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open, joiner [★] wednesday my empty arms were open - Printable Version

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open, joiner [★] wednesday my empty arms were open - Tena M. - 04-02-2018

Well, she was absolutely and completely lost.  Not a surprising predicament.  Honestly, the surprising part was the fact it had not happened sooner - not that it had not happened before of course.  The only truly disappointing part of it all was the fact Tena had gotten lost, and her older brother was nowhere in sight.  They had gotten split up.  Again.  The petite sand cat had been hoping that even when all else fails, the two of them would stay side by side.

They had found each other once, she was rather sure they could do it again.  Until then, she could not just continue to wander.  Her paws were going to fall off at this rate.  She knew better than to curl up in the snow however, her jaws parting in a small yawn.  The scent here had changed.  Taking that as a warning, she came to a stop, her sky blue eyes darting around.

Pretty place, she supposed, resting her tail over her paws.  Wonder who lives here.  While the cold did not bother her too much, she knew how to handle the cold of desert nights, she was not sure how much appeal staying in the cold was.  Well right now isn't too bad... Bet it's a nightmare in the winter. The demdji felt her lips quirk up at the thought of the true challenge of the cold; whoever lived here had guts and dexterity, that was for sure.
code by spacexual

Re: open, joiner [★] wednesday my empty arms were open - Ivylee - 04-02-2018

Ivylee wasn't sure if she was even supposed to be out here all alone, but hey, the kid was bored and had far too much energy to keep herself contained in camp. The tiny fluffy puppy pranced around in the snow, giggling as she kicked the white flurries up with her paws. She was easily entertained by the wintery atmosphere all around her, and seemed to be having a blast just rolling around in it by herself. Her play soon came to an end though when her curiosity got the best of her after noticing a sand cat wandering around the territory. She didn't recognize the feline, so Ivy being Ivy, just had to go greet her. "Hiiiii!" The samoyed, whom was covered from head to paw in snow, yipped, tongue lolling as she raced up to the stranger, tilting her head. "Who're you? I'm Ivylee!"

Re: open, joiner [★] wednesday my empty arms were open - cry - 04-02-2018

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  Cry was even worse condition ever since poor London was attacked, but that would never keep her down. The bird was brave and hearty. She would have to have her own legs chopped off before she would stop looking over this place. It might be her prison, but it was still full of innocent and gentle minds that made no error to invoke her rage. After London was assaulted, she decided she would bind her time to protecting the children of this village before her wing healed. ... If it healed at this point. She was not sure. The raven's new set of wounds were wrapped alongside the freshly torn open elders. It hurt like hell. Throbbing consumed her body. Yet, she refused to rest.

  The raven hopped after Ivy, tilting her head. She's never met this one, but she still ran away on her own. Cry could tell she was young and, not wanting a repeat of London, she followed after. She was silent. There was no reason to speak. She just followed after. She did not even eye the one at the border. Border? Pf. Those were not real. A real border is a physical barrier that someone cannot cross like a fence. This was a sad excuse of a border.


Re: open, joiner [★] wednesday my empty arms were open - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-02-2018

Killua's species wasn't made technically for the cold. When he was training to be an assassin as a kit, he had been forced to read different sort of textboks that explained the different species that existed in the world that they lived in. It was probably one of the most boring portions of his training but he had to do it and did it without really questioning it. Which how he came across what his own species was, that of a serval. They were known as being the most successful hunter out of all of the wildcats, and it was partially due to the fact that their massive ears made it extremely easy to hear something that was moving around. Even if it was underground they would be able to hear even a mouse that was scuttling around if they concentrated hard enough. Most of his species didn't even remotely look like him. There was someone that lived in Snowbound that he actually knew from the first clan that he ended up joinng. They were never on the best of terms, but the other was a serval just like him. But instead of being albino, the other had the golden coat and the black spots that covered his body. Killua never looked down on himself just because of the fact that he was albino. That simply wouldn't make any sense as he didn't exactly have any control of his genetics. If he really wanted to he could just end up dying his fur, but he wasn't exactly about that. Either way, he was able to learn quite quickly that his species wasn't meant for the cold, and instead were made for a savannah based environment. Tall grass that their pelt could help them hide in. Dry areas. Not something like Snowbound which one would think wouldn't be able to have any kind of serval in it. However, over the months that he had been alive, Killua had been through many different enviornments that made his fur grow in different lengths. Spending most of his time in cold environments recently meant that his fur was able to grow longer than it should have been. The assassin didn't have to worry about cold environments anyway out of consideration that he could change the temperature around him if he ever got that cold in the first place. Killua did have to be careful with some of his powers to make sure it didn't make him even colder than he already was as his powers sometimes worked on his emotions as well. Either way, the albino serval was almost perfectly at home in cold environments. Unless it was a freezing blizzard than he would most likely have difficulty in that regard. After the incident with London, Killua had been somewhat on high alert. No not really to protect others, because there was a possible chance that he would come across someone else that wanted to fight. He was technically a child, not even old enough to be considered that of a warrior, and yet he was more than willing to kill those that pissed him off.

Thanks to the sudden high security, the young male had made sure to put himself near borders. Hearing a voice he recognized and then one that he didn't, Killua began to make his way over toward where the sound was coming from. The albino serval constantly had his air elementals on which made it practically impossible to hear him moving as the elemental powers kept his pawsteps muffled, and then he used it so that he gave off no sort of scent, manipulating all of the air around his body. Keeping to the high ground like he almost always did, Killua would leap from branch to branch in the trees until he arrived on the scene. Noticing the puppy had already come into contact with the wildcat that was on the border. A sand cat? He hadn't seen one of those before. They were fairly small, although a bit bigger than that of a domestic cat. Serval's easily dwarfed them in size, but this one was a bit older than he was. Not like it mattered. The assassin laid himself down on the branch, his pelt blending in perfectly with the snow-covered branch. Raising one of his paws, he conjured a lollipop that he was quick to stick into his mouth. The scent of candy soon starting to filter through the area. His sapphire blue eyes did turn to look at the raven though that had joined in the fight to try and protect London. "Shouldn't you be resting?" The assassin stated calmly toward Cry, although his tone was fairly monotone. The could answer but she probably wouldn't anyway. After all, she had never answered his question about whatever the hell she wrote in the snow that day. He flicked one of his ears as he turned to look at the unknown female at the border. "I would have assumed you'd be shivering from the cold by now." Killua said in a bored tone as he stared at the other, his long metal claws sinking into the branch to make sure he didn't end up falling off back into the snow.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
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