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THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENS | JOINING - oriole. - 08-15-2018


Pip wasn't here for the simple, physical pleasantries this town offered. He hadn't indulged in them yet either, spending most of his time away from the more crowded areas, if he could call them that; despite his friendliness, Pip preferred to spend his free hours either preparing for when they would inevitably face an interruption, or seeking out a bit of peace. When he'd lived with his parents and helped with the clinic, relaxation involved sharing a table with them while they sipped at a bit of alcohol and made lazy conversation. They didn't last long, those moments of respite, and Pip didn't anticipate that they would here, either. The world could never have too many doctors considering the rate at which some managed to land in trouble, and he didn't solely reference humans when he said that. He didn't know the extent of all the beings out there, but on occasion, they'd received...supernatural patients, for lack of a better term.

They were just as prone to injury and sickness.

Pip knew he'd have his hands full sooner or later, and that didn't take into account his inevitable wandering off to other towns offering his services. Of course, he never felt satisfied until he was juggling several plates at once. If he only handled low-stress scenarios and refrained from having more than one patient at a time, he was useless.

At least, when there were more patients to be had. As aforementioned, he wasn't especially busy at the moment, and currently walked the outer parts of the town, checking through a personal inventory list. After is most recent patient, he would have to look into getting a bit more cayenne pepper. It seemed prudent- bloody wounds were very much a high risk, and he noted the resupply down just as he noticed a slight figure on the beach with an animal seated nearby. Frowning thoughtfully, his sedate walk became brisk, able to catch only the last part of spoken words. "Excuse me?" He slowed, aware it wouldn't be the best idea to stride toward a predatory animal. "May I help you? I'm afraid I don't recognize you as one of the residents of San Creado."

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Re: THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENS | JOINING - oriole. - 08-17-2018

Re: THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENS | JOINING - Rialto - 08-20-2018

Rialto didn't make it a habit to navel-gaze often, but he also didn't make it a point to revolt against those in positions of power. Not even internally, unlike Oriole. Rialto just didn't bother thinking about it. (Well, he means, maybe he had at some point in his early life, but now he was different. He could handle Marko yelling down at him, if only because if he didn't yell from his perch most people wouldn't be able to hear him. He could take Alex looking down their nose at him snootily. He was Grown.) Power was something you just grabbed, and normally that grabbing wasn't civil, which largely constituted why he didn't think all too highly of people in those positions, but. Well. Fighting back was a pain, truly. If one was going to rebel, why not run away entirely? That's what the cool kids did. In adult life, forgetting your problems was immediate gratification.

In the midst of forgetting these problems even more than he already had, the slouching vampire was strolling through town. Any day now he was going to have to wander somewhere beyond; unmotivated he may be, anyone got sick of seeing the same dilapidated scenery once enough time lapsed. It was hard to get any less vigilant than he seemed at least on the surface, but what else was the world's greatest Lazy Smirk [trademark] for. That was when he found Pip - someone else that, maybe surprisingly (though not incorrectly), didn't particularly find the town's few utilities and hotspots enchanting - and only half a second after, the duo he was addressing.

"Oh, that's a good doggie," Rialto said, eyes zooming onto the wolf with what was almost respect. Huge doggie. Big wolf. He fished about in his bathrobe pocket, because some vampires just didn't know propriety, and after a whole lot of fumbling only managed to extract a few blood-infused gummies, which he frowned at. No, dogs couldn't eat it.

Could they? He didn't know. Some vampires were just a tad academically lacking. He'd offer the gummies if they wanted it, though.

People had two images of vampires. One was the baron, with billowing capes full of secrets and a propensity to turn into bats, and then the other one was a glittering pop culture punching bag that didn't nearly deserve all the fuss it got. Comparably, Rialto was something nearer to the first if only for the fact that too much vitamin D made him start cracking like clay left... in the sun, and he wasn't even the one that did propagate that vampire stereotype. Marko, surprisingly, was more like it than Rialto was. Chaotic and all. Rialto was a douche to mortals in his heyday, yes, but his time had come and gone for him to be actively searching for someone to bully. He was actually, just a little bit, you know, worried that Marko was getting up to something these days. The young blood had been having a little something in his eyes that didn't bode well. Rialto knew that look.

Anyway. Business smile. Friendly: on.

"We don't charge rent," he replied, then to Oriole, sweeping an arm casually towards the rest of the town. "Make yourself at home. I did. I'm Rialto." Rialto's eyes drifted back down to the wolf in a fine exhibition of poor self-restraint, and he couldn't help asking, "Does Cookie like being petted?"

Re: THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENS | JOINING - miss ririchiyo - 08-20-2018

18 Y/O

While everyone else had been rather welcoming of the dog- wolf- whatever that was, Chat stayed well away from the huge canine. As he was a cat spirit, mutated cat-human, it was only instinct to not like dogs in general. So, as he walked over, he stood behind Rialto, glancing over the other male's should momentarily before he stepped out into clear vision.

Well, this was unusual..

With a kind smile, the leather-suited neko announced his presence with the ringing of the bell on his collar. He waved his hand, before finally introducing himself. "Name's Chat, The other dude is Adrien." He spoke, winking towards the other individual. Adrien was the other pillar personality, after all. Chat was far too strong of an influence, making him the main pillar.

Re: THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENS | JOINING - alexander - 08-20-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]As a human, the only authority Alexander had rebelled against was their parents, and that hadn't gone over well. Their father's punishments always included a few bruises, and that quelled the rebellion in them pretty quickly. They didn't care much about power anymore; they had no hunger for it, though they currently head some kind of position in San Creado. Marko had promoted them to a Slayer, but Alex hasn't seen a paycheck yet, so it must not have been that important.

Of course, rebelling against your parents and disobeying a few faerie elders was different. Your father might give you a good slap to your face, but a bunch of old faeries might curse you to always feel hungry and never eat again, or force you on a dangerous quest to save an ungrateful royal. They've never been in trouble with any fae, so they could only guess what kind of cruel and unusual punishments they might come up with. Oriole must not fear his elders very much, maybe because he had a giant wolf protecting him.

Alexander is an animal person; or, well, used to be, before they were turned into a vampire and all animals suddenly decided they hated their guts. They can't help but coo when they see Cookie standing behind the newcomer, coming to stand beside Rialto so they can safely wave their hand at the wolf and also be prepared to push the other in front of them in case Cookie decided it wanted a taste of their fingers. "That is a good doggie." They agree, smiling wide, turning to face Oriole. "I don't know what the policy about pets is around here, but I'm sure we can squeeze you and your puppy in somewhere real nice." None of the housing in San Creado was particularly nice, but you get used to the creaking floorboards and the ghosts in the halls. They're just a little lost, is all.

They take a moment to tug quickly at Rialto's ponytail, fangs on display when they flash him a teasing smile. "We're good petsitters too, aren't we, Ri?" That's a lie. Catheryn refuses to let them near her cat, and they can barely manage to take care of the cactus they share. Alex just wants to steal the wolf away, maybe give Cookie a few sticks of jerky and go to the woods to throw some sticks. All fun and games, until Oriole figured out they had stolen his dog. Stepping forward, they offer their hand to the faerie, their expression becoming sly. "I'm Alexander. Welcome to San Creado!"

Re: THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENS | JOINING - oriole. - 08-20-2018