figure quickly turned to a domestic feline with stag antlers. His nose scrunched as the stench of smoke reached him, ears flattening to his skull. Buckingham can't stand the smell of smoke- it is disgusting. Plus it's not even that healthy, the assassin couldn't understand why someone would want to inhale smoke into their lungs. The smell just reeks everywhere, and it isn't pleasant. "I'm Buckingham Barnes, feel free to call me Bucky." He said with a swish of his bushy tail, trying to ignore the awful stench.