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adieu, cherie [ amelie ] - Printable Version

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adieu, cherie [ amelie ] - adomania - 08-15-2018

amelie / widowmaker | introduces self as either/or depending on who is active | reacts violently to nicknames
three years old | slowed aging, perpetually looks around two years old
typhoon | crewmate | former assassin
— based wholly off of post-talon!widowmaker with personal headcanons
— lost many memories of past, remembers only violent present
— suffers from ptsd, often gets attacks that hinder her ability to think properly
— shuts down whenever memories try to resurface, uses lack of empathy as a coping mechanism
— partially dead - functionally immortal but can die from injuries
— speaks fluent french - roleplayer doesn't, uses google translate

npc xx npc | first generation | no known family
asexual heteroromantic | no romantic relationships
widower, not looking for relationships
— generally hard to befriend but not impossible | tries to convince self she doesn't need affection | sees the worst in everyone before the best
— amelie is anything but a happy go lucky character, and therefore her pessimistic views often fringe upon her ability to make and uphold friendships. she is not opposed to them, however having forgotten so many relationships she knew she has had in the past and knowing how many she's killed, she fears that the same will happen to any new bonds she attempts to form. she is generally friendly once you become her friend, but there is always that wariness around her that prevents her from forming close bonds with others.

APPEARANCE — ( reference )
lioness | mutated ( silky mane mutation, black coloration ) | golden eyes
— Amelie is an average sized lioness, mutated to have completely black coloration and with a short mane that makes her oftentimes appear more male-like, easy to mistake her if not for her voice. She has two piercing gold eyes that are often devoid of emotion, unless her counterpart comes out. Although she isn't too interesting in terms of appearance save for her mutations, she is more interesting in terms of biological enhancements. After a series of experiments, Amelie had her blood pressure slowed down to the point that she is freezing to the touch and appears to almost be half death. Her heartbeat is naturally extremely slow as a result, as is her breathing, allowing her to wait in places for hours without needing to move. She is muscular but athletic, allowing her to sneak around places and kill effectively as an assassin. She doesn't usually wear any accessories, but does carry a locket around her neck whenever Widowmaker comes out to play, to keep her grounded even slightly.

INTJ | neutral evil | ravenclaw
— comes off as very quiet and brooding, sophisticated and eloquent but detached.
— struggles with displaying emotions, often hides behind an emotionless mask instead.
— calm most of the time, rarely loses patience or anger, extremely resilient.
— heartless and merciless when it comes to battle, will kill anyone on the opposing side without a thought.


Re: adieu, cherie [ amelie ] - adomania - 08-15-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]HEADCANONS —
— amélie likes disney movies. they remind her of her childhood and are a small comfort when she feels more empty than usual.
— amélie is good at reading people. even fictional people. she can see a plot twist coming a mile away.
— she only ever lets her guard down around people she trusts, and then she turns into a far more human amélie than anyone knows her to be.
— amélie enjoys ballet and singing but won't ever let it show.
— amélie has a very dry sense of humor.
— amélie’s got her on-mission mode where she’s focused in, able to stay in a single position for hours, and ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice. and then she’s got her off-mission mode where she’s a logy, tired, blue lady who refuses to use a couch correctly and flops around like a daddy longlegs.
— amélie's body temperatures reach temperatures far cold for normal creatures to survive in and her heartrate is far slower than that which is deemed "survivable."
— amélie does not mind the cold at all and actually feels more comfortable in it. she despises the heat, however.
— amélie prefers coffee over tea, but her sense of taste has somewhat suffered so god help you if you try and steal out of her cup, it is both extremely strong and very bitter.
— amélie suffers from dissociation a lot due to her ptsd and the brainwashing effects her torture had on her. on one hand she's the girl everyone knows as amélie, on the other during battle and more severe moments of dissociation the woman known as widowmaker comes out.
— amélie tends to suffer silently, not showing the pain she has until she is alone somewhere to scream it all out.
— amélie can remember a bit of things at her past, but not much. and whenever she tries to delve deeper, her own minds seems to go against her and shuts down.
— amélie avoids personal questions, but shows some emotions in matters she likes.
— some past memories can restrain amélie from killing others, but the chances are minimal.
— amélie feels a lot of headaches when forces to remember the past.
— in a way, amélie was widowmaker's first victim. in order to become the perfect assassin, amélie had to sacrifice a part of her own personality and humanity to become what she is now.